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I am NOT Dieting...



  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Yea, I run into the same thing all the time. People at work are always asking me what I'm doing to loose weight. Most are shocked and dismayed that I can't offer them a magic pill or some new version of the grapefruit diet. Many acknowledge that loosing weight is hard work but they make a gazillion excuses for why they can't do it. My favorite is "I just don't have time". I have to admit, that is the one phrase that just IRRITATES me. You always have time for what's important to you. You make time.

    I have come to the conclusion that misery loves company. Those people who give you a hard time about living a healthy lifestyle feel guilty when they're filling their plates with high calorie crap but don't have the disciplilne to make better choices. When you do, it illustrates their lack of willpower. They want the comfort of having everyone else in the same place they are. I don't think they do it maliciously, I don't even think they do it conciously. They just want to feel that they're ok, even though deep down, they know they're not.

    I'm happy to say though that my real friends and family are extremely supportive and even help me make good choices. My mom hides the candy when I come to visit now because she knows it's hard for me to pass it up, so she just removes temptation. My firends are great about choosing places to go out where I can stick to my healthy lifestyle and some excercise and eat right with me. That is sooooo great!
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    Yeah - it does get annoying hearing ...."Oh she's still on THAT diet" or "She won't eat x, y, z - cuz she's a health nut", etc.

    I also don't know how to respond to things like, "OMG you've lost a TON of weight!"
    What do you say? Yeah, I was a fat cow before - thanks for noticing. I just smile, and change the subject.

    I do find it amusing when people don't recognize me - and do a double take, then their mouth hits the floor. That's kind of funny to watch.

    I still eat my chocolate, bread, and occasional handful of potato chips (I perfer to bake my own) - it's all in moderation. I also try to be understanding of people who are oblivious to their unhealthy eating habits because I once was in denial too.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    I also try to be understanding of people who are oblivious to their unhealthy eating habits because I once was in denial too.

    Yep, me too.
    People have to make the decision to change on their own. It took me awhile, but when I finally made the realization that I am in control I started changing little things first. Then, all those efforts together have drastically changed many aspects of my life.

    It's all about a new lifestyle, to create a new YOU.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Most people mean well. They just dont know what to say, and yes I think some feel inadequate. I was THEM a few months ago, and I must remember I have tried and failed many times before, I could go back. So I watch my mouth cuz you know that can come back to bite cha in the tushie.
    I just dont get why we are nutty for being healthy! I hate being called a health nut.

    Last night I ate 3 buffalo wings. Sauce, blue cheese and ALL. They were yucky, yummy, and I wont tell you what they are doing to me today.

    The point is, I fit them into my daily schedule. I wanted them, I ate them. I also had a huge salad with a bunch of veggies....mmmmmmmmmmmm and lots of water.
  • Most people mean well. They just dont know what to say, and yes I think some feel inadequate. I was THEM a few months ago, and I must remember I have tried and failed many times before, I could go back. So I watch my mouth cuz you know that can come back to bite cha in the tushie.
    I just dont get why we are nutty for being healthy! I hate being called a health nut.

    Last night I ate 3 buffalo wings. Sauce, blue cheese and ALL. They were yucky, yummy, and I wont tell you what they are doing to me today.

    The point is, I fit them into my daily schedule. I wanted them, I ate them. I also had a huge salad with a bunch of veggies....mmmmmmmmmmmm and lots of water.

    Exactly...its not like you have to drop everything and suck on a carrot stick for life...you just have to measure what you eat and keep tabs to make sure you make up for it (with exercise or cutting back on other goodies)

    in my case I have just realized that there is no way to win with most people...I love to eat raw veggies...my coworkers tell me that is not a meal...if i bring in KFC (Crispy strips, diet soda, substitute the fries for mashed potatoes or corn..much more filling than those little satan-sticks :laugh: ) then they tell me I only eat junk food...but everybody has noticed I lost a few pounds! Now they think i have financial issues because I eat less (seriously! a co-worker offered to buy me breakfast today...she said she had seen me eat a special-k bar and an orange and thought I was short of money and couldnt buy "filling" food...go figure)

    there is a lot to be said about people not wanting to change...one of my closest friends is about 15-20 lbs bigger than me and when I suggested we join a gym she said "Im not going to go look ridiculous in front of a bunch of skinny people...they can laugh with something else"...when i asked other friends they turned me down as well...I didnt want to go alone :blushing: so I eventually invested in the equipment for my home.

