Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Still no scale :smile:
    Doing pretty good with food too. Yesterday by my day pattern was meant to be a bad day, but I pulled it in and stopped way short!!
    Only went over by a little bit and that included having a curry, with rice, naans and bhajis and 3 buns that I baked!!!!!!!!!
    I watched my portions and stopped when I got full and it felt good to be so much in control for once :smile:
    I also had 2 NSVs over the last two days which I'm going to post about shortly :happy:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I must confess, that I am a sinner! I made it 9 days & I stepped on it this morning. However - I had GREAT news 3.2lbs gone in 9 days! SO....gives me the motivation I needed to get back on this & stay away from the scale! Made me realize that what I"ve been doing is working & I know I can stick to this. I haven't read all the other posts yet, but will catch up later this weekend! I hope everyone else is doing awesome!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I've been doing pretty good so far not thinking much about the scale. But Friday is my normal weigh-day, and yesterday I was just obsessed with weighing myself. I didn't do it, but I thought about it all day. Every time I saw that unchanging "12 lbs lost" on my home page. Every time I saw one of my MFP friend's status update "...lost x pounds since her last weigh in..." Every time I looked at a calendar and realized it was Friday. Ugh...I kept counting down the days...how much longer until Easter? I think it's probably because I had 2 days in a row this week where I went out to dinner and ate and drank entirely too much.

    Anyway, as far as my Accountability Plan goes, my diary is open. I welcome any and all of you to comment any time...support is fine, but more than that, I need someone to call me out on my ****! I've been making too many excuses for myself!

    Also, my nephew came with me on my C25K run the other day and really pushed me. He held onto the timer and tricked me into running longer than I was supposed to...yay him! I'm dragging him along with me again tonight for one last run before his spring break is over and he heads back off to college.

    Taping a photo of the scale to the fridge would be BAD for me as usually I'm of the "out of sight, out of mind" mindset.

    And, a couple of days ago after eating out and ending up about 300 calories over my goal, I was making excuses for myself and one of my MFP friends reminded me that 30DS is ONLY about 20 minutes. Thanks to her, I did the Shred at 11pm, burned off a little of my indulgences, and felt just a bit less guilty!
  • I'm a sinner too :embarassed: . I just couldn't take it anymore and I got on the scale this morning. It was just stressing me out to much. I'm not a chronic weigher, as in multiple times a day. I usually only weigh in once a week. Good news is I lost 2 lbs . :bigsmile: Sorry to have let you all down! I wish you all much luck in sticking it out until Easter!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Argh all you sinners with your losses are making me want to weigh!!! :tongue:
    Way to go though, seriously :smile: I know you got on the scale but at least you've had a really good loss!!

    Still going strong here without the scale. Last night was pretty difficult for some reason though... It would have been disastrous to weigh last night too as I'd had some chips and chocolate fudge cake :embarassed:
    And this morning! I would put money on me being the same or a gain this morning!!
    I;m going to be AMAZING today :smile: I only got up at 15:51 lol But I'm off to make my OH a chicken sandwich and I'm going to have a beef salad with mozzarella and ever so light mayo. Then we'll probably have spicy chicken with rice later, to which I'll add lots of peppers :smile:
    So fingers crossed I actually stick with this plan!!!!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I REALLY wanted the scale this morning. Why is it every single time I have a NSV when it comes to fitness, I feel the need to immediately correlate that with a scale victory.

    Im kinda glad I dont have the the scale this morning. I FEEL thinner.. looking in the mirror I think I LOOK thinner.
    If I had the scale it would either correlate that --- or maybe it wouldnt and then my good mood and confidence would be wasted.

    So I am sticking with the thought that I AM thinner... with or without that scale!! :)
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    Still no scale here and no real desire to!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Sorry to see you go!! But woohoo to the 2 lb loss!!
    I'm a sinner too :embarassed: . I just couldn't take it anymore and I got on the scale this morning. It was just stressing me out to much. I'm not a chronic weigher, as in multiple times a day. I usually only weigh in once a week. Good news is I lost 2 lbs . :bigsmile: Sorry to have let you all down! I wish you all much luck in sticking it out until Easter!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    yay Jenn!!!
    Still no scale here and no real desire to!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    First off, congrats on going the distance (and further) with your C25K program!!! 2nd, I totaly know what you're saying about seeing all your friends weight loss and then seeing your own ticker just sitting there looking at you like, "um, hello, are we going to move any time soon??". It's frustrating to no end, but I am trying to focus on the fact that when I do weigh again and that ticker moves, it's gonna be a BIG move!!!
    I've been doing pretty good so far not thinking much about the scale. But Friday is my normal weigh-day, and yesterday I was just obsessed with weighing myself. I didn't do it, but I thought about it all day. Every time I saw that unchanging "12 lbs lost" on my home page. Every time I saw one of my MFP friend's status update "...lost x pounds since her last weigh in..." Every time I looked at a calendar and realized it was Friday. Ugh...I kept counting down the days...how much longer until Easter? I think it's probably because I had 2 days in a row this week where I went out to dinner and ate and drank entirely too much.

    Anyway, as far as my Accountability Plan goes, my diary is open. I welcome any and all of you to comment any time...support is fine, but more than that, I need someone to call me out on my ****! I've been making too many excuses for myself!

    Also, my nephew came with me on my C25K run the other day and really pushed me. He held onto the timer and tricked me into running longer than I was supposed to...yay him! I'm dragging him along with me again tonight for one last run before his spring break is over and he heads back off to college.

