OT But stressing out and want sugar

So I need some help! I have a 2 year old who is not potty trained. we are trying but she is trying my last nerve. she will take off her panties and tell us the she needs to go but then when we put her on she won't go. Any ideas? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!


  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So I need some help! I have a 2 year old who is not potty trained. we are trying but she is trying my last nerve. she will take off her panties and tell us the she needs to go but then when we put her on she won't go. Any ideas? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i have no tips or advice, sorry! but i hope she gets the hang of it soon!

    my son is 18 months, and we're going to be starting the process sometime soon, so i'm sure i'll feel your pain then, lol!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    i have no tips or advice, sorry! but i hope she gets the hang of it soon!

    my son is 18 months, and we're going to be starting the process sometime soon, so i'm sure i'll feel your pain then, lol!
    we have been trying since I was 3 months pregnant with our second girl who is almost 3 months old. I hope it clicks soon for her. Our second daughter will be so easy from the day she was born she has hated being wet.

    Good Luck to You!!!!!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    My neice is 2 1/2, she JUST started using the potty. My sister had been trying to get her to use it for months with no luck. Honestly, you just have to wait until she's ready. Make sure you praise her when she does go, or even realizes she needs to go (like when she says "i need to pee") even if she doesn't make it to the potty. My sister got my neice some ariel underwear (ariel is her favourite disney character) when she finally went for the first time. She hasn't had an accident in weeks, she doesn't want to ruin her ariel panties. Good luck, she'll get it eventually.:flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    My neice is 2 1/2, she JUST started using the potty. My sister had been trying to get her to use it for months with no luck. Honestly, you just have to wait until she's ready. Make sure you praise her when she does go, or even realizes she needs to go (like when she says "i need to pee") even if she doesn't make it to the potty. My sister got my neice some ariel underwear (ariel is her favourite disney character) when she finally went for the first time. She hasn't had an accident in weeks, she doesn't want to ruin her ariel panties. Good luck, she'll get it eventually.:flowerforyou:

    Maybe I will try her in the panties we got her. I know one lady who told her kids that if they peed or poo'd in their big kid undies they had to throw them away. maybe that will work. she sees me getting frustrated and she tells me "Just calm down mamma, just calm down!" she is to smart for her own good.
  • Fit2btied
    Fit2btied Posts: 486
    There used to be a video out call "Potty time". It had potty songs and made going potty sort of a party! I'm sure that you make a big deal out of it when she does use the potty, but maybe there can be stickers or some sort of additional reward when she is successful! Good luck!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    So I need some help! I have a 2 year old who is not potty trained. we are trying but she is trying my last nerve. she will take off her panties and tell us the she needs to go but then when we put her on she won't go. Any ideas? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!
    How about stickers too? Amazing what a sticker does for me....no seriously I do like stickers...but kids LOVE them as rewards....perhaps a potty chart where she gets a sticker each time she goes in to go potty.

    The one thing that's great is she takes them off and tells you she has to go!! That in itself is huge progress...sounds like she's on her way .......... Best of luck to you:flowerforyou:

    I also like Kerryi's idea about the favorite big girl panties that just might work with your daughter as well.:happy:
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Putting my now 4 1/2 year old in big girl panties DID NOT help. We started to potty train her when she was 2, and then again closer to three. First we started with the reward system, and it worked for a few months...only with pee. Then she quit altogether, so I bought her big girl underware and the plastic panties that go over them. At 2 1/2 she would pee in them and sit there watching t.v, or would run downstairs to her toyroom to go #2. THIS is really going to sound inhumane (I promise, it's not!), but closer to 3, she would poop in her pull-up (after making her sit on the potty for 45 minutes before bed), and then we would just tape it to her for an hour or so. She hated it! Once or twice we would take one of our infant daughters diapers and stretch it around her, or even set her in the crib and tell her that was where she was going to sleep if she wanted to act like a baby.

    She hated it, and that's what got through to her! She's not an easy kid, and we really tried to focus on the positives, but she didn't want anything to do with it. I remember the last straw...she told us she had to poo, so we put her on the potty, and she sat and did nothing, hopped down, went to her room, went POOP, and then came back out and told us it was "no big deal". (Also too smart for her own age. SO, we took 2 baby diapers, (that's how many it takes to fit a 3 year old, lol), put them on her, got a baby bib, and a baby bottle, and set her in the baby's crib for about 10-15 minutes...that was the last time she pooped in her pullup or big girl underwear!

    ALSO...they say not to even use pull-ups because they are basically glorified diapers. And it's true. She didn't notice any difference in the cool when wet pullups, and she used them just like diapers.

    SO, aside from this novel, I HTH, and everyone's experience is different. Becca is STILL a difficult child, and just needs different parenting techniques every once in awhile.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So I need some help! I have a 2 year old who is not potty trained. we are trying but she is trying my last nerve. she will take off her panties and tell us the she needs to go but then when we put her on she won't go. Any ideas? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!
    How about stickers too? Amazing what a sticker does for me....no seriously I do like stickers...but kids LOVE them as rewards....perhaps a potty chart where she gets a sticker each time she goes in to go potty.

