Short girl trying to lose 30 lbs



  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    funny about the stomach weight thing, i thought it was just that i sat at a desk all day but seems to be a theme with us shorter ladies! maybe there's just less surface area for fat to go to? LOL
    friend me anyone if you want :)
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    I haven't tried the 30 day shred, but would like to. I am 5ft 3. I currently weight 158. I started my weight loss about 9 wks ago. When I started I weigh 180 lbs. When I started I was doing the home dvd workout videos by Leslie Sansone. One is called Walk Away the Pounds. I have about three of her dvds, I really like them. I have since joined a gym and do a little more physical workouts, but I think since I started out by walking and really watching what I ate that has helped me in being able to be more physical. I weight everything I eat and count ALL my calories. I especially enjoy MyFitnessPal. I also have it on my phone, its very convenient.
    I also will be sending a friend request.
    If there is anything I can do to help please don't hesitate to ask!

    THAT is very inspirational! You will be a great motivator for me :)
  • Dawnms1
    Dawnms1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also 5'1" and need to lose 30-40 lbs. am new to this, but so far am glad to see all the posts.....with so much support how can we go wrong.
    feel free to add me!!
  • 3aBadkids
    3aBadkids Posts: 78
    hello fellow "shorties"!!!

    I'm 5'1 and have the same problem area: tummy!!! GRRR... I'm almost done with round 1 of P90X. I tried 30 day shred and made it up to level's a good workout for 20 minutes! I'm looking to tone and tigthen up everywhere...tired of the jigglies!!! I'd like to friend you (and everyone on this thread...) :smile:
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    funny about the stomach weight thing, i thought it was just that i sat at a desk all day but seems to be a theme with us shorter ladies! maybe there's just less surface area for fat to go to? LOL
    friend me anyone if you want :)

    there is less surface area for sure. But I do wish I didn't have a desk job! I started working full time three years back, and since then, I've been piling on the pounds every single day.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Hi and welcome aboard! I am 5'2" and am almost to goal. You definitely can do it. Best of luck!
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    5'0 here and have been between 142.4- 145 for three weeks now :explode:
    I started my fitnesspall while pregnant and was at 170 the day i had my fourth baby. My tummy is slowly starting to peek out from under the flab! Ive been seriously tracking my calories & work outs for about 7 weeks now. Im going through p90x, zumba and working out at the gym & on a 1200 ( adjusted that today actually ) intake.

    I WOULD LOVE more buddies in the same boat
  • slinky29
    slinky29 Posts: 18
    Hi all

    I'm a shortie too, 5'3" and 168lbs. I've used this website before and was succesful but then went away to the states and various other things and have put weight back on :(

    This time around i'm determined to get more into the exercise part as don't particularly struggle with the food side just am very lazy.

    Good luck everyone
  • Gillian93

    I'm a short girl too, i'm 5"0 and i used to weigh 160. although i didn't buy the whole 30 day shred kit, i used it because it was on comcast on demand and i was actually able to lose 25lbs. Everything's gone but the one dreaded part i hate... yep my tummy, but don't get discouraged because comcast didn't provide all her workout videos, and i believe if you stay consistent, you'll b even more successful. :)
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I seem to be the shortest one on this thread lol, I am happy to accept friend requests, its nice to know that I'm not alone.