Which diet do you follow?

I am interested in knowing what the majority of the people using this site base their nutrition on? I know there are many varieties of nutrition eating out there, such as low-fat, low-calorie, and low-carb, to name a few.

I as of right now, am just trying to watch calories, period. I am leaning towards low-carb, based on a good deal of research I have found on how this can effect my autoimmune disease, as well as being pre-diabetic. Please, post what "diet" you are following and how your results are.



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I am following the "do what makes me feel energetic and helps me lose weight" diet. For me, that's increasing my protein, trying to avoid a lot of sugar (except in my coffee, I have to have it in my coffee!), making sure I get plenty of potassium, and sticking as close to my calorie goal as possible by eating most of my exercise calories that I burn. :)
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    im watching the calories and exercising more, simple maths really, i never understand this eating back calories tho ( just me) as why exercise so hard to eat them again, if i ate back all my cals some days i would be eating 3000+ cals !!

    eat less + exercise more = weight loss
  • prettyrikky
    prettyrikky Posts: 22 Member
    I just eat no more than 1200 calories a day and try to excersie a few times a week. I have cut out pop(soda) from my diet and increased my water intake, that alone has made a big difference. I have lost 24lbs so far. It has only been about a month and a half.
  • slimsuzy14
    I use Herbalife Protein Shakes and bars for 2 meals a day as the nutritional value is huge. Herbalife sponsors Inter Milan , La Galaxy and Velencia football teams among others as their doctors and scientists strive for the best nutrition first to give energy and then to be used for health or weightloss. I have a friend who is diabetic and herbalife has transformed her life. You then have an evening meal much as you would like, being sensible, and just watch portion control. It is fantastic
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Me too, no specific diet, just logging & counting, trying to get a variety of foods, & much smaller portions. rarely get really hungry now, though.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    It's called eat less, move more! Simple as that! :bigsmile:

    Well, not always simple to follow but simple in theory!
  • ramius
    ramius Posts: 91
    I'm just watching the calories.. not really doing anything "special" -- but I find that watching the calories I end up eating foods that are healthier most of the time.. like I'm eating more fruits and vegtables than ever before and I'm eating whole wheat bread instead of the white bread -- Making sure I get the lean meat and even when I'm eating out.. I try to eat at subway or someplace that has good nutrition information so I can make a good decision on my meals that are in line with the amount of calories.. I try to keep each meal around 500Cal or less and then I make sure to eat some snacks.. like banannas and fruit along with a protien shake in the morning and a protien bar for snack.. and I'm getting in my water each day...

    I still occasionally eat food that I like.. like totinos pizza or whatever I just watch the portion size.. so before when I would have eaten the whole thing which is really 2 servings and close to 800cal I now eat 1 serving which is half that...

    I've been doing this for the past 2 weeks along with excercising M - F week 1 and M - Sat week 2 and so far I've lost 11lbs just doing this.. which is about the best i've ever done on a "Diet"

    My results this far besides the weight loss have been that my stomache indigestion which I used to have daily is gone, and I have a lot more engergy.. I don't have trouble waking up in the morning and I'm less tired throughout the day.. along with the fact that I don't get winded just going up my house stairs .. so I don't see this so much as a "diet" but as a lifestyle change for me

    Hope that helps :)
  • sellingsworth
    No bread, no pasta, no potatoes ... more protein, more raw veggies, small amount of fruit - watch the calories and exercise everyday ... works for me
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    mostly watching calories and exercising. The food diary holds me accountable as does the exercise diary.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    No bread, no pasta, no potatoes ... more protein, more raw veggies, small amount of fruit - watch the calories and exercise everyday ... works for me

    Ditto this, with the exception of I do eat fruit everyday and I exclude as much 'processed' food/meals as possible (I think I am about 95% process food free).

