

  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I want to join please!! I live off campus this year, so I thankfully don't have to deal with the cafeteria food! But I think it's easier to fall off track here because I always have food, compared to last year on campus I'd have to go to the caf!
  • albragg
    albragg Posts: 55
    I'm in too! I actually lost the "freshmen fifteen" but then gained it back over the summer... Yikes. In finals week now, can't wait for spring break!
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    @albragg- i lost the freshman 15 too and gained it back over summer :(( i'm back on track to lose it again before summer haha but i am having a lot more trouble re-losing the weight. i just want to see the results faster! which is my problem..when i dont see the results, i get discouraged and go back into my bad eating habits
  • silvergrace
    Weight gain...alllll from studying and trying to not fall asleep from all the boring material you have to read! How am i going to lose weight and study? all i do is sit and eat. but, since i've joined MFP at least i'm more mindful of what i'm eating and how many calories i'm consuming in a day.
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    ok so for this group do you guys want to track progress made each week?? I'll make a table with everyone's start weight and we can weigh in weekly if you guys want. Which day works for everone? Want to start on Sunday with our weigh ins? and every week post what we are that Sunday and I'll keep track?

    How about on Sunday everyone puts their starting weight and goal weight.. how many weeks are we thinking? til summer\? we can just say 8 weeks!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    ok so for this group do you guys want to track progress made each week?? I'll make a table with everyone's start weight and we can weigh in weekly if you guys want. Which day works for everone? Want to start on Sunday with our weigh ins? and every week post what we are that Sunday and I'll keep track?

    How about on Sunday everyone puts their starting weight and goal weight.. how many weeks are we thinking? til summer\? we can just say 8 weeks!

    I like 8 weeks! I'm in another group, but we weigh in on Wednesdays, but I can weigh in any day really.
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Id love to join too :) Im in my second year...off campus aswell so at least I walk in and out everyday! I actually kinda eat better when im in college than I do at home. How do ye guys balance the healthy eating with the going out and drinking?? Since I started MFP ive pretty much been avoiding drinking at all..what about ye?

    How about mini weekly challenges aswell to keep us focused? :flowerforyou:
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    that's a good idea!! Do you mean like little drink 10 glasses of water a day as a mini weekly challenge? or maybe exercising 60 minutes every day? or no late night snacking? stuff like that? I agree with you on eating better at school than at home. At home, I tend to binge at night actually, which is so unhealthy and is a really big problem i struggle with.I havent drank really either. I'd rather eat my calories than drink them haha but any ideas on mini weekly challenges??
  • lilybean17
    lilybean17 Posts: 31 Member
    Ooh I like the mini challenges idea, that'll make me actually have something to work towards short term. And I'm in for weighing in weekly, any day really works for me.

    RE drinking your calories-I'm having trouble with this too! I've been trying to avoid those nights where you have a few drinks but don't really get drunk-instead I'm trying to save my alcohol consumption for nights that it'll actually be like a drunk night (haha wow that sounds kinda awful, but hey that's college sometimes, right?).

    Something I have trouble with-snacking while doing homework! I do it mindlessly and I don't think that's going away, gotta get healthier snacks!
    I'm not 21 yet so I am glad I dont have to deal with that yet :) Not for another 1.5 months anyways.
    my problem is that my major requires A LOT of projects, so I spend really late nights in the studio working, plus I have a part time job at a fast food place.
  • Gtg329x
    Gtg329x Posts: 6 Member
    Hey would you guys mind if I joined your group?

    Current weight 128
    Mini Goal 1: 122 by 4/15/11
    Mini Goal 2: 120 by 5/15/11
    Goal Weight 118
    I'll weigh in every Wednesday.
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Yeah exactly, just small things that will keep you on track during the week! Like maybe with the exercise we might have to log a certain amount by the end of the week? This week my mini challenge was to log at least 100minutes of exercise...Ive gone way over that though cos im at home this week so trying extra hard!:bigsmile:
    Thats a good way of dealing with the whole drink side of things. I hate wasting my money on drink and then ending up not even going out or it being a crappy night...like what was the point then ha!

    Feel free to add me aswell...would love to have some friends of similar age and situation :flowerforyou:
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    ok every one that want to be in this group please post your starting weight and your goal weight for the next 8 weeks. weigh ins will be on wednesday so we will start for sure on wednesday, 3/23/2011 and ending 8 weeks later on 5/18/2011! ahh im excited! please by wednesday send me your start weight :)))) and the first mini weekly goal can be to exercise 200 minutes that week! :)
  • kristen3112
    Im in. I am going to school fulltime, work full time, and a single mom full time so my life can be prettty busy. After shopping around for a birthday dress I realized many clothes dont fit me anymore. I dont want my daughter to be 5 years old and say " I need to lose the baby weight:" I am up for the challenge. I will admit I am the worst dieter but with motivation I think that it will hlelp me in the long run.
  • kristen3112
    okay starting weight is 172 lbs
    Goal weight for 5/18/2011- 150 lbs

    final goal- 130 lbs
  • seemae
    seemae Posts: 38
    I'm new but this group sounds like a perfect fit.

    Starting weight - 169.8lbs
    Goal weight for 5/18 - 153lbs

    I'd love for it to be more but trying to be realistic here c: Would you like us to message you with our weights for starting weight/weigh ins?
    I will admit I am the worst dieter but with motivation I think that it will hlelp me in the long run.

    ahh, I hear you. I like snacks and junk way too much D: plus I'm a terrible late night snacker.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Sounds super awesome!

    CW: 186
    GW (for 8 weeks): 178
    Final goal: 150 (but that's wayyy in the future)

    I know that may not seem like a lot to any of you, but I have a lot of medical issues and take a ton of meds that all cause weight gain, so ANY drop is a FANTASTIC thing. :-D
    ok every one that want to be in this group please post your starting weight and your goal weight for the next 8 weeks. weigh ins will be on wednesday so we will start for sure on wednesday, 3/23/2011 and ending 8 weeks later on 5/18/2011! ahh im excited! please by wednesday send me your start weight :)))) and the first mini weekly goal can be to exercise 200 minutes that week! :)

    starting weight: 166.4
    goal weight: 155
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Right so here's my start weight

    SW - 179lbs
    CW - 172.8lbs
    Goal in 8 weeks - 160lbs
    GW - 154lbs

    Good luck everyone! This should be fun :flowerforyou:
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    SW as of 3/20: 121

    GW: idk really. Until someone forces me to stop? Lol

    I'm going to Disneyland for a few days so 200 minutes of walking will be easy! :) let's do it girls!