Can you take a look at my food diary and tell me what i'm do



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Thankyou guys - your information has helped a lot!! ..

    I weigh 127 pound and im 5 ft 7.. just want to lose 7lbs. I need to sort out my diet and maintain constant exercise at least 4-5 days a week!!
    I shall do this and on my goal date May 15th i'll let you all know how ive done! :)

    I just want to know what foods contain high amounts of sodium as ill try and avoid that!

    Are you sure that 120 is realistic for you? It certainly is for some women at 5'7", but I can tell you that I'm your height and get many concerned comments about my health (even from strangers) when I get into the lower 120s. Looking back at pictures, I was able to see that my skin was grey and I just looked exhausted. So consider whether the goal is reasonable--it may be for you, but it may not.

    Sodium is in virtually everything, but it is quite high in any prepared/boxed foods and in baked goods. You eat a lot of simple starches like breads, sweet cereals, etc. and not only are those impeding your weight loss, they're FULL of sodium.

    If you go back and change your tracked nutrients to also follow sodium, you'll see where you've been getting yours.
  • k3v28
    k3v28 Posts: 2
    the 1200 calories is not a myth. If you take to little energy your body will store fat as a back up, bmr (basic metabolic rate) is the best way to work your calories around but on healthier sources i dont agree with being a guru because 86 percent will give up on there diets because they cannot have anything they like use substitutes if your a sweet and chocolate fan have 2 or 3 jaffa cakes as they taste good but have 60percent less fat also eat some veg aswell dont have to go over board have a mcdonalds now and again like once every two weeks as it well reduce the l;ikelyhood of you quitting also it can be good practice to shock the system now and again you will find it hard too loose weight anyway tbh because u are small any more questions please ask.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I'd imagine it's because you're eating junk food, I try to avoid processed food when possible. No burger kings etc which is easy for me as I cant stand them anyway. If im out and about and need to eat I usually have sushi, It's not massively low on calories but it is a fairly healthy food in comparison.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Ahh, i've been counting calories religiously.. but eating the wrong food!!!

    More green veg and fresh fruit for me it is.. Should I drop my calorie intake?

    No, you should increase your caloric intake. Since you don't have much to lose your caloric deficit should be small. Try setting your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week. This will give you more calories to eat. Eat them and make sure they are from healthy sources. The less you have to lose the more you need to eat (smaller caloric deficit) this way you ensure you are losing fat and not burning muscle to fuel your body.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Thankyou guys - your information has helped a lot!! ..

    I weigh 127 pound and im 5 ft 7.. just want to lose 7lbs. I need to sort out my diet and maintain constant exercise at least 4-5 days a week!!
    I shall do this and on my goal date May 15th i'll let you all know how ive done! :)

    I just want to know what foods contain high amounts of sodium as ill try and avoid that!

    at 127 you are already below the "ideal weight" for your height. You don't need to lose anymore, try adding strength training and focus on body fat % instead of the number on the scale.

    ideal weight for a woman at 5'7" is 135lbs (100 lbs at 5' plus 5 lbs/inch) if you have a small from you can go 10% lower (122).
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Honestly, at your weight I wouldn't worry as much about how many pounds you have to lose or your calories being low. What you SHOULD be worrying about is exercise and toning up. You may only lose 3 or 4 more pounds by then but look a MILLION times different by toning up.

    I didn't lose a single pound for a month BUT all my clothes kept gettting loser and loser. Once I got my diet healthier, I started losing numbers. Still, you should only be obsessing over calories and weighing yourself if you have 20 or more pounds to lose.

    Just relax a bit more about it and your body will change. Just eat better, exercise and EAT BACK some of those exercise calories or you will just get frustrated.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I'm with this poster... I worry that you are underweight and trying for something unhealthy and unrealistic.

  • i agree that you should not be looking to lose pounds on the scale, but instead work on toning the muscle you have. It will change the way your body looks completely. You are already at an ideal weight for your height (actually, a bit under it). Its going to take work, but think of how much better you will look and how much stronger you will feel when you are well-toned. It will work wonders for your confidence, IMO :)

    If you decide you are determined to lose, set your goal at 0.5 lbs/week max and eat all of your daily allotment, including your calories burned thru exercise. I think you probably have your #/week goal set too high for someone already at a healthy weight and that you've been undereating many days. You will probably lose around 3 pounds by May 17th if you work at it sensibly, but you MAY see your loss only in inches, not on the scale at all... Thats STILL a WIN!! :flowerforyou:

    Like others have said, your diet seems low in fruits/veggies/water and high on convienence foods/carbs and thus, its probable you're over in sodium as well. Add that to your food diary settings so you can pinpoint the culprits. I would suggest looking thru other people's (public) MFP food diaries for ideas of what to eat (and, lol, what not to eat :wink: )

    Remember, being HEALTHY is what makes a person beautiful, not just being "thinner".

    Best of luck! :bigsmile:
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Ahh, i've been counting calories religiously.. but eating the wrong food!!!

    More green veg and fresh fruit for me it is.. Should I drop my calorie intake?

    NOOOO my first thought was you are eating too little - without proper nutrition your body will hold on to what it has. It is hard to say for sure though without knowing your current weight/height. From your two photos you don't look overweight at all.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Under eating 800-1100 cals most days and no exercise being done to counteract the one high day 1800 I saw or to maintain muscle mass while you eat so little.. If you continue eating under 1200 cals you will most likely loose only lean muscle mass and not fat. Work-out to counter act that and eat back most, at least ½ of those calories.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    BTW, you should actually be eating 1779 calories a day based on the Children's Nutritional Centre.
  • You do not have much to lose like me. I was not losing any pounds but inches. It is a good thing but I increased my water intaker ( I drank maybe 3 glasses a day) to 10 cups a day. I upped my calories to 1400 and I will probably up it again next week to 1500 calories. And I started losing the pounds again. So I say up your calories , drink alot of water , and workout. Change up the exercises and make sure you are doing some strength training.

    I went from a low size eight to a size 4 and I only lost 7 pounds. It is all about the inches.

    And I just read your recent post 5'7 127. Yikes be careful.
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