Not sure where to post this... (rant warning)



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I honestly think her "im fat rants" are a jab at bigger people. it's all in her tone. it's hard to explain i guess. I just really needed to get it out its been bugging me all day. We havent hung out in a very long time cause the last time we did we were playing pool and she walked over with some guy and said "Kirstin meet john he likes bigger girls his last girlfriend was huge" (first of all, not funny AT ALL, and second she knows im married) i got so mad at her i walked the 5 miles home.

    I would not spend time with this person again. Nothing further to add.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Venting is a good thing, gets that crap that's buggin' ya out! :grumble:
    Hang in there girl...You have a lot going for you, including being very pretty!
    Do this for yourself, not for them!

    Good luck!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    You need to think about purging poisonous people like that from your life, its hard enough to keep up this fight to get healthy and fit without listening to people who project their own self image issues on people around them.

    AMEN TO THAT!!!:smile:
  • wonderlady71
    wonderlady71 Posts: 13 Member
    Point blank: you do not need "friends" like this in your life. You're making an effort to get healthy and need people around you who are supportive and understand!!!

    If you look at me, I have been plus size my entire life but no one would EVER guess what I weigh......on the flip side, I have a friend a few inches taller than me who is quite thin yet has body issues as well. We support each other: I encourage her to purchase clothes that show off her trim figure more, she is right beside me when I want to walk and we often cook healthy meals together.

    Your friend sounds very insecure and unhappy with her life. She's worth trying to talk to one-on-one but I have doubts that she even cares that these remarks hurt you.

    Look around you and find the positive friends in your life!!!
  • Friends that judge u and put u down r not friends at all.......that how i feel about that!!!!!!!!
  • keep your head up. people like that don't deserve your time. add me if you want. have a good night
  • ohiomom2
    ohiomom2 Posts: 13
    You need new friends! If someone doesn't like someone just b/c they are larger they have serious issues. Are these people in middle school? :noway:
  • lilmommy
    lilmommy Posts: 84
    I have or should I say "had" a "friend" like that too at one time in my life!! Hope she didn't get you down to bad! Keep you head up and don't be around ppl that make you feel bad about yourself!!
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    We all know people that are like this. It's usually from one of two things. Either A they have been really skinny their whole life and right now they truly weigh more than they ever have or B they have some sort of deep mental issue that they just can't see that they are skinnier than everyone else and are of average or are below average weight. It's this second one that really annoys everyone around them. Either they can get help or you can ignore it because you know they are not mentally fit enough at this moment to handle the truth. You've got your head on straight either way so we can be proud of that :smile:
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I honestly think her "im fat rants" are a jab at bigger people. it's all in her tone. it's hard to explain i guess. I just really needed to get it out its been bugging me all day. We havent hung out in a very long time cause the last time we did we were playing pool and she walked over with some guy and said "Kirstin meet john he likes bigger girls his last girlfriend was huge" (first of all, not funny AT ALL, and second she knows im married) i got so mad at her i walked the 5 miles home.

    WOW! That is perhaps one of the most mean spirited things I've heard....Sorry sweetheart, that is NOT a "friend" worth keeping. I'm prerry sure she knows what she's doing no matter what her reasons are. She's probably not likely to change anytime soon either.

    Make new friends. That one is not truly a friend.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Your progress is AMAZING and you should be so proud of yourself! My question would have to be: Why on earth are you "friends" with this girl?? Seriously. You need to surround yourself with people who actually consider your feelings and support you and aren't rude, self-destructive....goofs. (((Hugs!)))) YOU have nothing to cry about!
  • diviana
    diviana Posts: 53
    Sounds like some cleaning house is in order. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you and who appreciate THEMSELVES enough to not make fun of everyone else. If you aren't getting anything positive out of the friendship, move on. I know it's hard, I've lost 3 friends in the past 5 months. Lost, as in cut them loose. Don't need the drama, and I'm all the better for it.
  • CNYKrista
    CNYKrista Posts: 61
    People like this are shallow. Thanks for sharing and I am here to support all of you!!!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Sometimes friends are much better off being 'de friended'.

    There is enough sh1te, stress, unhappiness and more sh1te in this world without us allowing so called friends to add to it. Dump her like a dose of the crabs!
  • kuhristeee
    kuhristeee Posts: 100 Member
    I'd just like to reiterate what everyone else has said basically. There's no reason to keep this person and their constant negativity in your life. Especially when it begins to weigh you down emotionally when you're trying to keep a positive mindset for your OWN well being. It's nothing but detrimental to your efforts, and you certainly don't want that! :) Be proud of everything you've accomplished, you deserve it! And let the haters fall by the wayside. Regardless of her 'reasons' for acting the way she does, there's more than likely nothing YOU could do to change it even if you wanted to.

    If it were me, I'd cut my losses and move on. There are many more good hearted, supportive people who deserve her spot in your life. :)
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