    The one thing that's great is she takes them off and tells you she has to go!! That in itself is huge progress...sounds like she's on her way .......... Best of luck to you:flowerforyou:

    I also like Kerryi's idea about the favorite big girl panties that just might work with your daughter as well.:happy:

    we have tried stickers. we have tried chocolates like kate from jon and kate plus eight does one for pee two for poo. we have tried the chart. I think I'm gonna try the panties. I just think she is way to smart for her own good and this was her way for rebeling against her little sister. In all other ways she loves her.
  • monica5237
    Okay i am an old pro at this one I had 3 girls

    lets see if i can remember

    OKay first of all DONOT USE PULLUPS they are like a diaper and the child is confused about that.
    second I always used panties if she pee peeed in them she was embarressed and she did not like it. If she pooped in them she was mortified not that i wanted my kids to be embarressed but it worked.

    Second; Rewards for going M&M's are great or cherrios. The best reward is lots of praise high fives and way to go and making a big deal when she goes like clapping and dancing saying oh ya we went pee pee or poopoo get more excited when she poops she will love it

    Third; if she says she needs to go let her go to the potty everytime she says it. I think we seen every bathroom in the state of Texas at every store we went to.

    Forth; Let her go at her pace DO NOT force her.

    Fifth; DO NOT make a big deal of it when she has an accident. just say oh no you had an accident well they happen lets try harder next time. use positive reinforcement

    I promise it will work i used it on my 2 youngest and they did great my oldest was trial and error but it worked

    GOOD LUCK my friend
  • itzcool4me
    Just because she is 2 years old doesn't mean she has to be or should be potty trained by now. I took a life-span development class and my professor was saying how too much emphasis is placed on "milestones" where kids should be doing certain things by a certain age. She said if they're not potty training by a certain age, then that just means they're not ready. When they're ready to do something, then they'll do it.

    So don't be discouraged. :smile:
  • monica5237
    Just because she is 2 years old doesn't mean she has to be or should be potty trained by now. I took a life-span development class and my professor was saying how too much emphasis is placed on "milestones" where kids should be doing certain things by a certain age. She said if they're not potty training by a certain age, then that just means they're not ready. When they're ready to do something, then they'll do it.

    I do agree with you and your teacher; however if her child is taking her panties off and saying she needs to go pee pee it is time and she IS ready
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Putting my now 4 1/2 year old in big girl panties DID NOT help. We started to potty train her when she was 2, and then again closer to three. First we started with the reward system, and it worked for a few months...only with pee. Then she quit altogether, so I bought her big girl underware and the plastic panties that go over them. At 2 1/2 she would pee in them and sit there watching t.v, or would run downstairs to her toyroom to go #2. THIS is really going to sound inhumane (I promise, it's not!), but closer to 3, she would poop in her pull-up (after making her sit on the potty for 45 minutes before bed), and then we would just tape it to her for an hour or so. She hated it! Once or twice we would take one of our infant daughters diapers and stretch it around her, or even set her in the crib and tell her that was where she was going to sleep if she wanted to act like a baby.

    She hated it, and that's what got through to her! She's not an easy kid, and we really tried to focus on the positives, but she didn't want anything to do with it. I remember the last straw...she told us she had to poo, so we put her on the potty, and she sat and did nothing, hopped down, went to her room, went POOP, and then came back out and told us it was "no big deal". (Also too smart for her own age. SO, we took 2 baby diapers, (that's how many it takes to fit a 3 year old, lol), put them on her, got a baby bib, and a baby bottle, and set her in the baby's crib for about 10-15 minutes...that was the last time she pooped in her pullup or big girl underwear!

    ALSO...they say not to even use pull-ups because they are basically glorified diapers. And it's true. She didn't notice any difference in the cool when wet pullups, and she used them just like diapers.

    SO, aside from this novel, I HTH, and everyone's experience is different. Becca is STILL a difficult child, and just needs different parenting techniques every once in awhile.

    madison as the same way with pull ups we tried the regular ones and the cool alert ones neither ones work.
  • monica5237
    Putting my now 4 1/2 year old in big girl panties DID NOT help. We started to potty train her when she was 2, and then again closer to three. First we started with the reward system, and it worked for a few months...only with pee. Then she quit altogether, so I bought her big girl underware and the plastic panties that go over them. At 2 1/2 she would pee in them and sit there watching t.v, or would run downstairs to her toyroom to go #2. THIS is really going to sound inhumane (I promise, it's not!), but closer to 3, she would poop in her pull-up (after making her sit on the potty for 45 minutes before bed), and then we would just tape it to her for an hour or so. She hated it! Once or twice we would take one of our infant daughters diapers and stretch it around her, or even set her in the crib and tell her that was where she was going to sleep if she wanted to act like a baby.