    I have recomended the page before and got the answer about not wanting to log calories and about how that takes up time...it hasnt set me back at all...I kind of like it...you learn a lot in the process

    Im glad I found this page...you guys really keep me going :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    ceedee do ya need a few bucks??? have a sammich girl!!:laugh:
  • ceedee do ya need a few bucks??? have a sammich girl!!:laugh:

    My co-workers are seriously worrying me...
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • seriously the word diet does not bother me. Eating less calories in an attempt to lose weight is a diet, so I have no problem admitting I am on one. I think people see it as a bad word but it really is less scary then it seems. and also don't worry about people being jealous, everyone has been there. I am sometimes jealous seeing my friends eat a nice batch of onion rings or a dessert at dinner lol.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks for posting this thread. I have had this happen as well - people keeping asking what I'm doing, like it's some kind of secret. Exercising regularly and eating healthier? Their faces fall. That's not the answer they were looking for.

    I think everyone just has to come to the realization on their own - that there are no quick fixes, no magic pills, it's "garbage in, garbage out", and that everyone have the power to change. I have to focus on some other things in my life right now, so I've given myself permission not to lose any more weight for the next few months. I'm still going to be eating healthy, and working out - but I'm not going to be focusing on 'making progress'. I am looking at these next few months as a test drive for how well I have solidified my habits. And I'm not worried - because I know that I am in control now. It's in my power. But that's not the sort of thing that somebody else can tell you.
  • I have found recently that a lot of people come up to me and ask me what diet I am on.

    When I tell them I am not on a diet, they smirk. Suuuuurre.

    I tell them I am eating a healthy balanced diet full of veggies and fruits and lean proteins.
    Exercise 3 x a week and lift weights 3 x a week.
    I lose 1 pound every 10 days.
    And I log everything in MFP> Use this site for support.

    Some of the comments people say:

    Geez, only 1 pound in 10 days, I was on this diet where I lost a bizzilion lbs in 1 week!
    Yeah, but what are you taking?????
    Oh I cant eat veggies!
    Oh I cant drink water all day!
    Oh I cant go without my bread!
    I cant exercise my (put in ailment) will act up!

    I tell them:
    The diet you were on worked so well you are now 50 instead of 30 pounds overweight.
    I am not on any drugs
    I hated veggies and fruits when I started, now I seek them out, crave them.
    Maybe you will get cardio in when you go to the bathroom all day. You have no problem taking those 10 ciggie breaks.
    I didnt give up anything. A peice of bread doesnt own me anymore.
    I have a severe neck injury which effects my entire back. It is BETTER from losing weight and exercise

    Ok then, stay the way you are! Why ask me if you have no intention of listening?
    I then tell them about this site, write it down, and ask them to look around. There are fantastic ppl here who have lost 20-50-125 pounds....no drugs....eating their freakin veggies and exercising.

    Have any of you encountered this type of behavior? Why cant they just stop at "You look AMAZING!!" LOL


    This is a great post, arewethere yet:flowerforyou:

    I can only say the ppl who are here had their reasons for making this commitment to a lifestyle change, but those other ppl say the things they say , not to hurt you, but because underneath they envy you and feel they need to make excuses for why they can't do it, too. They will when they're ready b/c you gave them this website info.

    I feel I have to add a few things about this topic.
    I do not suck on a carrot or eat those :grumble: :grumble: veggies. It took a while for me to change my relationship to food, to my other half, and to myself. It also took me awhile to figure out that I had to get off my butt and get in the kitchen to cook my own food( my other half was a cook in a steak house and he did all the shopping and cooking). I had to figure out what to eat without waiting for him to cook. I use the exchange lists available from ADA, and I did get lots of good foods tips here at MFP. I actually began to LIKE foods I would not even look at before!

    Has anyone had this experience? your relationships with ppl who you thought were loved ones or friends brought home a sub sandwich for you? Even my relationship with my other-half has changed.
    But I will wait and see what happens with me and him.

    OBOY, this thread got me going.
    Well,Be Well to all of you and have a Good Night

    PS: I did my walk today and came home, and had a snack;
    1/2 cup Turkey Hill frozen yogurt, fat free
    1Tbs Smuckers chocolate syrup
    2Tbs Reddi Whip (from the can)

    Of Course it was ppl like you and Shore, and All who welcomed me and were there for me with the support to keep me going.

    So here's to you:drinker: and CHEERS

  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    This is so true Arewethereyet.

    When poeple see me now that haven't seen me in a while, they always ask what kind of diet I did (that is after they say I look GREAT). I always say the same thing. I'm not on a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I eat right, cut out the soda & alcohol, added lots of water, and exercise almost every day.

    Was this new lifestyle easy for me? Not at all. It took quite a while for me to stop my bad habits and create my new, healthier habits. I used to eat almost every night at my parents house & ate whatever my mom cooked. When I really got serious, I finally had to stop eating over there, & stop eating out as often, (there was a time we were eating out 4 to 5 nights a week) and started cooking my meals at home.

