Do you get up at 5:30amish to workout?



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:05 a.m. I have four children -- two of whom I have to help get ready for school -- and I also do typing work from home that I have to have completed before I leave the house to go to my bricks & mortar job. My attitude has been very enthusiastic and positive regarding working out -- a point that took a long while to get too -- and that's what gets me out of bed every morning. I make sure I get the right nutrients to fuel my body and I usually feel very good when I get up.

    I'm doing Insanity. I'll be completing my 2nd week tomorrow. My main motivation is that I want to complete this program once and see what kind of results I get. It's a challenge to me. It was my motivation when I went through the EA Sports Active 2 9-week program.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Haha back when I used to do those I would actually just go to sleep in my workout clothes so I could wake up and put on shoes and go. Why not, right?

    Me too! Just skipping getting dressed in the morning is such a nice step!

    I also got an electric toothbrush. I say it's for mornings where I am too tired to remember how to use a manual toothbrush! :laugh: :laugh:
  • emiskins
    emiskins Posts: 92 Member
    I'm having a hard time with this too. I need to get up at about 5:15 to give myself time to wake up before I go into the cold dark basement to reclaim my treadmill from the laundry pile. What time zone do you live in? Maybe we could start texting each other at 5:15. I've managed to get up a few times but I have to have everything ready and know exactly what I need to do. I was even sleeping in my workout clothes so all I had to do was put my shoes and heart rate monitor on and eat a banana.
  • healthyandthin
    healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
    I got at 7am and burn about 500 calories. The only bad thing about morning workout is that I'm incredibly hungry for the next of the day no matter how much I eat.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I would really like to start getting my workout in before work as well, I find after work I don't put as much effort into it as I would in the morning. My question is what time does everyone go to bed to get up that early?
    I'm usually asleep by 9 p.m., after my two little ones are down for the night.
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    I agree like stated earlier that it is a 'mindset'. A little over a year ago I started hittin' the gym @ 5:30 a.m. and stayed consistent, and felt great! Last month I had surgery so had to take it easy on the workouts, and to be honest it's just about the beginning of April and I haven't gotten back in that awesome mode I was in. I've been working out, but only 3-4 days a week compared to 6 days a week. I can tell you that I really feel a difference and feel so much better getting my workout done and over with first thing in the a.m. I have actually started to feel a little bit sluggish (like I used to feel all the time) due to not working out 6 days a week like I was at one time. ugh! I've been telling myself lately that I am going to be so p.o.'d at myself if I don't get back on the daily exercise bandwagon!! I had a blast wearing capris and tanks last summer, but if I don't get my head back in the game I'm going to be really torked at myself!!

    Set out your workout clothes the night before, fill up your water bottle, & your set to go!! MINDSET & DISCIPLINE!!

    You Go Girl!! You Can Do It!!
  • cosmo30
    cosmo30 Posts: 52 Member
    This might sound funny/horrible but this is how I lost 30lbs first time around and this is how I am doing this time around to drop my pregnency weight. I drag my stationary bike from the basement and put it in the room next to my bedroom.At 4:30 I brush my teeth and drag myself to the bike and start pedalling. Once started I keep going. I do this every day in the begining till it becomes a habit. I am trying to incorporate pre workout snacks but find it difficult. You would think climbing down flight of stairs to get to bike/treadmill is much easier than getting to a gym. Apparently even that is very difficult in my case. Having a machine next to me where I can hop in it with my eyes half closed was the key.
  • unicorn19girl
    unicorn19girl Posts: 56 Member
    I get up at 5:00 am, get on the treadmill by 5:15. I do run/walk intervals on the treadmill from 5:15 to 6:00 and then I do Jillian Michael's shred it with weights from 6:00-6:30. I do this routine M, T,Th, Fr. and then I usually run on the treadmill fro an hour on Sundays. Wednesday and Saturdays are my days off. I find that its easier to get it out of the way and I feel more alert and ready to go after I've exercised. Thats just my personal preference.I just throw my ipod in and get moving.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I get up at 5AM M-F to work out. I just go down to my living room, but it's the only time this busy work-at-home mom of 3 can fit in any real exercise. I made excuses for years saying I just couldn't do it (get up early). This year I finally just did it and I absolutely LOVE that hour before anyone else is up in the house. It's the only ME time I have all day... and it's glorious!
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    wow i get up at 6 every day to work out and i thought that was hard enough. I must say that even with that doing it over and over makes it easier and you just have to think about how great you will feel after.
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    The 5:30 Amish sound like a tough crowd! Wocka wocka!

