Food diary hiders....Why?

I'm thinking of deleting my friends who hide their food diary. Especially those who are losing an amazing amount of weight but we can't see what they're eating. It's just not fair because they could be doing something unhealthy, and I'm putting my diary out there for even non-friends to see (I think).

Is there something I'm missing?

Do you hide your diary and why?



  • jen1516
    jen1516 Posts: 77 Member
    I like looking at other people's too. I'm new and like to get ideas from others. I keep mine open for all mfp members.
  • NurseChristy3
    NurseChristy3 Posts: 41 Member
    I agree...either they dont actually LOG or they're lieing! LOL
  • Oh, here we go again. :grumble:
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I so agree with you. The only way to lose weight is to be honest with yourself (& othrs on this site) about what you eat on a daily basis. We are all after the same goal here & if we can view each others diaries, we might notice a pattern (healthy or not) that might be missed by the person posing their diaries.
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    perhaps they are not happy with their own eating habits...?

    Mine is open for my friends to read and comment on (good or bad) but not for the general public to "diary snoop" ~ when I first started I had it so no one could see it but once I felt more comfortable on here I opened it up to mfp friends.
  • ukq727
    ukq727 Posts: 50 Member
    Some part of me thinks it's about not being totally accountable. There are some who eat whatever and then say well as long as I am under my calorie intake for the day I am ok..right...???!!! Wrong. Just simply ask those friends of yours who don't publish there diary to do so but let it be their decision to do so. I also am totally in awe of people who claim they burn 1200 calories a day doing something like aerobics for 45 minutes..impossible so your burning all your calories so your eating like 3000 calories a day...really people come on now stop it.
  • Mine is visible for all my friends to see. I don't really care if I can't see theirs or other peoples. If people are cheating, that is their cross to bear, not yours. How does it affect your journey anyway?
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    It is disappointing to see so many closed diaries.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Some people may be afraid of being questioned or judged ? And some people are just more private about things than others are.

    My Diary is open(i think) but I generally post my nutrition on another site It is because I am more active there, and until last week my computer was so SLOW that it took an eternity to post my food in both places. I got a new, faster computer last week so I may start tracking here at least part time, since several people have asked about what I eat.
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I got tired of all the criticism. I don't even know these people and the one day, I have treat is the one day strangers look at my diary and send me a message "you shouldn't have eaten that cookie"

    Who are you to tell me what to do?

    I know my body, I know my limits, and if I decide to have a small cookie once in a while, I think I am allowed.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Mine is open and on weekends, I don't always log. That's me.

    Why is it open? Eh, no biggie. After all, it's MY account, MY choice, MY settings. See a trend? If someone chooses to have it private, let them. If you're so curious, perhaps ask them.

    I've seen some people get some pretty nasty comments about their choices. God help the person who thinks they're going to tell me anything about mine, unless they care to pay my grocery bill, cook my meals and such!

    To each their's their account, not yours. Also, if they're not eating enough, is it harming you? No.

    If you have questions concerning my diary or choices, you may ask. Suggestions are welcome, too. That's where I draw the line with mine. Unless I ask for criticism, it's not welcome with me.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i don't even do a diary most days... just don't want to spend THAT much time logging everything and counting calories obsessively.

    every now and then i'll do a diary for a couple of days, to check up on myself and check on my calories, but i have a "paper" diary that i write my food into without calculating the calories, it's so much quicker, and easier, can do it while i'm in the kitchen and it takes seconds.

    i come on here more for the information available, and reading the forums than counting calories. i refuse to be a calorie counting junkie... as long as i know i'm about right, i'm happy.
  • I agree with Red angel, each to their own, I know i am doing the right thing, im counting my calories, Im eating the right foods and im losing weight, but i do get a little tired of all the "experts' out there asking if you logged the teaspoon of milk in your cup of tea, or did you drink it black ??? Each to their own. I chose private.
  • Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    Several posters in this thread itself prove this point quite well.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    I had this problem. BirdsOfAFeather would come onto a post where I lost like 2-3 lb on a weigh in and say something like "Ya, you're losing weight, but you're doing it all wrong. Everytime I look at your diary you eat candy and fast food." I do eat candy and fast food, but I eat in a balanced manner, and at the time whe was doing this I was so broke I couldn't afford food, so when pharmaceutical reps brought tacos and cake, I ate it. And brought some home. So **** her.

    My diary is still open though. That crap is rare.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I absolutely agree and have a pretty tough time telling someone good job for being under their calories when I can't see anything. It seems insincere when I could, through my feedback and lack of information, be reinforcing crappy behavior. :huh: :noway: :ohwell:
  • iluvmine
    iluvmine Posts: 56 Member
    I just unhid mine, I found my self adjusting my calories intakes (confession) now that it's un hid I feel like I have to be more honest with what I recorded. Kind of a motivation for me to get back on track knowing people will be able to see what I eat for the day!
  • Well mine is open to my friends...It helps me feel accountable but as soon as someone tells me that I shouldn't eat my chocolate than they are gone off my friend's list LOL

    I could see where some people don't want to hear unwanted advice or criticism so they hide it. But like I said, it keeps me accountable and I like to think that I am allowing others to get more ideas of the things they should be eating so I feel like I am in some ways doing my part in helping someone on their journey. AND! when and if I hit a wall and don't know what to change, I know that others can see what I eat and sweat and can possible help me further progress. It seems to me that their would be more positives to keeping your diary open then to hide it.

  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    Mine isn't public and I don't really see why it needs to be. It is a tool for me to keep track of what I eat, what's in what I eat, etc. I don't ask for help with my eating habits and to be honest I don't look at other peoples' diaries. I'm not seeing the connection between me making my diary public and you having a successful journey towards a healthy lifestyle...
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