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  • nicurn_05
    nicurn_05 Posts: 11 Member
    Name: Liz
    Starting Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 150
    Goal Weight: 135 (ultimately 125, but I don't honestly think my body can handle that..we'll see) In high school I was 115 at graduation and looking back at pictures I look sickly.
    Favorite thing about dieting: Seeing results
    Worst thing about dieting: Not seeing them as fast as I want!
    Favorite diet food: Salad, chicken
    Favorite thing about exercise: The way I feel afterwards
    Worst thing about exercise: Finding time and not getting bored
    Favorite exercise: Have yet to find one
    Most important thing about losing weight: I want to feel better about myself and literally just feel better instead of feeling bloated and huge all the time
    What made you decide to lose weight: After having my baby a year ago I wanted my body back, now that I"m down to my pre-pregnancy wt (+5 lbs), I want my tone back and to lose inches..
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: stick with it and remember to take it slowly. One pound at a time.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Name: Amy
    Starting Weight: 208
    Current Weight: 195
    Goal Weight: 135
    Favorite thing about dieting: The way I feel at the end of a good day!
    Worst thing about dieting: Trying to replace my favorite foods with healthy favorite foods
    Favorite diet food: Having a hard time with that one, so far its Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Cereal
    Favorite thing about exercise: The energy it gives me!
    Worst thing about exercise: How hard it is to find the time to do it!
    Favorite exercise: Walking
    Most important thing about losing weight: My health
    What made you decide to lose weight: My fathers untimely death at age 55 of a massive heart attack
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Do what works best for you and your body. We all have to do this at our own pace. Once you find your groove then it all falls into place!
