What wrong with me???



  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    there isn't anything wrong with you, we all progress at different rates. the american heart association recommends that you get 150 minutes of cardio work every week just to notice a light change if not just to maintain your current level. They say you should get 300+ minutes every week in order to start really reaping the benefits of exercise. one thing that helps me out is that you try to increase your time every week by 5-15% of your current performance capability, or CPC. so since you are at 180 minutes each week, try to get 189-207 minutes overall this next week. then you take that level, say you get 190 minutes over the week, and that becomes your CPC, and multiply that new number by 5-15% and shoot for that, so 199.5-218.5 minutes of exercise. making this little additions help you create goals each week, and help you feel confident about reaching goals for yourself. I hope this helps, keep that motivation level up, and good luck!

    Thanks for the info, I will definately try that
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Without being able to see your food diary it is hard to say. Sometimes it can take a few weeks to a month for weight to start coming off. Again, if you make your diary public I'd be happy to give you some input.

    My diary is public as far as I know
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    No its 13pounds in one month... I guess watching Biggest Loser i want to lose more than that, but they are on a ranch and exercising 6-8hrs a day. So I guess 13pounds in a month is pretty good. I just want to lose everything now...LOL But I'm not giving up. I just have to kick it up a notch...

    13 a month is AWESOME! Even 1-2 pounds per week is a great accomplishment! You have nothing to worry about!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Plateaus can happen anytime. Sometimes our bodies can be stubborn! A trainer told my friend that sometimes when we make extreme changes to the way we eat and/or exercise our bodies can take 2 weeks to catch up to the changes. He described it as the body storing up energy while it waited to see what the heck we were doing to it! (I'm no professional and just paraphrasing here!) My friend didn't lose a single pound for 2 weeks, but has now been losing consistently.

    Don't give up! Try changing routines, intensities, even switching meals around (e.g. dinner for lunch, or breakfast for dinner) if you are a creature of habit!

    Maybe next week i will really see a difference.... I like your signature by the way... How did you do that?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Also, if you're looking to get into running, I'm a huge fan out the Couch25k program. :)

    Not run, but I can jog a little
  • gaterbear
    gaterbear Posts: 68
    My advice is to STOP watching that show. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the show sets a horrible goal (pattern) for ordinary folks. Don't forget, it is a show to sell things (e.g. products, advertising, etc.) Editing is key to any non-reality (refuse to call these shows "reality") show. Judge your success by your own standards, not something created by Hollywood. Please.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    No its 13pounds in one month... I guess watching Biggest Loser i want to lose more than that, but they are on a ranch and exercising 6-8hrs a day. So I guess 13pounds in a month is pretty good. I just want to lose everything now...LOL But I'm not giving up. I just have to kick it up a notch...

    13 a month is AWESOME! Even 1-2 pounds per week is a great accomplishment! You have nothing to worry about!

    Thanks I'll keep going......
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    My advice is to STOP watching that show. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the show sets a horrible goal (pattern) for ordinary folks. Don't forget, it is a show to sell things (e.g. products, advertising, etc.) Editing is key to any non-reality (refuse to call these shows "reality") show. Judge your success by your own standards, not something created by Hollywood. Please.

    I like that show......But I do know its not realistic to exercise 5-8hrs a day, thats just crazy.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    .... I like your signature by the way... How did you do that?

    Thanks! Did a quick creation in Corel, uploaded the jpeg to Flickr, and got the code to paste in my signature block!

    On a side note...some people post goal dates and some don't. Personally, I like to because it makes me feel more accountable as though posting a specific date for everyone to see means I have keep trying. I'm not going to kill myself to do it, or berate myself if I don't make it...but the whole point of a goal is to be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and timely)! Just my opinion. :)
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    My advice is to STOP watching that show. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the show sets a horrible goal (pattern) for ordinary folks. Don't forget, it is a show to sell things (e.g. products, advertising, etc.) Editing is key to any non-reality (refuse to call these shows "reality") show. Judge your success by your own standards, not something created by Hollywood. Please.

    It makes me laugh when Jillian tells the contestants there is no 'quick fix' and that weight loss supplements won't help...but she now has her own line of weight loss pills!
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    Wait ... maybe I'm reading this wrong ... but your ticker says you've lost 13 pounds. Is that 13 pounds in two weeks? Um, if so, that's pretty damn good. That's 6.5 pounds a week!

    No its 13pounds in one month... I guess watching Biggest Loser i want to lose more than that, but they are on a ranch and exercising 6-8hrs a day. So I guess 13pounds in a month is pretty good. I just want to lose everything now...LOL But I'm not giving up. I just have to kick it up a notch...

    13 pounds in a month IS great!! Congrats!

    I'm a huge Biggest Loser fan (haha, get it? Huge? Lol). I find it a great motivator but yes, we do have to realize that we're not eating very diet-friendly foods like they are ALL the time. We also don't have personal trainers. And, like you said, we're not working out 6-8 hours a day.

    I wish I could drop all my weight too. I want it NOW NOW NOW!! But, honestly, it took quite a long while for me to put of this excess weight (even though I've always been big), it's NOT going to come off over night.

