Tell Me Something Surprising About Yourself



  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I'm deathly afraid of wasps, though I've never been stung by one.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    okay, more:

    I used to have a pet iguana, named Rif Raf (after the butler on the rocky horror picture show)

    I cannot stand the sight of Jim Carrey, therefore I will not watch any of his movies.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    My left arm was paralyzed for a year from an injury playing football in college. Severed my radial nerve :(
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    okay, more:

    I used to have a pet iguana, named Rif Raf (after the butler on the rocky horror picture show)

    I cannot stand the sight of Jim Carrey, therefore I will not watch any of his movies.

    I don't like Jim Carrey either. He seems to desperately need attention. It's pathetic.

    Iguanas are cool. What happened to him?
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    My cat decapitated him....not cool. :( He was just a baby....
  • I gree Jim Carey seems like he needs endless attention and it annoys me.
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    I cannot play Old Maid. Anytime someone takes it from me, I start to giggle. Everyone always knows when I have it too, because I start laughing. My husband says I am not allowed to play poker.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    My cat decapitated him....not cool. :( He was just a baby....

    Yeah. Cats don't really play well with other species. Except people.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I cannot play Old Maid. Anytime someone takes it from me, I start to giggle. Everyone always knows when I have it too, because I start laughing. My husband says I am not allowed to play poker.

    HAHAHAHA....that's funny! :)
  • stevo1078
    stevo1078 Posts: 26
    I'm only 36 and I have 10 children, 4 great granchildren and 2 more grandchildren on the way :wink:

    4 great grandchildren? o_o
    or do you mean 4 great (describing them) grandchildren?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I'm only 36 and I have 10 children, 4 great granchildren and 2 more grandchildren on the way :wink:

    4 great grandchildren? o_o
    or do you mean 4 great (describing them) grandchildren?

    That's what I assumed, too.
  • I once sat with HRH Prince Edward in a gazebo by a lake in the middle of a forest near Kelowna BC and chatted with him and just 1 other person for about 45 mins.


    I Was once shot in the back with an arrow that accidentally flew threw a knot hole in a fence (nothing serious as much as surprising)
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Every time I watch Star Wars, I fall more in love with Han Solo.

    I'm a huge geek, but almost no one knows that.
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    I love WOMEN'S feet and porn!

    I was the world's largest cheerleader.
    I was a congressional page.
    I was security for a senatorial candidate.
    I had a bad experience in the Bermuda Triangle.
    I hate blue cheese!!!!
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    When I was three, I was playing on a tombstone and it fell on me. I broke both legs and had casts up to my hips. I never used to crutches the hospital gave me and walked around like a zombie! My parents would let me play outside with nothing on but those casts! I still have the pictures to prove it after 32 years!!! I always wondered what people driving by must have thought...hmmm???

    I have two children and I am afraid they will "settle" like I did....I gave up on my dreams, goals, aspiration and eventually myself. I am wanting to get back to "my old self" again, and one day I will!!!
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    I'm a lawyer who has worked as a stand-up comic, had speaking roles in two movies and am now opening up a practice as a certified hypnotist. I love the Detroit Tigers and went to a fantasy camp. I write poetry when I'm in love.
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I once met the group Van Halen & they all signed the back of my jacket except David Lee Roth (he doesn't do autograghs).
    I have only used the F word once in my life and that was when I messed up saying the name of the resteraunt Fudruckers.:laugh:
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    I am a complete and total Andy Griffith Show encyclopedia. I can recite the lines right along with the characters on any given episode. I have been into the show since I was a very young child.
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    My party trick is putting a condom on over my head. One time I used a cheap condom, it split down the middle and the ends rolled up like a set of roller blinds, right around my neck, almost throttling me in the process.
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    My Lizard got me out of a ticket. The cop didn't see him on the back of the seat!!! Lou the Lizard crawled down my arm, across the door and on the cop!!!
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