The start of the Two-a-Day workout challenge



  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member

    Oh thats an awful start to the morning. Especially when you forget something its like nothing is ever on time the whole day. hope the day gets better. but I do have to say that borrowing someone elses shoes (stranger) is true dedication KUDOS to you :o)

    LOL thanks! Yeah it took a bit of courage to ask the girl at the desk but thankfully she is super-friendly and she said said ppl do that all the time :) Still tho... not the most sanitary experience lmao.

    I've been trying to get an overnight locker at the gym, but they only allow a certain number of them since there is limited space :( Altho I'm number two on the waiting list yahoo!

    Oh tha tis good. I am thinking about doing the same. I am lucky where I live the gym here has lots of space I just havnt asked to purchase one. By the time I am done working out Im running out of the gym to get to class or anything else I have to get to..My day is def full.

    Its always nice to have friendly staff at the gym. It just helps put you in a better mood and makes your workouts that much better. Hopefully you do not feel rushed the whole day.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning All,
    Happy Pre-Friday and another day full of opportunity to honor ourselves and our commitments (despite whatever obstacles) I planned to get up at 4am and my dogs were even cooperating,lol, but i rolled over until 4:15. that may not sound like a big deal but in my world ever minute counts when I've got a 40 minute drive in to the office. I did Turbo Jam CP 2 - which was just awesome!! Got a 400 calorie but per the HRM. Got a long power- walk planned for after work. I did the tougher w/o in the morning because historically I am low energy by the time we get to Thurday night.
    I am feeling better everyday and stronger too!! Thanks my friends:heart:
    Sweet Sara J - You're my hero!! You had multiple reasons to say "oh, forget it!" But you didn't and that is such an inspiration to me!! WTG:drinker:
    HLRoberts: Good to see your consistent positive attitude matches your consistency in working out!!! Keep it up!!

    Make it an amazing day everyone; the choice is yours!

  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Wednesday 23rd – 8:30 AM C25k Week 1 (DONE) + Mid Jari Love 30 mins (DONE) + 3 – 4 PM 46 mins walk/jog intervals (DONE)

    I would have successfully jogged/walked/sprinted 15 miles today,I don't think I've ever done this consistently so I'm really feeling it,especially on strength training/circuit days,hmm contemplating on whether to cut it down to 3-4 times a week instead of this 6,but will see,next week I'm hitting the weights a little harder,by adding weighted squats,I wonder if this will strenghen my legs to continue running or make them so jelly I have to run less,waiting to

    Doing those will actually make you run stronger and more efficiently
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Got my bench work in last night and shoulders and arms this morning. Whew! I'm looking at Ab Ripper X tonight and maybe a little additioinal cardio.

    i love ab ripper...its works so stinking good. I wish P90x would come out with a better leg workout though (upper leg) ;o)
    Ditto. But someone told me that Chalean Extreme has pretty great leg w/o hoping to look at some of the dvds over the weekend, time permitted.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Thursday 3/24/11 - Got in two exercises this AM again. P90X arms and shoulders was my planned AM workout then I had to take my car in for service so I road my bike home which will replace my PM ride. Short ride but I averaged two mph faster than normal so that worked out. My wife just called and wants to do a "hill walk" together this evening so that will be something too. She is trying to ease back into exercise and I am walking with her to encourage her. Hope you are all doing well.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Thursday 3/24/11 - Got in two exercises this AM again. P90X arms and shoulders was my planned AM workout then I had to take my car in for service so I road my bike home which will replace my PM ride. Short ride but I averaged two mph faster than normal so that worked out. My wife just called and wants to do a "hill walk" together this evening so that will be something too. She is trying to ease back into exercise and I am walking with her to encourage her. Hope you are all doing well.

    That's great, it can take a lot of effort to get back into exercising if someone has been 'off' for a while, I'm sure having your encouragment helps a lot!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Got my bench work in last night and shoulders and arms this morning. Whew! I'm looking at Ab Ripper X tonight and maybe a little additioinal cardio.

    i love ab ripper...its works so stinking good. I wish P90x would come out with a better leg workout though (upper leg) ;o)
    Ditto. But someone told me that Chalean Extreme has pretty great leg w/o hoping to look at some of the dvds over the weekend, time permitted.

