Temporary weight gain explained



  • Hi,
    This is helping me a lot.Nice post..
  • Thanks for sharing. I have been on here for about 2 weeks and have been working out since Jan 1st. I started out at home and then joined a gym on the 13th. I added weight machines into my work out and even thought I managed to lose some I was a lil discouraged. I lost a lb and then gained 2 and now I'm down 2 lbs since I've been tracking on here. I am at a total loss of 10lbs. I am thrilled at that but still can't see a difference. Its a lil dishaertening. A friend of mine told me that at the begining of weight training you may gain or not lose as much cause your body retains water where the muscules were being used. Well I didn't believe her fully til now. I know she was rtrying to keep me motivated but I want to start seeing results. I just try and stay positive and focused on my goals. I want to be down 40lbs by June 1st!!! Thanks for sharing this!! I AM FOCUSED AND AM CONTINUING ON MY JOURNEY FOR A NEW ME!!!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
  • Ampierce
    Ampierce Posts: 53 Member
    Bump :bigsmile:
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'm experiencing this now since I've started strength training. I gained 2 lbs but I feel stronger than ever.
  • trolleydolly70
    trolleydolly70 Posts: 29 Member
    Explains a lot! :smile:
  • Thanks for posting this, I was really disappointed with my weight loss this week (my second week) with it being just slightly more than half a pound! I am no where near giving up, but I have been very careful about what I eat and I'm doing more exercise so I expected to see a better result.
    Oh well, I shall take what you said on board and hope for better things in the next couple of weeks!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
  • RoroyC
    RoroyC Posts: 2
    This helped me so much!

  • lynnecharles
    lynnecharles Posts: 3 Member
    Great information! finally an answer to questions of WTF?! LOL!!!!
  • kyley_ann
    kyley_ann Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you for sharing. This weekend I ride my bike 13 miles and I hiked a mountain; I knew I was at a big calorie deficit, but the scale this morning skewed a gain. I knew it must be temporary, but actually understanding the science of it really helps keep any sense of being discouraged in check! Thank you.
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    very useful information , thank you
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    I am relieved to see this. Working at a deficit, started using heavier weights a couple of weeks ago and this week there was a 1/2 lbs gain on the scales...was disappointed but now really relieved to find that there is an explanation. Thank you.
  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    Exactly what I needed to read today! Thanks for sharing!
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