Food diary hiders....Why?



  • wanda1956
    wanda1956 Posts: 110
    My diary is open now, although it was hidden for the first week I was here because I didn't know how to unhide it. LOL!

    It doesn't bother me that other people don't show their diary, thats their perogative. It doesn't hurt me or take anything away from what I do if I can't see their diary.

    I don't understand why the first thought to a hidden diary is something negative like eating 15 oreos a day. Projection maybe? Watch me like a hawk or I'll jerk you around?

    Maybe this is a lesson in respecting boundaries 101.

    Oh you are so right...I agree totally.:drinker:
  • bordersvm
    bordersvm Posts: 70
    Oh please! It doesnt mean a person isnt logging or eating badly. I blog and I post status' and give my opinion on various things but because I dont open my diary for all to see I should be shunned and thought of as doing something wrong? Thats completely close minded and makes no sense. I know for myself I keep my diary closed because I dont feel the need to let everyone know what I'm putting in my mouth everyday every single meal. I am transparent enough on my blog and why cant people navigate their weight loss journey on their own terms? They should take you off their friends list for not being respectful of their choices. The key word in this post fyi is THEIR.

    You point to a side of MFP that I haven't seen. Everyone I encounter is helpful and constructive, with the exception of a very few quacks. My friends see and comment on my food, and I theirs. To me it's like trying to be a nudist and not taking your clothes off. This journey is about weight loss. If someone plateaus for 2 months and won't publish their diary, where they're eating 15 Oreo's a day, then others gets a false representation about whether MFP works. Same with the one who loses 5 pounds a week and doesn't publish. I do see your point that it's people's right not to share, and it's also my right not to have friends who won't show their cards. =o]

  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I keep mine open since people are often curious about what vegans eat, here and elsewhere. It's handy to be able to go, well, here's what I eat *link*.

    I'm lucky enough to have never received unsolicited comments or advice about my eating habits.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Oh, here we go again. :grumble:

    i very much agree. it is a personal choice. yes, people could be lying, but they could also just be very private. have you tried asking those friends why they choose to? maybe delete them based on their reasons or if they seem suspicious. not just for that one fact without knowing or trying to find out why. i have mine open to my friends now, but at first i needed that time to gain confidence without people seeing how bad my diary was.
  • ashers1819
    ashers1819 Posts: 160
    Mine is open and on weekends, I don't always log. That's me.

    Why is it open? Eh, no biggie. After all, it's MY account, MY choice, MY settings. See a trend? If someone chooses to have it private, let them. If you're so curious, perhaps ask them.

    I've seen some people get some pretty nasty comments about their choices. God help the person who thinks they're going to tell me anything about mine, unless they care to pay my grocery bill, cook my meals and such!

    To each their's their account, not yours. Also, if they're not eating enough, is it harming you? No.

    If you have questions concerning my diary or choices, you may ask. Suggestions are welcome, too. That's where I draw the line with mine. Unless I ask for criticism, it's not welcome with me.

    Completely agree... I'd ask them, I am sure they'd tell you. Mine is set to private... I am extremely careful about logging everything maticulously but because it takes so much determination, I don't want negativity from others. I have been consistently been losing weight according to the limits set to this program. If I was struggling and needed advice from others I would ask and make my diary public. I think like so many others we come on here for support and for some people that is not about being told off for food choices.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have logged every calorie I have put in my mouth since starting MFP and my diary is private. I am sorry some of you are so nosey and judgemental that you presume people must be lying to themselves because you don't have access to their diaries. I am a private person. My photo isn't on MFP, I don't post my exact location...not all of us want all of our business out there. If someone wanted to delete me as a friend for that, I would say go right is clear you aren't the kind I'd want to associate with anyway.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    I didn't think my diary would be any help because I don't list the food I eat. I am a numbers person so I do the numbers on my own and enter as quick add calories only. So pretty much my diary will show only the number calories I eat at each meal and snacks.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    My food diary is private and always will be. There are a few people who have asked for more information about "Am I Hungry" and I have willingly shared my diary with them for a quick view. I don't need or want the food police in my life. I do not believe in dieting and for the most part I think counting calories is a waste of time. I have learned/am learning to rely on my body to tell me what it wants and needs and it works for me.

    Someone made a comment about saying "good job" to someone who is under their calorie goal and that they aren't comfortable saying that if they don't know what the person ate. I never tell my friends "good job" for being under their calorie goal. Not because I don't know what they ate but because I don't necessarily see that as an accomplishment. I don't see the "calorie goal" as a true goal. Some days you may need more and some days you may need less. Did you honor your bodies needs today? THAT deserves a "good job" and the only one who can say whether or not that happened is the individual person, not a random number on a computer.

    I also never say "good job" on weight loss accomplishments. No matter what you do you cannot control the number on the scale. Your body will let go when it is ready and when you have done what you can to take care of it. I say "Congratulations" because it feels great to lose when you need to but it seems to me that saying "good job" when the scale goes down is the same as saying "you failed" if it doesn't and that isn't the truth.

    Food and calorie counting is not the center of my life and never will be again. You don't need to compare what I eat to what you eat. Our bodies and needs are different. Do what is right for you and don't worry about what I am eating.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I opened my diary. A lot of people have a sense of shame about what they eat and how much they exercise. I am trying to overcome that. I am trying to be open with myself and unashamed. I could probably get a lot of comments about things like my vodka intake or my chip levels. ;-> I haven't and if I do it's the other person's problem not mine. I've lost weight in the past living on unrealistic diets and here I am again with weight to lose. I'm eating this time like I hope I can continue for life. I'm losing slow, but not complaining.

    We recently started a weight loss challenge at work. There were some heightened emotions about it and some of our perpetual dieters decided not to join in. You cannot underestimate the emotions involved in eating and weight. What might seem an innocent comment you made on someone's food choice could trigger an unhealthy response in them.
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