Where are the men?!



  • peterc9
    peterc9 Posts: 10 Member
    hey don't let the motivation slip... you have to be consistent, maybe a little obsessed. For me the motivation got a boost when my old favorite clothes started fitting again... later i went down a shirt size. Feels so much better. Actually feel I have some control now.
  • bfh123
    bfh123 Posts: 33 Member
    I just joined last night, but Im here!
  • threechins
    threechins Posts: 35 Member
    I'm absolutely astounded at the response to my post, and all the friend requests (I think I've added you all, but prod me if I haven't).

    I think we should all head to the 'man cave' - whatever that is - and talk geo-politics. Or sport.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    I am one of these MAN's you speak of
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Dude, the NCAA Tournament is going on....be quite and watch the games....and pass the celery.
  • bikegeorge
    bikegeorge Posts: 19 Member
    All man here!
    Motivation comes from within, also from external sources be it male or female. Yes we are outnumbered, but hey that's just fine by me lol.
  • romanhokie
    romanhokie Posts: 30 Member
    Plus guys typically have an issue with sending "friend requests" to other random guys. Guys bond over sports, junk food and beer, without those elements we are typically a bit clueless about how to go about making friends without it being at least a little awkward.

    You're absolutely and completely correct. However, some of my best friends are folks I've never met. (wait. That's either really cool, or really pathetic). LOL.
  • dlf0001
    dlf0001 Posts: 20 Member
    Thought I would chime in... My secretary's husband is using MFP as well... I need the motivation to introduce fitness into this lefestyle change... I have no issues with willpower when I put my mind to something, but, I have never been an "exercise nut"... I walked a few years back for about a year... I have a terrible shin splint in my left leg, so it was not enjoyable at all... I think I might like bike riding, but, I don't like those tight fitting clothes... (haha)
  • brian421
    brian421 Posts: 1
    I'm here - about 3 weeks in and about 15 lbs lighter. Feel better already. I have been through this before. Nearly 9 years ago I started dieting and went from 250+ to a lean 190, but alas after nearly 4 years of maintaining I lost focus and gained it all back and then some. Now it is time to regain focus. SW 270# My GW1 is 250# by Easter (almost there). GW2 240 # Memorial Day GW3 225# by B-day (July). After that I will re-adjust my future goals.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Thought I would chime in... My secretary's husband is using MFP as well... I need the motivation to introduce fitness into this lefestyle change... I have no issues with willpower when I put my mind to something, but, I have never been an "exercise nut"... I walked a few years back for about a year... I have a terrible shin splint in my left leg, so it was not enjoyable at all... I think I might like bike riding, but, I don't like those tight fitting clothes... (haha)

    Never worn any tight fitting clothes while biking:

    However, If you don't like exercise don't worry. You can lose a good amount of weight just focusing on nutrition. Believe me, I've been a heavy exercise nut for a long time. It wasn't until I put forth the effort to eat properly that I lost any weight.
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    Men, men, men, men, manly, men, men, men....

    This topic gave me a good laugh to see u all crawling out of the woodwork...lol

    Andddd...obviously made me think about the theme song from Two and a Half Men...hmmm..maybe jus a bit too much Charlie Sheen news lately?? *giggles*

  • dlf0001
    dlf0001 Posts: 20 Member
    Ha... I playoutsideinKS, don't be offering up fitness wear ideas... that's another excuse down the drain... of course the ultimate excuse is I have no bike....

    Good luck on your 100/100/100 goal...
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    of course the ultimate excuse is I have no bike....

    Got mine on Craig's List for $200. What's your next excuse? :wink:
  • dlf0001
    dlf0001 Posts: 20 Member
    I've only got $100????

  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    Welcome! from another guy mfper.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've only got $100????

    houston craigslist. TWO at the top...moving/garage sales that have exercise bikes for sale.

  • Gargoyle69
    Gargoyle69 Posts: 87 Member
    LOL a lot of my the men from my FL responded to this..shall I ask the rest?

    You know it girl! <sausage fest>
  • Another one here.. we are out numbered but we can makeup for it with results
  • jec2nd
    jec2nd Posts: 6 Member
    Just joined today. Dropping in....
  • I want to add that the reason you are out numbered is because men typically can get away with the spare tire and love handles and are not bothered by it. I think it's great that some men do give a damn about how they look. Also, I am not on here to check out the men, I'm happily married. :happy:
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