Biggest Loser- Anyone ever wonder this? *Girls*

neelia Posts: 750 Member
edited September 25 in Chit-Chat
Am I the only one who wonders how much Aunt Flow (aka TOM) effects the weight loss results each week for the females? I mean, surely they have a period, right? TOM definitely effects my weight loss stats so I'm wondering if it does for them, too.

Food for thought...


  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    I have ALWAYS wondered this!!!
  • I wonder with the amount of exercise they are doing if they stop having periods like other female athletes...
  • peachyolives
    peachyolives Posts: 46 Member
    Agreed, I think about this during the weigh ins...when a girl has a bad week, sometimes I think that could be part of the reason. Because my weight definitely goes up at least 2-3 pounds right before then.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I assumed that with the drastic drop in caloric intake and the drastic increase in workouts that it would stop (at least at the beginning)
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Wow! Interesting, I never thought of this. :)
  • bheimbrock
    bheimbrock Posts: 100 Member
    Hmm, I actually never thought of that but it has to affect them. I know when "Shark Week" (As my lovely hubby refers to it!) shows up, my weight will fluctuate by 2-4 lbs because of the bloating and water weight.
  • jensdaily
    jensdaily Posts: 16
    I think so too! Although when I got close to my goal weight before, my periods had really slowed down and the weight I used to gain right before, wasn't happening anymore and they weren't as bothersome as they had been when I was they are now!
  • My mom and I talked about this last week. You would think they would actually say something about it. When a female only looses 2 pounds, they all get discouraged! That could be why! And they should celebrate ANY weight loss. That is one of the reasons the show drives me nuts! People are sad when only loosing 6 pounds in a week!!!!
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    I wonder with the amount of exercise they are doing if they stop having periods like other female athletes...

    Female athlete's usually stop having periods due to their body fat percentage, not intense exercise. Once your body fat percentage is a certain level (I think around 15% and lower) the period is greatly affected. The body knows that life wouldn't be supported with fat that low.
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    I wonder with the amount of exercise they are doing if they stop having periods like other female athletes...

    Probably not. The reason female athletes stop is the same reason that women with anorexia stop -- loss of the body fat below the minimum necessary to support the TOM cycle,
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Never thought about that...and it would be awful...although, I totally started my running journey on my heaviest flow day this month, it didn't kill me...:)
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    I have wondered. I find it amazing that not once in any season I've watched (I haven't watched them all) has a woman mentioned "this is my TOM" as if it doesn't exist in the producers' minds. I'm not suggesting it's an excuse we should lean on, but it is a fact in my life that during my TOM I hold on to a couple of pounds of water weight. Always makes for a great week the following week though. :)
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    you are assuming the weigh ins are actually weekly - they are not - they are least every 2 weeks
    also - the weight gain from TOM is water - that ridiculous last chance workout is basically one massive dehydration exercise - they "throw" a weight in by drinking water that day - really it`s not a good show
  • I went through basic training in the Army which I think was probably nowhere near as physically intense as the biggest loser is for obese people. All of the females I knew who were not previously athletic lost their periods for a few months. Add that to their already restricted diet , and I suspect that most of the women on biggest loser don't have normal menstrual cycles while competing on the show.
  • yuli23
    yuli23 Posts: 89 Member
    I was wondering that about yself today ... iknow tmi ...but my weight stayed the same ...and I pushed myself to do some light jogging itt didn't bother me like I thought it would ... but u are so right .... I never thought about that ... I guess working extra hard that week ...yet that might feel nasty if their TOM is heavy
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Agreed, I think about this during the weigh ins...when a girl has a bad week, sometimes I think that could be part of the reason. Because my weight definitely goes up at least 2-3 pounds right before then.

    I think the same thing. Hopefully someone is talking to them about this on the ranch so they know there is a reason for a bad week when Aunt Flow is visiting...or before she shows up. I wonder if they are on some type or birth control bill or something that only causes them to have a period a few times a year. A 3 month break from it is long enough to get through the show.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    you are assuming the weigh ins are actually weekly - they are not - they are least every 2 weeks
    also - the weight gain from TOM is water - that ridiculous last chance workout is basically one massive dehydration exercise - they "throw" a weight in by drinking water that day - really it`s not a good show

    How do you know the weigh ins are every 2 weeks? They all say "this week was hard" or I only lost 2 lbs this week". I've never read or heard about the 2 week weigh in.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I can definitely see a change in my weight loss during TOM. I usually gain anywhere from 1 to 3 lbs during that time. I just remind myself during that time that I have probably lost, but TOM is getting in the way. It is water gain. Just remember that for the next weigh in. It is nice to see the big drop next weigh-in.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    you are assuming the weigh ins are actually weekly - they are not - they are least every 2 weeks
    also - the weight gain from TOM is water - that ridiculous last chance workout is basically one massive dehydration exercise - they "throw" a weight in by drinking water that day - really it`s not a good show

    How do you know the weigh ins are every 2 weeks? They all say "this week was hard" or I only lost 2 lbs this week". I've never read or heard about the 2 week weigh in.

    They aren't weekly, but they aren't always 2 weeks either. From what I've read, a "week" on the show could be anywhere from 5-14 days.

    I think they don't say anything because it makes for good TV. One week a girl will lose 1 lb and be sad then the following she'll lose 7. I think if you watch closely you can tell when their TOM comes!!
  • Trovan
    Trovan Posts: 133 Member
    I wish the guys on the show would quit having periods. ;-)
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