    Taping a photo of the scale to the fridge would be BAD for me as usually I'm of the "out of sight, out of mind" mindset.

    And, a couple of days ago after eating out and ending up about 300 calories over my goal, I was making excuses for myself and one of my MFP friends reminded me that 30DS is ONLY about 20 minutes. Thanks to her, I did the Shred at 11pm, burned off a little of my indulgences, and felt just a bit less guilty!
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    I don't have any huge desire to weigh in, but I've been doing pretty awful in the eating department all week, partly because I feel less accountable. :( I wasn't expecting that. I didn't think I needed those numbers and that they were only stressing me out, but I'm surprised to feel like they were really keeping me on track.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I think its so interesting to read about how some people feel less accountable and therefore are eating poorly and some are the complete opposite and find it MORE motivating without the scale. Crazy how different out mindset can be. I really hope things change for those of you having some issues - I LOVE it idea of puting a picture of the scale on the fridge!

    I am finding it TOTALLY freeing. I'm eating better and working out more. The weather is FINALLY perking up and I was able to go out wogging several times this week! Normally I use the "I live on a dirt road and its muddy" excuse to not go, but this week I wore my rain boots and carried my sneakers until I got to the end of the road. I then ditched the rainboots and hid them off to the side by the woods and took off :) Thankfully they were still there when I returned (although I don't know who would be stealing my super sexy red polka dot boots from the woods in the middle of no where Vermont! :laugh: )

    Anyway - I'm loving this no scale thing. I do have to admit that ticker is kinda taking the place of the scale.... just sitting there not moving. I took it out of my signature so I don't have to see it when I post, but its still there on my homepage. But you just wait you little ladybug....come easter you going to flying from the left to the right!!! :happy:
  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    Still no scale here and I'm not tempted but ONLY because I fear it will not be good to me. As usual. If I thought it would be good, I'd probably miss it like crazy. I am losing steam so fast. I NEED some motivation. MUST find motivation! Ugh. I feel like I'm sinking. But at least I have found my way to this site so I'm not too far gone yet.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    What kind of motivation can I offer you??? I will do what I can!! Feel free to friend request me if you'd like!
    Still no scale here and I'm not tempted but ONLY because I fear it will not be good to me. As usual. If I thought it would be good, I'd probably miss it like crazy. I am losing steam so fast. I NEED some motivation. MUST find motivation! Ugh. I feel like I'm sinking. But at least I have found my way to this site so I'm not too far gone yet.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I made it thru the weekend without getting back on that scale. I WILL do it this time! I started my first spin class on Saturday morning & WOW what a workout! Then after that I did a 5k on the treadmill. :bigsmile: :noway: :bigsmile: :noway: :bigsmile:

    I was out of town for all meals yesterday, but I think I did ok with my choices. I did steal some fries from my sister & a bite of my niece's pizza, but other than that I was good!

    I agree with the post about how its weird that without the scale some of us do amazing! Marnie & I were both the sinners that got on the scale but she lost 2 lbs & I lost 3.2 lbs. Goes to show that we KNOW what to do & don't need that scale to show us! So with that in mind....just USE your mind & make the best choices for you. That scale is just a number. Use your knowledge & then come Easter that scale will be the icing on the no fat no calorie cake! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    Can't believe its been a week and a half and NO SCALE!! clothes are fitting better!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Question for those of you with a heart rate monitor: How often do you update your weight on the watch? And now that we aren't weighing ourselves, if we don't update the user info on the watch, and we lose weight, won't the estimated calorie burn be inflated? I'm wondering because today I was trying on some old clothing and I realize that I've gone down at least a size in the last few weeks (yay!). I have no idea what that is in actual "poundage", but it's got to be something. How much difference does a few pounds actually make on the HRM? I rarely eat ALL of my exercise calories anyway, so I guess it doesn't make too much difference, but I was just wondering. Maybe I'll just decrease my weight on the watch by 5 lbs just in case?

    As an aside, the excitement of actually being able to fit into a few things that I tried on "just to see how far away I was" has got me thinking I don't need that damn scale anyway! :bigsmile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Question for those of you with a heart rate monitor: How often do you update your weight on the watch? And now that we aren't weighing ourselves, if we don't update the user info on the watch, and we lose weight, won't the estimated calorie burn be inflated? I'm wondering because today I was trying on some old clothing and I realize that I've gone down at least a size in the last few weeks (yay!). I have no idea what that is in actual "poundage", but it's got to be something. How much difference does a few pounds actually make on the HRM? I rarely eat ALL of my exercise calories anyway, so I guess it doesn't make too much difference, but I was just wondering. Maybe I'll just decrease my weight on the watch by 5 lbs just in case?

    As an aside, the excitement of actually being able to fit into a few things that I tried on "just to see how far away I was" has got me thinking I don't need that damn scale anyway! :bigsmile:

    There have been a few times that I forgot to update my HRM. One time it was about 20 lbs! :noway: Anyway - I only update mine every few months. I would just update it to your last official weigh in & its not really going to show that much of a difference. I think you will be fine.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Still no scale. Been a little bad today but not gone over my calories massively.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Good call with the question about the HRM. I actually don't know if I would have thought of that. But I agree that I don't think 10-15 lbs is going to make a huge dent in the number of calories burned, so I think you're safe until Easter. But if you feel better about decreasing it by 5 lbs, then I am all for that too! :D
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