    I am so happy with my new lifestyle. I hope I never see the 'old' me or my old habits again. :bigsmile:
  • sheyna
    sheyna Posts: 9
    Wow, this topic is SO striking a cord with me!
    I've lost about 30 pounds over the past few years and now I'm 143 pounds and 5'10, so an average healthy weight and I'm tall so I look pretty thin and people always say I can eat whatever I want, it makes me SO MAD!
    The funniest thing is when people who are chubby and eat fast food and chocolate bars all day offer me junk food and say then line "oh don't worry, you obviously don't gain weight" or something like that. I find it so funny because one cheat day for me, usually equals at least 1-2 extra pounds on the scale the next day, whereas that's just a normal day for them and their body is used to it and they don't gain as drastically from eating that food so in reality, they are the ones who won't gain weight from it.

    People are so weird....

    Oh and the worst is when I say I'm going to the gym and some psycho says "you're skinny you don't need to work out" .... ummmm excuse me??? Have you heard of something called a HEART?? You need to exercise no matter what size you are!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sheyna- that is so true. There is a girl I know who is 50ish and always been rail thin.she is the sweetest girl you could ever want to know. She is under 100 and 5'5" or so. So many years I have heard ppl say to her...oh you can eat anything, you are so lucky.

    She had a heart attack last year. Turns out skinny doesnt equal healthy.

    She now lifts weights and works out, and seems to be doing fine.

    So keep on keepin on. :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have found recently that a lot of people come up to me and ask me what diet I am on.

    When I tell them I am not on a diet, they smirk. Suuuuurre.

    I tell them I am eating a healthy balanced diet full of veggies and fruits and lean proteins.
    Exercise 3 x a week and lift weights 3 x a week.
    I lose 1 pound every 10 days.
    And I log everything in MFP> Use this site for support.

    Some of the comments people say:

    Geez, only 1 pound in 10 days, I was on this diet where I lost a bizzilion lbs in 1 week!
    Yeah, but what are you taking?????
    Oh I cant eat veggies!
    Oh I cant drink water all day!
    Oh I cant go without my bread!
    I cant exercise my (put in ailment) will act up!

    I tell them:
    The diet you were on worked so well you are now 50 instead of 30 pounds overweight.
    I am not on any drugs
    I hated veggies and fruits when I started, now I seek them out, crave them.
    Maybe you will get cardio in when you go to the bathroom all day. You have no problem taking those 10 ciggie breaks.
    I didnt give up anything. A peice of bread doesnt own me anymore.
    I have a severe neck injury which effects my entire back. It is BETTER from losing weight and exercise

    Ok then, stay the way you are! Why ask me if you have no intention of listening?
    I then tell them about this site, write it down, and ask them to look around. There are fantastic ppl here who have lost 20-50-125 pounds....no drugs....eating their freakin veggies and exercising.

    Have any of you encountered this type of behavior? Why cant they just stop at "You look AMAZING!!" LOL


    This is a great post, arewethere yet:flowerforyou:

    I can only say the ppl who are here had their reasons for making this commitment to a lifestyle change, but those other ppl say the things they say , not to hurt you, but because underneath they envy you and feel they need to make excuses for why they can't do it, too. They will when they're ready b/c you gave them this website info.

    I feel I have to add a few things about this topic.
    I do not suck on a carrot or eat those :grumble: :grumble: veggies. It took a while for me to change my relationship to food, to my other half, and to myself. It also took me awhile to figure out that I had to get off my butt and get in the kitchen to cook my own food( my other half was a cook in a steak house and he did all the shopping and cooking). I had to figure out what to eat without waiting for him to cook. I use the exchange lists available from ADA, and I did get lots of good foods tips here at MFP. I actually began to LIKE foods I would not even look at before!

    Has anyone had this experience? your relationships with ppl who you thought were loved ones or friends brought home a sub sandwich for you? Even my relationship with my other-half has changed.
    But I will wait and see what happens with me and him.

    OBOY, this thread got me going.
    Well,Be Well to all of you and have a Good Night

    PS: I did my walk today and came home, and had a snack;
    1/2 cup Turkey Hill frozen yogurt, fat free
    1Tbs Smuckers chocolate syrup
    2Tbs Reddi Whip (from the can)

    Of Course it was ppl like you and Shore, and All who welcomed me and were there for me with the support to keep me going.

    So here's to you:drinker: and CHEERS


    Greenie, I am so very proud of you. You have come a long way in a short time.

    And YES my DH does bring home huge subs made with high fat meats and cheeses, oh they smell so good. I asked him why in the world he would do this, he can see me struggling. He said that over 25 yrs he has seen me do this time and again. Usually for 4-6 wks then quit. He is trying to get used to the new lifestyle too, but he isnt in control.

    It has been a month or more since he brought home...eeeeek micky d's. he said he doesnt even want it anymore.

    Maybe with time they will jump on our boat, what do ya think!!:flowerforyou:
  • I think you are one smart lady. Yes, I've been wondering about why he was doing this, and it's because all I wanted was for him to say "Let's go out to eat", or if he brought home take-out, I would just be at the table right away--so I'm quite sure he just doesn't quite believe I'm serious this time.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just wanted to say


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