outside running v treadmill running



  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    for me, running on the treadmill is much easier than running outside on pavement. I feel it is way tougher for me to get going when i try running outside. my legs just feel all heavy and for whatever reason, i just seem to have a harder time getting my legs to get moving..! maybe cause the treadmill is constantly moving under your feet, so it really helps keep you moving along? its def much easier for me though
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    I've heard that the major disadvantage to running on a treadmill is that it shortens your stride since you're limited by the belt. If you're trying to push harder and have longer, smoother strides (equalling faster times) then oustide is best! :)
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I can run just fine on the treadmil. Running outside is so hard for me. I just started the C25K and did day 1 on the treadmil and day 2 outside. I was in so much pain after running outside. I figure I need to get used to it!
  • Run outside. It all depends on Climate, terrain and undulation. If u run on treadmillthen the whole 2% incline thing quite real but that is in a perfect world. Treadmill is great for consistent running speed but it all depends on your running gape etc. If it is hotter or more humid outside then your heartrate will increase by up to 25%.... Likewise for running inside, therefore u may be rumming further than u think! Treadmill running will also increase your chance of injury, because there are no variances in your style or terrain, causing overuse injuries.. So please run outside whenever u can!!!!! Your joints will get used to the variances in terrain and u will feel better for it!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I mostly walk but I've been jogging past 5 months or so. 70% walking 30% jogging. I too prefer outside. as others stated treadmill is boring. my usual route I take for when I go outside has a track . I usually do about 2 miles combination of walk & jog. I then tackle 8 flights of stairs @ a parking garage building near the track as a cooldown. I prefer outside with the fresh air and sights over a stuffy boring gym
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I find tredmill alot easier. There is no "push" function when running on a tredmil like there is outside.


    Treadmill running is partly fake as the ground flees from underneath you it means that there is forward propulsion. When you run outdoors you need both upward and forward propulsion.

    Pure treadmill runners usually struggle to running outdoors, rather than vice versa.

    Furthermore, outddor running requires more core stability due to uneven camber, uneven ground etc.

    Then there is no wind resistance on the treadmill etc.


    If you get a stich on the treadmill, it's probably because you don't pace yourself as well as you might outside.

    A lot of people don't like treadmills due to the sheer boredom factors. I know if there were only treadmills, I probably would not run.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Hi Guys,

    A question for any wise runners out there; is running outside easier than treadmill running?

    I seem to be able to run for longer out side than i can on a treadmill. i always end up having a stitch on the treadmill and then having to walk for a bit! Where i live is kind of hilly with up and down bits and a few flat bits in between. So i figure it should be harder than the treadmill which is always set on an 1.5 incline.

    Thanks for reading, any advice readily accepted!


    I agree with you. I honestly think my problem is on the treadmill, I am constantly looking at my distance, speed, time left, distance left, etc. On the road, I'm taking in the scenery and enjoying it more, so I can run much longer without even noticing or thinking about it. I feel guilty if it's nice outside and I run on treadmill, so i try to run outside if possible, but if not the treadmill will do....
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I've only run on the treadmill once, and that was last week. I found it an interesting change from running outside (as I focused hard on not falling off and looking foolish!). I didn't find it too boring, but that may be partially because it was new, there was lots going on around me, a few games on tv, and listening to my iPod. I can see why it might get boring if you did it all the time, but for me it was a nice change of pace to the outside running, and definitely easier than having to run on some sidewalks, like I have to do around my neighborhood.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I had my first race today (Yay!) and while I typically run at very most 6mph on the treadmill (usually 5.5 feels best), I ran my first mile in 9:17, which is close to 6.7 mph. It was on hills, with a solid breeze, and pretty darn cold, but I didn't feel like I was really pushing myself, like I would if I tried 6.7 on the treadmill.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I read that in your blog post just a little while ago - outstanding job!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I miles prefer running outside. I can't bear exercising indoors. The main thing I love about running is the views and the variety and the feel of the air. I prefer off road running too.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    For me running on a treadmill is easier, the surface is softer and stays consistant to what I set in on (incline) when I run outside its on cement and the hills vary a lot some are soooo steep. I do enjoy outdoor running though more since the change of scenery is nice, the breeze and sounds, seeing other people etc.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm one of those weird people who only run on the treadmill. A while back I read that treadmill running is easier, so I always use at least a 1% incline to sort of counteract that.

    As the weather warms up a bit, I will probably start running outside more, and then I'll really see the difference for myself.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I can run at a more continuous fast pace on the treadmill. But I get bored out of my MIND and 'give up' quick. I set myself "oh I'll do 30 mins" then at 25, I figure the walk back to the apt. counts for 5 so I quit.

    When I run outside I go slower, a lot slower. I try harder, so, SO much harder! I run much farther, and run for a much longer amount of time. Usually anywhere from 50-70 minutes for a good run outside. That is way more than a measly 25 on the treadmill for me. I really love hearing the birds, the wind, the desert critters scurrying around, the cars driving past, seeing other runners and waving and cheering each other on.

    Any time I can (which is almost all days since the desert is perfect for outdoor activities) I will choose running outside compared to treadmill. It is MUCH harder for me, but much, much more satisfying.
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