    Okay, serious time now. I would recommend easing yourself into it. Go to bed a half hour earlier than you do now, and get up a half hour earlier than you do. Once you feel adjusted to that add and subtract half hours from waking up and sleeping until you're awake and asleep at the desired time.
  • brittk70
    brittk70 Posts: 17 Member
    OMG! In the 30 or so minutes since I posted this question this thread has had like 450 views and 50 responses!!!!

    I had no idea there were so many early morning workout guru's out there!!!! Many of you get up at 4:15!!!! Making 5:30 seem like a late morning start.

    WOW! Now I don't feel so alone. Thanks so much for all the responses.
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    For all of you who get up this early to work out, do you mind posting what time you go to bed? thanks! :)

    Im usually in bed by 930, 10 at the latest.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I have started getting up at 4am and to do a cardio workout at home before work. My workout clothes and shoes are laid out so I can just get dressed and get on with it. Once you do it a few times, it becomes a routine. I will admit I did this regularly a couple years back and got out of the habit, and just recently made myself start getting up early to get an extra workout in. Now I love it and look forward to it!
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    You just get up and do it. I get up at 5 if its a day I'm working (12 hours shifts), and 5:45 if I'm not working. I go to sleep in my workout clothes. Although, unlike other people who say they feel great all day - I'm really tired :-)))
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    One tip that really helps me is right when i get up...the first thing i do (well maybe the 2nd thing) is brush my teeth...I don't know what it is, but it wakes me up!! I don't feel so groggy and right out of bed feeling.

    Try it!
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm definitely an early exerciser. Walking around my neighborhood is my workout and that's the only time it's quiet enough that I don't have to worry about dodging people, dogs, and cars. Since I started my routine a year ago I had been getting up at 5:15 a.m., and was usually out the door 20-25 minutes later. It was hard at first but once I started seeing results (toned legs/backside, disappearing love handles) that was enough motivation for me to keep going. Last week I decided to add another mile to my walk, for a total of 3.25 miles, so now I get up 20 minutes earlier. While that doesn't seem like it's that much earlier my body hasn't quite gotten used to it yet...I'll start crashing a little bit by mid-morning but a little moving around the office snaps me out of it. Being that the change coincided with the switch to Daylight Saving Time probably didn't help. I'm sure I'll have completely adjusted by next week.

    I usually try to be in bed by 10-10:30. Earlier bedtime isn't an option as I don't get home from work until 8:30 and I need to have dinner and a little downtime.

    My workout routine is strictly a weekday affair as I love sleeping in on the weekends too much.
  • Reccaj
    Reccaj Posts: 1
    I have to say no, I am NOT a morning person. And yes, I am more tired at the end of the day than the beginning, but I have tried to get up earlier, do even 10 minutes of exercise in the morning. I cannot do it. Even if I do get up, it takes me about an hour to really wake up so I'm not really putting on a heck of a lot of effort if I try to workout. So eventually I gave up, embraced my night owl status and I am now fitting in workouts at night. I make MY time and MY body and MY self a priority, so saying no to other things and yes to my workout is easier. Plus I get a better workout than if I stumbled through it with my eyes half closed.

    Anyway, I'm trying to say that it isn't necessary to get up super early, it is just necessary to fit it in and if it is easier for you to do that at 4 am, then workout at 4 am. And if it is easier at 10 pm, then workout at 10 pm.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    For all of you who get up this early to work out, do you mind posting what time you go to bed? thanks! :)

    Im usually in bed by 930, 10 at the latest.

    Up at 4:20 and in bed usually between 8:30 and 9:30pm here!
    No kids, but I work hard all day and do house work from 4pm till bed most nights! Well with the occasional show stoppers like biggest loser, etc. :o)
  • Nucleartiger
    Nucleartiger Posts: 29 Member
    I was in the same boat as you. I don't usually get to bed until midnight or 1 am so I didn't want to get up and workout at 4:30am. I finally got to the point that I couldn't see gaining anymore weight (299lbs) and started forcing myself to get up at 4:30am no matter what time I went to bed. I started doing this the last week of January and actually have just started this past weekend trying to get up at 4am. The only advice I can give you is that to do it consistently you have to want to and after a few weeks your body will adapt to it.