    A friend once said to me about being fit: "Eat less, exercise more." That is true to a point as there are many factors that play into what is right for YOU. But I will say as in the most general terms the quote should be corrected to: "Eat right, exercise more." You can be an unhealthy skinny person too, don't forget that. :flowerforyou:

  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    no diet here! im just watching my calories intake and making sure i ake the healthiest choice when it comes to food. on top of that i make sure to at least workout 6 times a week
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I removed most processed food from my diet.
    I try to eat mostly whole foods with protein at each meal.
    I average 10 servings of fruit and veggies a day.
    I eat real fat ... butter, avocado, olive oil, flaxseed.
    I don't eat too many grains or bread only because I binge on them and feel better if I don't eat too many. I can handle oatmeal and Wasa or Ryvita crispbreads.

    It's been a learning process over the years to figure out what works for me.
    I'll be eating like this for the rest of my life without hesitation.
    I feel great eating this way.
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    i truely feel this is a personal"i know what makes my body tick" thing. I have done every diet known to man and will lose weight and then it rejoins me and brings friends. i am now just logging every bite/drink that goes in my mouth and making sure i stay under all of my projected calories-fat-cholesterol and etc. I am taking it off slowly now and it will stay off because i have changed my whole outlook on food and excercise and make decisions that are good and rethink the ones that are not so good[before i eat or drink]. I may not be a tri-athlete but try to move my big but around a minimum of 4 days a week. this is 4 days more that i did previously. i hope you find what works for you....the mere fact you have made this step.....shows you are off in the right direction.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I actually do a meal(recipe) plan I found for weight loss that is low fat. I found MFP from looking for an App for my iphone for tracking. In the diet I pick the meal and it gives me the recipe and the nutrition info. I eat between 360-390 calories each meal and one snack that is 120-130. It also gives me the proper amounts of veggies and protein, carbs, sodium and fats to maximize my weight loss. It has great variety of meals and easy to make.
    I also burn aprox 1500 calories a day doing exercise. I do not eat my exercise calories. I feel the same as the other poster. why eat back what I burned! I going to be finishing week 6 in a couple of days and have lost 25lbs as of week 5.

    Good luck! Friend me if you would like!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I am actually just watching what I eat and using this site as a guideline for that.

    I know what's healthy... I know to avoid fatty foods and to apply balance. But what I often struggle with is a guideline of how much to eat.

    This site acts as a guide to tell me how much I should eat in a day.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I am basically doing low carb with a higher protein. It works for me!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Diet is such a bad word sometimes. TO me MFP is more of a lifestyle change. You essentially teach yourself a better way to eat.

    Try to eat at least 1200 calories a day, anything less really your body goes into starvation mode and it stores the fat. Having an app for my blackberry helps me keep track of what goes in.

    When it comes to exercising, you don't want to necessarily eat all the calories you burnt off but you do eat some of it back. So if there is a day you KNOW you are going to be a little naughty and eat more than you should, then hit the gym or do some exercises where you can burn a few hundred calories, then you don't seem to feel so guilty.

    I've been on MFP for a week now and have dropped 2 pounds doing it like this, and I feel great!
  • katiemeridien
    Right now, I'm using the GNC Total Lean 7 Day Fast Loss program.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    im watching the calories and exercising more, simple maths really, i never understand this eating back calories tho ( just me) as why exercise so hard to eat them again, if i ate back all my cals some days i would be eating 3000+ cals !!

    eat less + exercise more = weight loss

    eat less + exercise more = weight loss

    This equation only works until you get to a low enough weight where you are eating less than 1200 calories. If you are only supposed to eat 1200 calories and you exercise, then don't eat those exercise calories back you will be taking in a net of less than 1200. Which will result in starvation mode.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm not on a particular diet, I'm just watching the calorie intake, and doing my best to make healthier choices. This site helps me stay accountable and acts as a guideline. I came here to live a healthier lifestyle, but I'm not going to completely give up foods in any category. I try avoiding processed foods, and sugar, but I'm not going to banish them from my diet forever. If I really want a sugary dessert, I'll usually treat myself to one, once a week or so. Eh, I am seeing big results so this is working for me. Best of luck to you.