The start of the Two-a-Day workout challenge



  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    I think I've gained a little bit of strength,Jari's workout didn't seem as daunting today
    I also took a brave step and did the first day of my C25K Week 2 in the huge park,cycled there and back then enjoyed the scenery as i jogged along,much slower then jogging along on the treadmill,and the ground is a bit uneven but I loved the fresh air,it was a nice change,besides the gym gets too crowded in the evening if I don't go early enough....

    Monday 28th – 8:30 AM 46 mins Walk/jog/sprint Intervals (DONE) + Mid PM Jari Love (DONE) + PM C25k Week 2(DONE)
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Okay, I think....I may have developed a schedule that I can do and my fiance will be pleased with :happy: Here it is!

    Monday: AM - 30DS and 30 minute walk PM - Walking for an hour
    Tuesday: AM - C25K and 30 minute walk PM - Walking for an hour
    Wednesday: AM - 30DS and 30 minute walk PM - Walking for an hour
    Thursday: AM - C25K and 30 minute walk PM - Walking for an hour
    Friday: AM - 30DS and 30 minute walk PM - Walking for an hour
    Saturday: AM - C25K and 30 minute walk PM - Walking for an hour
    Sunday: AM - 30 minute walk PM - Walking for an hour

    The reason I have so much walking here is because I want to go walking in the morning so I have time to think about and plan my day, and I want to walk with my fiance in the evening after he gets done with work, because it's such a good time to talk! The evening walk times may be variable, but definitely 30 minutes every morning. I added 30DS and C25K so I could get some interval training in while training for a 5K in October and getting a little bit of strength training/toning exercises in.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    The weather outside is uuuuugaaalllyy!!! Its foggy and misty and COLD! which is odd because it was just liek 88 degrees the other day...Grr west texas!! Wouldnt be so irritated but it interferes with my 2nd I am going to have to work around that and just try and get two workouts in back to back. Maybe do double on something :o)
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends. I took Sat and sunday off. But I am back in the swing of things.

    Monday: A.M. P90X Plyometrics+ Walk/Sprint Interval Training for 30mins.
    P.M.-Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Today - kickboxing and 3 miles run. May run some more when I get home, I'll count that as workout 1 for tomorrow. :)
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Monday 3/28/11: The weather rained out my plans to run in the AM and road bike in the PM so I did two P90X workouts; legs and back plus chest and back. Too many pull ups! Tomorrow I run regardless but will only ride if it is clear. Maybe I'll do plyo instead of biking if it rains. I’m really not afraid to ride in the rain, but I really hate cleaning and lubing the bike afterwards!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Monday is complete!! :):)

    1st workout - eliptical 45 min ab ripper
    2nd - walked 25 min. (weather sucks today and 2nd workout is always outside mon and wed) but got two in :):)

    Going to do chest triceps biceps tomorrow along with either running (weather permitting) or eliptical. And maybe ab ripper again.

    Heres off to an AWESOME week guys!!!
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    got my 2 workouts in..
    am: 30 min jog
    pm: 30 min elliptical and p90x chest & back

    tomorrow's line up:
    am: p90x cardio x
    pm: 45 min elliptical

    hope everyone is doing well.. keep up the good work! :)
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Crap forgot to log in here for Sunday: Did cycle class and ran

    Monday: ran 3 miles. Ab ripper and part of Yoga P90X

    This is my "down week" I have a 10K and 55 mile bike race this weekend..Not sure about 2/days this week but maybe I can come up with something.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    03/28/11: AM: Cardio Challenge 39 minutes, noontime: walk/jog/skip 48 minutes, PM: Back & Bi's 51 minutes. Sure hope I have a more productive week this week.
  • looseat50
    I am in!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey All
    Better late than never!! I overslept this morning woke up to one of my dogs licking my ear, thank goodness or would have been late for work. Ended up doing 20 min ab jam. 20 min turbo and 20 minutes on treadmill - cal burn per the hrm 440; I'll take it :laugh: I'm just grateful that after working a 10 hour day and grocery shopping, caring for my 4 dogs and DH I still made time to eat right and work out for and hour. I count that as a win for me today and I'm psyched for tomorrow. Going to start adding strength training this week and abs. I noticed some of you all doing p90x - I have p90. Which does include ab ripper. Might give it a try this week. Not in place of turbo but in addition to, we'll see :wink:
    Hope everyone is off to a fantastic week!!

  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Monday done!

    (X) Monday AM: WT: Legs (Heavy), 20 minutes intervals training
    (X) Monday PM: 20 minutes intervals
    ( ) Tuesday AM: WT: Chest & Back (Heavy) Intervals
    ( ) Tuesday PM: Intervals
    ( ) Wednesday AM: Legs & Abs (Heavy)
    ( ) wednesday PM: ?
    ( ) Thursday AM: Chest and Shoulders (Heavy)
    ( ) Thursday PM: ?
    ( ) Friday AM: Full body (Light)
    ( ) Friday PM: ?
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Crap forgot to log in here for Sunday: Did cycle class and ran

    Monday: ran 3 miles. Ab ripper and part of Yoga P90X

    This is my "down week" I have a 10K and 55 mile bike race this weekend..Not sure about 2/days this week but maybe I can come up with something.

    Maybe just like walking for one of your workouts...Thats not to strenuous :o)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Woohoo we are one day closer to friday!! haha

    My workouts today will concist of:

    1st - Strength training upper and lower body 1 hr
    2nd - 30 min eliptical or running depending on weather...its looking like it will just have to be the eliptical

    Happy workouts today all and have a wonderful day!! :o)
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    I'll be honest I am feeling a bit under the weather today,have cold symptons,sore throat and stuffy nose upon waking,
    feeling slightly demotivated,BUT I still went in to the gym and did some HIIT skipping,jumping squats and jumping lunges and some cardio kickboxing with my female friend,the guy that was meant to be helping me with the heavy weights didn't turn up,oh well,my friend and I had fun and we still worked out so not so guilty there.

    I'll be back on schedule tomorrow!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I'll be honest I am feeling a bit under the weather today,have cold symptons,sore throat and stuffy nose upon waking,
    feeling slightly demotivated,BUT I still went in to the gym and did some HIIT skipping,jumping squats and jumping lunges and some cardio kickboxing with my female friend,the guy that was meant to be helping me with the heavy weights didn't turn up,oh well,my friend and I had fun and we still worked out so not so guilty there.

    I'll be back on schedule tomorrow!

    I have seen this alot the HIIT. What is that?
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I'll be honest I am feeling a bit under the weather today,have cold symptons,sore throat and stuffy nose upon waking,
    feeling slightly demotivated,BUT I still went in to the gym and did some HIIT skipping,jumping squats and jumping lunges and some cardio kickboxing with my female friend,the guy that was meant to be helping me with the heavy weights didn't turn up,oh well,my friend and I had fun and we still worked out so not so guilty there.

    I'll be back on schedule tomorrow!

    I have seen this alot the HIIT. What is that?

    I think it's called High Intensity Interval Training. I think it's used in TurboFire? That's just what I've heard. It's supposed to really torch the calories!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Tuesday 3/29/11: AM - Trail Run - Done, PM - Road Bike - Done
    Glad to get some outdoor activities in today, rain coming tomorrow. On Wednesday I'll probably do AM P90X Arms and Shoulders, PM Plyo-X.
    My legs felt tired this morning but better this afternoon. Seems strange but I'm glad for the "better" part.
    Anyone taking a break on Thursday (or other)? I'm wasted by Friday without any break from two-a-days and can't take advantage of the weekend. If I take a break on Thursday should I cut back to one exercise or take a whole day? Sunday is a full rest day for me.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    HIIT is basically the theory of exerting yourself to your limits for a short period of time (30 to 60 seconds) followed by a longer period of rest ( 1 to 2 minutes) then you do these intervals for about 30 to 40 minutes,you can do HIIT with any exercise equipment or incorporate it into any bodyweight only routine,its pretty intense but its supposed to blast 9% more fat then steady state.

    i have another surprise today I joined an athletics sprinting/discus/javelin/long jump club,was super awesome they make us sprint HIIT style on the track for 2 hours,really intense I was drenched in sweat and its freezing outside so I sucessfully got my 2 a day in even if I wasn't stuck to schedule,really enjoyed sprinting outside beats the treadmill anyday I'm not terrified of falling off looool,it was fun,so a day of recovery then back there on Thursday,but of course I won't be recovering have 3 sessions tomorrow,goodluck to everyone else this week,keep pushing!