    She hated it, and that's what got through to her! She's not an easy kid, and we really tried to focus on the positives, but she didn't want anything to do with it. I remember the last straw...she told us she had to poo, so we put her on the potty, and she sat and did nothing, hopped down, went to her room, went POOP, and then came back out and told us it was "no big deal". (Also too smart for her own age. SO, we took 2 baby diapers, (that's how many it takes to fit a 3 year old, lol), put them on her, got a baby bib, and a baby bottle, and set her in the baby's crib for about 10-15 minutes...that was the last time she pooped in her pullup or big girl underwear!

    ALSO...they say not to even use pull-ups because they are basically glorified diapers. And it's true. She didn't notice any difference in the cool when wet pullups, and she used them just like diapers.

    SO, aside from this novel, I HTH, and everyone's experience is different. Becca is STILL a difficult child, and just needs different parenting techniques every once in awhile.

    madison as the same way with pull ups we tried the regular ones and the cool alert ones neither ones work.

    If you want her to suceed throw out all the pullups and don't ever buy them again

    they just came out with those horrid things about 15 years ago ........what do you think we did before them? panties and plastic pants

    let her feel the pee pee running down her leg and the poopy in her panties she won't like it and she will learn and praise her for doing good and dance with her and clap with her

    make it fun
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    So I need some help! I have a 2 year old who is not potty trained. we are trying but she is trying my last nerve. she will take off her panties and tell us the she needs to go but then when we put her on she won't go. Any ideas? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!
    How about stickers too? Amazing what a sticker does for me....no seriously I do like stickers...but kids LOVE them as rewards....perhaps a potty chart where she gets a sticker each time she goes in to go potty.

    The one thing that's great is she takes them off and tells you she has to go!! That in itself is huge progress...sounds like she's on her way .......... Best of luck to you:flowerforyou:

    I also like Kerryi's idea about the favorite big girl panties that just might work with your daughter as well.:happy:

    we have tried stickers. we have tried chocolates like kate from jon and kate plus eight does one for pee two for poo. we have tried the chart. I think I'm gonna try the panties. I just think she is way to smart for her own good and this was her way for rebeling against her little sister. In all other ways she loves her.

    Now I'm serious about this.....so keep that in mind...as it sounds a bit odd.

    Have you ever seen the TV show....where the English woman goes into a home where the children are rather like wild animals? She whips them into shape in less than a week:huh:

    Anyhow....she promised one little girl if she used the potty and went....she'd do the PEE PEE DANCE....Hey it worked!! Funny to watch her do the dance (the woman on the show...the kids ALL loved it..,,I lOVED IT!)
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    OK mine are older - no pull ups I agree

    Training Pants - I bought a potty and we took that thing with us everywhere- we got in the Car the potty was there - we asked constantly - you got to go potty -

    once they did big hugs - lots of praise

    also my sister bought - Elmo potty training she said that helped too( at best buy)
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I forgot to mention this...I know you should wait until your child is "ready", but when they are purposly going to the bathroom in their pants and telling you about it or HIDING when they do it, they are more than ready to be potty trained, or even disciplined (gently), when they do go potty in their pants. At first accidents ARE ok, but soon enough you'll know if they're really accidents or if your child is doing it on purpose, and mine was. I agree that 2 might be too young to be potty trained, but again, I think every child is different.
  • monica5237
    OK mine are older - no pull ups I agree

    Training Pants - I bought a potty and we took that thing with us everywhere- we got in the Car the potty was there - we asked constantly - you got to go potty -

    once they did big hugs - lots of praise

    also my sister bought - Elmo potty training she said that helped too( at best buy)

    I agree LOTS OF PRAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    They LOve the pee pee dance too Act like a nut they love it Make a special pee pee song something like
    YOU went pee pee Oh ya Pee Pee is awsome when we pee pee we can play with mimi i don't knwo something to make it fun and DANCE DANCE DANCe that is so fun to them

    My friend has a 3 year old and was having trouble and when I was there and she went potty I danced with her and before she went i asked her all the time if she needed to go and she shook her head no so I told her hey autum lets make a deal if you go pee pee we will dance silly and when she went she told me not mommy and i checked the potty and there was nothing so i told her no dance yet you have to pee or poop later she came all excited and said looky looky and there was a very small amount of poo in the toilet and we did the pee poo dance it was fun and my friend thought I lost my mind

    she told me that autum asked fopr the potty dance and it worked she was alittle upset that she had to dance all the time but hey it worked
  • krwilliams2
    krwilliams2 Posts: 4 Member
    we read a LOT of books in the bathroom - there were days that I felt like I was being held hostage in the bathroom but it really helped. They wanted to sit in there because they had mom to themselves and we read and did magnetic activity books. Take the pressure off - if she is not ready than relax - they will do it :)
  • PhotographerOfNature
    I had a boy but maybe try this. You said she tells you when she has to go. So take her to the potty and while she is setting there, take yours and her mind off what she is doing by running the sink water. Hearing the sound of water makes people think they need to go. Clean the sink or something or the bathtub. Just busy yourself by doing something with water running. That may take the stress off of both of you since your not standing there just waiting for her to go. You know the saying a watched pot never boils. :bigsmile: