Tea and coffee



  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I basically quit drinking coffee because I only used it to make the creamer last longer ;-)

    I've been a big fan of green teas for the past few years but as of today I'm going to abstain for awhile and see if that might be what's interfering with my sleep. I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine, and there is a bit in there sooo... we'll see.
  • Amaris1973
    Amaris1973 Posts: 45 Member
    Yeah I guess it can vary so much with different people, I think with me I have had lots of flab and in the beginning the weight just melted off with just by being more sensible, I am guessing my next 15 pounds will be lot harder too and I really have to crack down more. But for me this is also about change of lifestyle as I know if I go back to my old habits after losing the weight, it will just pile back on. So I want to lose at steady pace, allowing myself some treats in there too to keep me going, if I didn't I would just end up giving up completely and I really don't want to do that.

    Yeah them coffee calories didnt seem right, I always add 250ml semi skimmed milk to my diary for the coffees, I have 4-8 cups per day. Pint of semi skimmed is 255 cals and pint of skimmed is 195 cals. I find I maybe use half pint on my cuppas.

    Oh and if you have white tea, it actually aids your weightloss and is full of antioxidants, and is not nearly as awfull as green tea. Mine is a blend which has some pineapple and jasmine to give it bit more flavour and it is gorgeous, and no milk needed!
  • hrlms
    hrlms Posts: 3
    Drink Crystal Light or some of the Trop50's are really good and a good subsitute for the real deal.
  • teasha43
    teasha43 Posts: 101
    I have the same issue. I use coffeemate in mine and quite a bit in ea cup so the calories do add up. I cut back on how many cups..but I just deal with the calories in my diet. I work around it. I am on 1200 per day and find that I can get pretty good quality food in at that level without being hungry. I do use whey protein in the AM and it really curbs a lot of unnecessary eating.
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