    Hmm I might have to look into that. Thank you!
  • Got P90X Kenpo in this morning. It's always a fun workout. My plans for an evening workout got derailed yesterday, however. I''ve got tennis tonight, so I'll have to find more time later this week to make it up. Everyone is doing great. Keep up the good work.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Thursday 3/24/11 - Got in two exercises this AM again. P90X arms and shoulders was my planned AM workout then I had to take my car in for service so I road my bike home which will replace my PM ride. Short ride but I averaged two mph faster than normal so that worked out. My wife just called and wants to do a "hill walk" together this evening so that will be something too. She is trying to ease back into exercise and I am walking with her to encourage her. Hope you are all doing well.

    That is awesome! Maybe you are inspiring her to go forth with it with you working out :o) Good job!
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    Good job everyone! Let's keep it up!

    Mon - am: 30 min jog [DONE] pm: p90x shoulders and arms/elliptical [DONE]

    Tues - am: p90x legs and back [DONE] pm: 45 mins elliptical [DONE]

    Wed - am: p90x core synergistics [DONE] pm: 45 mins elliptical [DONE]

    Thurs - am: p90x back & biceps [DONE] pm: 45 mins elliptical

    Fri - am: p90x legs and back pm: 45 mins elliptical

    Sat - am: p90x kenpo x pm: 45 mins elliptical

    Sun - 30 minute jog
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Sunday (3.20) DONE!!
    Monday (3.21) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Tuesday (3.22) AM-DONE!! PM-?? (no time, long DR appointment)
    Wednesday (3.23) AM-DONE!! PM-??
    Thursday (3.24) AM-?? PM-??
    Friday (3.25) AM-?? PM-??
    Saturday (3.26) AM-?? PM-??
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Thursday 24th – 8:30 AM C25k Week 1(DONE) + 3-4PM 45 minutes walk/jog intervals(DONE)

    @FitPhysique: Really? Ok I'm going to roll on with the heavy squats then! :D

    @Everyone: Good work with the exercise,keep it up! :D
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Alright, so I have not been sticking to the two-a-day workouts. I need to establish a better schedule. Any suggestions?
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Alright, so I have not been sticking to the two-a-day workouts. I need to establish a better schedule. Any suggestions?

    Hmm, Well first I would ask, what is your barrier? Is too hard to get up early, is the gym too far away, what reasons are you telling yourself for not doing it?
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Been good so far! Monday, Run and kickboxing. Tuesday, Yoga and weights. Wednesday, Bike ride and run. Today, circuit training class and a run, hopefully! Tomorrow will be my easy day, with only one workout, then Saturday is a run and a ride again. Good week!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Alright, so I have not been sticking to the two-a-day workouts. I need to establish a better schedule. Any suggestions?

    Hmm, Well first I would ask, what is your barrier? Is too hard to get up early, is the gym too far away, what reasons are you telling yourself for not doing it?

    I agree...I am not able to wake up earlier than going to work and so I usually do both of my workouts in the afternoone usualy with liek a 2-3 hour break in between. You need need to ask what is going to work for you.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I’m so proud of all of you. We have all been doing so well . Even though I have not posted my # on this tread but I have been diligently keeping up with the challenge. Hope everyone’s day is going well

    Monday AM: P90X Chest Shoulders & Triceps + Ab Ripper X
    PM: Insanity Fit Test + Elliptical (30mins Hill training)

    Tuesday AM:Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit
    PM: P90X Cardio X + Elliptical (30mins Interval Training)

    Wed AM: Insanity Cardio Strength + 10 mins Walk @ 6% incline 3.4 speed
    PM: Back and Biceps + Ab Ripper X, Elliptical (45mins Weight Loss Interval)

    Thur AM: Insanity Cardio Recovery + 12mins Walk @ 6% incline 3.4 Speed
    PM: Treadmill 3 mile Walk at 4-6% incline + Not Sure but some of Yoga X

    Fri AM:
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Whew! I'm almost too tired to post after reading FitPhysique's schedule. ;-> I had kind of a light day even for me: Lunchtime=40 minute walk, PM=28 minutes Supreme 90 Day Legs & 22 minutes Transfirm Your Troublezones Express Kettlebell.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Thursday: am 4 mile run. P90X ab ripper and yoga pm (swim scheduled but my back is KILLING me after I pulled it on the run this am)..Tomorrow I now have to run, bike and swim
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    AM: Legs and Abs
    PM: I wanted to do a more intense workout, but a sore back meant I just did some easy calisthenics. Glad I did something though!
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