ALWAYS starved at night



  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    I don't like breakfast and can't sleep hungry, so i have a night snack no breakfast
    it works for me
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    I think you should look at what you are eating the rest of the day. If you do not eat enough throughout the day you will be hungrier in the evenings. Try to get a good amount of complex carbohydrates throughout the day (especially in the morning) paired up with protein each meal and snack. The body also craves food/ sugar when it is low on energy. If you are staying up too late and are tired, you may be eating to get energy when in reality you should be putting yourself to bed. A lot of people over eat when they are tired. Hope this helps!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    The smoothie sounds really yummy, definately will try that. Thanks:)
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I do my exercise at night, right after the kids go to bed (around 8). That ususally helps with my cravings and it makes me tired so I'm ready to go to bed! I wish I could get up in the morning and work out but already get up at 5 to get everyone ready for the work and school days. But I have found that is the one advantage to working out at night, no snack cravings!
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    I think you should look at what you are eating the rest of the day. If you do not eat enough throughout the day you will be hungrier in the evenings. Try to get a good amount of complex carbohydrates throughout the day (especially in the morning) paired up with protein each meal and snack. The body also craves food/ sugar when it is low on energy. If you are staying up too late and are tired, you may be eating to get energy when in reality you should be putting yourself to bed. A lot of people over eat when they are tired. Hope this helps!

    I never looked at it that way! That makes a lot of sense. I usually stay up late, since that's the only time I can get any "me" time, and I am always craving something. Maybe I'll just go to bed from now on.
  • luckyme65
    luckyme65 Posts: 16 Member
    It's important to NOT EAT CARBS at night.....they are used for an immediate energy source. If you don't use them, you will store them....protein at night is much better to eat. If you want something sweet, mix cottage cheese or ricotta with a packet of splenda, raisins and cinnamon.....but no carbs! :-)
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    Smart girl!!!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    WHen I'm eating good and still feeling hungry, it';s usually
    1) lack of water that day or
    2) lack of fat during my day, so out come the almonds to up it.

    MIght be worth trying ;)
  • mrswibbs
    mrswibbs Posts: 31
    I think you should look at what you are eating the rest of the day. If you do not eat enough throughout the day you will be hungrier in the evenings. Try to get a good amount of complex carbohydrates throughout the day (especially in the morning) paired up with protein each meal and snack. The body also craves food/ sugar when it is low on energy. If you are staying up too late and are tired, you may be eating to get energy when in reality you should be putting yourself to bed. A lot of people over eat when they are tired. Hope this helps!
    …it's sure helped me :happy: very good, wise advice, thank you
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    Try a Horlicks Light- they fill me up when I am peckish at night and are only a hundred cals.

    I do think you need to look at what you are eating during the day though...once I have had my tea I am done for the day and feeling happy and satisfied. I have enough room to eat more if I wanted, but there is a difference between being 'full' and been 'satisfied'. For me the difference is wanting to slob out on the sofa ( full) and being able to get up and go do something active (satisfied). Im finding I have much more energy!!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    blood sugar usually drops around night time. for dinner try eating more complex carbs to sustain your sugar levels through the night. or try eating more lower glycemic foods around dinner/night time.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    It's important to NOT EAT CARBS at night.....they are used for an immediate energy source. If you don't use them, you will store them....protein at night is much better to eat. If you want something sweet, mix cottage cheese or ricotta with a packet of splenda, raisins and cinnamon.....but no carbs! :-)

    this is totally untrue. you dont store anything when you sleep. your body still needs to function and it'll burn those carbs first thing. wish people would do some research before they just spout whatever myths they've heard.
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    have a cup of tea, brush your teeth, and go to bed!
  • I have noticed that the food commercials at night look awesome even if they are restaurants I hate like KFC..I know though if I even eat one snack at night its a slippery slope for me I will not stop with one..So I just ignore it and drink more water which does seem to help :)
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Also, I LOVE that when you exercise, you can eat more, so I work out a ton!


    I've heard it said "diet to lose weight, exercise to get fit", but that just makes me go :noway:

    For me, it's definitely "diet to lose weight, exercise to be able to eat decent stuff!" :laugh:

    (And, of course, the fitness is a *real* nice perk!)

    Of course, now that I'm up to 1700 calories a day according to the site, maybe I'll finally feel like I can eat a normal dinner *without* worrying about going over for the day!
  • jodik11
    jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
    I had the same problem. I figured it out that I wasn't eating enough throughout the day. I wasn't eating all of my calories for a day and I was eating very light food. Once I started eating more filling foods and all or most of my calories for the day (plus 8 glasses of H2O) I stopped binging at night. Good Luck!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    It's important to NOT EAT CARBS at night.....they are used for an immediate energy source. If you don't use them, you will store them....protein at night is much better to eat. If you want something sweet, mix cottage cheese or ricotta with a packet of splenda, raisins and cinnamon.....but no carbs! :-)

    I do it alllll the time and have never had an issue losing. I not only eat at night... I eat late at night and I work night shifts part time so I go from eating all day to eating all night instead several days of the month. I don't think it has anything to do WHEN you eat at all. I eat at night so that I can sleep better and not wake up hungry!
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I also find that when I workout at night I won't want to eat! Most of the time I have to workout really late because it's the only time the kids aren't needing something!

    On days when I don't workout at night though I also want to eat EVERYTHING! I'm not even sure I'm hungry, I just have major junk food cravings. It helps if I just go to bed and forget about it :)
  • I'm exactly the same. I just always make sure I have calories left over in the evening and then munch on fruit throughout the evening. I also eat my dinner a little later than some maybe would, if I get really hungry then I'll make it but if not I try to hold out til about 7pm and then I feel satisfied later on into the night.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I distribute my calories so I tend to eat the most of them at nite. A lot of people say they won't eat at nite (ie I eat dinner between 8 & 9 pm) because it will affect weight loss but does/'t affect me. I think it comes down to calories in verses calories out. I also have been trying to go to bed a little earlier. Finally, try to keep occupied... reading, embroidery.
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