    So yeah, switch it up a bit. Change your calories on different days, do interval training. Try a new exercise. I like Jillian Michaels's 30 day shred. Totally kicks your butt. BUT you also need to be careful. If you get ahead of yourself too quickly you WILL hurt yourself, which will only serve to frustrate you further because it'll kind of halt your weight loss. And I know, I've been there!!

    Keep going, hon! You don't realize how great you're doing so far. :)
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    .... I like your signature by the way... How did you do that?

    Thanks! Did a quick creation in Corel, uploaded the jpeg to Flickr, and got the code to paste in my signature block!

    On a side note...some people post goal dates and some don't. Personally, I like to because it makes me feel more accountable as though posting a specific date for everyone to see means I have keep trying. I'm not going to kill myself to do it, or berate myself if I don't make it...but the whole point of a goal is to be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and timely)! Just my opinion. :)

    Great point and well said. If I don't make my goal its okay, I just keep going.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Wait ... maybe I'm reading this wrong ... but your ticker says you've lost 13 pounds. Is that 13 pounds in two weeks? Um, if so, that's pretty damn good. That's 6.5 pounds a week!

    No its 13pounds in one month... I guess watching Biggest Loser i want to lose more than that, but they are on a ranch and exercising 6-8hrs a day. So I guess 13pounds in a month is pretty good. I just want to lose everything now...LOL But I'm not giving up. I just have to kick it up a notch...

    13 pounds in a month IS great!! Congrats!

    I'm a huge Biggest Loser fan (haha, get it? Huge? Lol). I find it a great motivator but yes, we do have to realize that we're not eating very diet-friendly foods like they are ALL the time. We also don't have personal trainers. And, like you said, we're not working out 6-8 hours a day.

    I wish I could drop all my weight too. I want it NOW NOW NOW!! But, honestly, it took quite a long while for me to put of this excess weight (even though I've always been big), it's NOT going to come off over night.

    So yeah, switch it up a bit. Change your calories on different days, do interval training. Try a new exercise. I like Jillian Michaels's 30 day shred. Totally kicks your butt. BUT you also need to be careful. If you get ahead of yourself too quickly you WILL hurt yourself, which will only serve to frustrate you further because it'll kind of halt your weight loss. And I know, I've been there!!

    Keep going, hon! You don't realize how great you're doing so far. :)

    I also Have that video, I'll workout to it one week and do something else another week. I get bored to easily, so I have to switch things up every week. LOL Thanks for the info and compliments. Definately will just put this behind me and move forward. Congrats on your weight loss also.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    My advice is to STOP watching that show. I don't know about anyone else, but I think the show sets a horrible goal (pattern) for ordinary folks. Don't forget, it is a show to sell things (e.g. products, advertising, etc.) Editing is key to any non-reality (refuse to call these shows "reality") show. Judge your success by your own standards, not something created by Hollywood. Please.

    It makes me laugh when Jillian tells the contestants there is no 'quick fix' and that weight loss supplements won't help...but she now has her own line of weight loss pills!

    I guess she has to make money somehow.........LOL
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    Accurate logging is hard to achieve.
    Get and use a heart rate monitor and a kitchen scale.
    If you are eating prepared foods like lean cuisine frozen or restaurant, add 20% to the calories they show.
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member

    I also Have that video, I'll workout to it one week and do something else another week. I get bored to easily, so I have to switch things up every week. LOL Thanks for the info and compliments. Definately will just put this behind me and move forward. Congrats on your weight loss also.

    Thanks. :) I don't feel it's an incredible accomplishment (I mean, it IS, but), I've lost that much in a year and a half since I had my son. I went through spurts of healthy eating and exercise and ended up hurting myself or just getting more depressed and would flake out. I've got a lot of stuff going on in my life right now, pretty much all of it for the better, so I feel more confident. It feels almost like second nature.

    I like to switch it up, too. I have 30ds, Yoga Now, an Ana Caban pilates DVD, and hopefully as it gets warmer I'll start going for more walks and pick up jogging again by following Couch25k. :)

    We're all in this together! :)
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    Accurate logging is hard to achieve.
    Get and use a heart rate monitor and a kitchen scale.
    If you are eating prepared foods like lean cuisine frozen or restaurant, add 20% to the calories they show.

    This is interesting. Why add 20%?
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    I think you are normal... I don't know any one who only loses without going through a period where the body re-adjusts itself. I think there were a lot of good suggestions made and a lot of people supporting you. I've put the scales away for lent. This is a challenge but also worth it because I am seeing where my mind tricks me into putting my worth (not my body) on the scale... Keep it up. You are doing fantastic as far as I can tell.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    Totally do not get down on yourself! This is something you've just started and are doing fantastic! That's a huge weight loss! WTG! The last time I lost a whack of weight....I GAINED five pds in the first few weeks (I think from drinking so much more water)! I wanted to quit! I didn't and then I lost the weight like crazy....60 pds in under five months. All I did was walk each day for about 45 minutes and do some weights, callanetics...situps, squats, leg exercises ect and ate well........Different things do work for different people. The whole point is...eat healthy, cardio, strength training.....get yourself at a calorie deficit and it'll keep coming off! 13 pds is amazing in a month.....you are already doing what you need to! If you overdo it, you won't be able to stick with it. Go girl!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Have you been doing just cardio? If so you may want to do some kind of strength training as well. Good luck to you :)