The start of the Two-a-Day workout challenge



  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Hey all! I would love to join your challenge! I weight train in the mornings and was debating adding cardio in the afternoons, having some people to be accountable to would help a lot! Here is my plan:

    (X) Monday AM: Weight training: Chest and Back
    (X) Tuesdsay AM: Weight training: Legs and Glutes
    ( ) Tuesday PM: Intervals (Treadmill)
    ( ) Wednesday AM: WT: Chest & Shoulders
    ( ) Wednesday PM: TTapp Total workout video
    ( ) Thursday AM: WT: Legs and Abs
    ( ) Thursday PM: TTapp Total workout video
    ( ) Friday AM: Chest and Back
    ( ) Friday PM: Intervals (treadmill)
    ( ) Saturday AM: Legs, Glutes, Abs
    ( ) Saturday PM: Cardio Kickboxing video
    ( ) Sunday AM: Chest, Back, Shoulders
    ( ) Sunday PM: Cardio kick boxing video

    Awesome! yeah the more the merrier! It def has helped me because when I dont feel like getting up in teh morning i remember that everyon on this post is getting up and doign the workouts.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Is it too late to join this two-a-days fiesta? I've been working out with P90 and P90X for about a year and have plateaued at 170 lbs. I'm doing a modified version of two-a-days, but I'd love to crank it up to daily if I will get me off of this plateau.

    This A.M. Cardio X / PM bench press
    Wed A.M. Shoulders, bicepts and tricepts/ PM Cario X and Ab Ripper X
    Thur A.M. Kenpo X / PM Tennis
    Fri A.M. Chest, shoulders and tricepts/

    That's all I've got scheduled so far.

    Awesome its never too late to join all of us in the challenge. It just helps motivate people to wake up and do the workouts twice a day :o)
  • beejae1956
    beejae1956 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All
    Please count me in, I need accountability.

  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi All
    Please count me in, I need accountability.


    awesome!! :o)
  • beejae1956
    beejae1956 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All
    This is my schedule for the week, and I am glad I got off the couch on Sunday, even though I did not
    know about the Challenge. Let's work hard Ladies!!!!!!!

    Sunday- 2mile run/walk/Zumba
    Mon- Body pump 1hr/30 min Zumba
    Tues- 30 min Zumba/2 mile Racewalk
    Wed- 30 min Zumba/Body Combat Session 1hr
    Thurs- 30 min Zumba/3 mile Racewalk
    Fri- 1 hr Spin class/2 mile walk
    Sat- 2 mile walk/60 min Tae Bo
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Those of you doing ChaLean Extreme, I'd love some details on it. I've seen the infomercials, and I have the old school 'Turbo Jam', which is my main source of cardio and strength training. Considering ChaLean Extreme or Turbo Fire...or both :)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi All
    This is my schedule for the week, and I am glad I got off the couch on Sunday, even though I did not
    know about the Challenge. Let's work hard Ladies!!!!!!!

    Sunday- 2mile run/walk/Zumba
    Mon- Body pump 1hr/30 min Zumba
    Tues- 30 min Zumba/2 mile Racewalk
    Wed- 30 min Zumba/Body Combat Session 1hr
    Thurs- 30 min Zumba/3 mile Racewalk
    Fri- 1 hr Spin class/2 mile walk
    Sat- 2 mile walk/60 min Tae Bo

    I am taking a zumba class this friday do you love it? If I like it they have a 5:15 AM class Mon Wed Fri so I could mix it up in the AM
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Okay, I'm in for this as well.

    Yesterday: Kickboxing and 3 miles run.
    Today: Yoga and Upper body weights
    Tomorrow: AM Trainer Bike ride, Lunchtime run
    Thursday: Lunchtime run, afternoon Circuit training class
    Friday: AM Trainer ride, Lunchtime full body weights
    Saturday: Run and bike ride.

    I hope. :)
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Tuesday – 8:30 AM C25k Week 1 (DONE) + 3-4 PM 46 minutes walk/jog intervals (DONE)
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    Is it too late to join? I would LOVE to partake!

    My current workout routine for the past week or so has been:
    60 min Zumba
    30 min 30 Day Shred
    30 min Pilates
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Is it too late to join? I would LOVE to partake!

    My current workout routine for the past week or so has been:
    60 min Zumba
    30 min 30 Day Shred
    30 min Pilates

    No its not too late. Just make out the plan that you are going to do and then just stick to it...we will keep posting on here and watch everyone progression. I plan on doing two a days 5-6 days a week for 3 weeks and then I might cut it down to 3-4 days a week doing two a days....All depending where I am at in 3 weeks. Time will tell.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    I'm in!!

    My work out plan for this week:

    Sunday/Saturday-30 Day Shred
    Monday/Wednesday/Friday-30 Day Shred (AM) 30 minutes Tae Bo (PM)
    Tuesday/Thursday-30 Day Shred (AM) Shred It With Weights (PM)

    Sunday (3.20) DONE!!
    Monday (3.21) AM-DONE!! PM-DONE!!
    Tuesday (3.22) AM-DONE!! PM-??
    Wednesday (3.23) AM-?? PM-??
    Thursday (3.24) AM-?? PM-??
    Friday (3.25) AM-?? PM-??
    Saturday (3.26) AM-?? PM-??
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey there all you two a day-ers!!!
    I saw this on the boards a couple of days ago and was trying to psych myself up for the challenge:noway: I used to do 2 - days but then stopped, quit smoking and started rewarding myself and low and behold my weight has crept back up. Haven't gained it all back but my goodness , I need some encouragement and accountablilty. You all look like a motivated bunch and you all are pullling from so many different resources - i want to be a part of this!!
    My plan involves: TurboJam/TurboFire,Leslie Sansone/treadmill or outdoor walking, FIRM w/ weights, 30DS, and Zumba,. I am committed to walking and TJ - the rest is thrown in to keep from getting stagnant and will add as I go. Ideally would like to stick to TJ + walking for 30 days, FIRM + walking for 30 days, 30DS + walking for 30 days and Zumba + walking for 30 days.
    3/22: AM 30min treadmill PM: TJ 20 + Ab Jam

    So beginning with my beloved TJ and walking for the next 30 days here we go!! AM w/o done - will report back after PM.
    :drinker: woohoo :drinker: I'm excited!!

    It feels so good to feel hopeful and excited about working out again ~ Thanks everybody:heart:
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    Great! Can't wait to get started!
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    Here are my workout goals for the week:

    AM Workout -30 Day Shred: Level 2 & 30 minutes of Pilates
    PM Workout- 60 minutes of Zumba & Ab DVD (15 minutes)

    Wednesday: (I'm in class from 9am-8pm on Wednesdays, plus homework time so these typically are my 1-a-day days)
    30 Day Shred: Level 2 & HOPEFULLY 60 minutes of Zumba

    AM Workout -30 Day Shred: Level 2 & 30 minutes of Pilates
    PM Workout- 60 minutes of Zumba & Ab DVD (15 minutes)

    AM Workout- 2 mile jog
    PM Workout- 60 minutes of Zumba & Ab DVD (15 minutes)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Hey there all you two a day-ers!!!
    I saw this on the boards a couple of days ago and was trying to psych myself up for the challenge:noway: I used to do 2 - days but then stopped, quit smoking and started rewarding myself and low and behold my weight has crept back up. Haven't gained it all back but my goodness , I need some encouragement and accountablilty. You all look like a motivated bunch and you all are pullling from so many different resources - i want to be a part of this!!
    My plan involves: TurboJam/TurboFire,Leslie Sansone/treadmill or outdoor walking, FIRM w/ weights, 30DS, and Zumba,. I am committed to walking and TJ - the rest is thrown in to keep from getting stagnant and will add as I go. Ideally would like to stick to TJ + walking for 30 days, FIRM + walking for 30 days, 30DS + walking for 30 days and Zumba + walking for 30 days.
    3/22: AM 30min treadmill PM: TJ 20 + Ab Jam

    So beginning with my beloved TJ and walking for the next 30 days here we go!! AM w/o done - will report back after PM.
    :drinker: woohoo :drinker: I'm excited!!

    It feels so good to feel hopeful and excited about working out again ~ Thanks everybody:heart:

    Awesome I am so glad you decided to join all of us in this. I really think that its going to be a good thing. If you ever need motivation or anythign like that we are all here doin the exact same thing :o) We are all here to help motivate each other to push through wake up and workout :o)
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I've been doing two-a-days on my own, now in my third week. Congrats to everyone making the commitment! I salute you all! My wife thinks that I am nuts but now I can point to a whole community of others doing it, mostly gals. Thanks! My current plan is...

    Monday AM Trail run 3 miles, PM road bike 45 minutes
    Tuesday AM P90X Chest and Back, PM road bike 45 minutes
    Wednesday AM Trail run 3 miles, PM road bike 45 minutes
    Thursday AM P90X Arms and Shoulders, PM road bike 45 minutes
    Friday AM Trail run 3 miles, PM road bike 1 - 2 hours
    Saturday AM P90X Legs and Back, PM road bike however long I want to
    Sunday Off!

    I don't actually road bike six days a week. Weather never allows it and the afternoon workout is also frequently challenged by work or other obligations. But I sometimes get in a ride in the AM, so it all works out. Cycling is great aerobic exercise! As the weather improves and allows I may switch to riding in the AM and strength training PM. Good luck to all!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Wed 3/22. Ran 4 miles on the am and swam 1000 yds pm
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Walked 2 miles today so far...for my second workout, I don't know
  • catycee1
    catycee1 Posts: 29 Member
    Day 2 - I must say I'm starting to push myself a little more, I tried the 10minute solution best belly blaster and the shape up. Sometimes I feel as if I don't work my sides enough so I like the Bikini belly, and doing that for 10min makes me feel like I'm doing something. on the shape up I just did the kickboxing since I didn't go to class today, It was ok since it was my first time doing this DVD, I did these two after doing JM shred, so I was tired. but after a decent dinner I'm starting to feel human again.

    Question, how do you handle weight gain dong that special time of month? I feel more hungry now then ever! I have been drinkning water,