do you like salmon??



  • bmetayer
    bmetayer Posts: 1
    I eat Maple salmon. For lower sugar and sodium I would try to find a sugar free or low sugar maple syrup mxed with garlic powder and low sodium soy sauce. Pour over salmon and bake until ready. I didnt put any measurements so that you could do it to taste. Its very good.

    Good luck
  • I love salmon. There is difference in taste between wild and farm raised. I always eat wild caught.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I eat Maple salmon. For lower sugar and sodium I would try to find a sugar free or low sugar maple syrup mxed with garlic powder and low sodium soy sauce. Pour over salmon and bake until ready. I didnt put any measurements so that you could do it to taste. Its very good.

    Good luck

    Oh that sounds awesome...also just sprinkle a pinch of brown sugar on top before eating it, so good...
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    Do I like salmon?!?! I would gladly bust my diet and tack on 5 lbs if I could get my hands on a fresh, juicy cut of a Copper River King Salmon. Only a few more months to go before Alaskan salmon season.
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    I use one of Ina Garten's (from the Food Network) recipes. Preheat the oven to 450. Heat a dry frying pan (one that you can put in the oven, I use cast iron). Rub both sides of your salmon with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook on one side in the pan for about 2 minutes, flip and put in the oven until it's cooked to your done-ness preference. She suggests 5-7 minutes for rare, I cooked it for about 9 minutes I believe (not a fan of rare) and it was done throughout, but not dry.

    She also makes it with lentils, which I did not make. Link to the recipe below:
  • jenbcp
    jenbcp Posts: 11 Member
    I LOVE salmon. The key is to buy it fresh (never previously frozen) and to cut the skin off of it before cooking. Sometimes the person at the counter will do it if you ask, but not all places will.

    I cook mine this way:

    Preheat oven to 375
    Drizzle olive oil over salmon
    Sprinkle salt, pepper and thyme over it
    Cut up thin rings from a lemon, and place on top
    Wrap tightly in foil, and bake on a pan for about 35 minutes
    Unwrap and serve immediately

    I usually serve it with Kale Chips or a side of Cauliflower “Mashed Potatoes”

    If you leave the fish in the foil too long it will end up overcooking it, and there is nothing worse than dry salmon.
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    It's not my favorite food, by any means, but I do like salmon burgers. Most cans of salmon have a recipe on them...or just google it. I never make mine the same. :wink: They're a good alternative to beef burgers, though.

    I love salmon. My mother use to make an egg sauce to go over the salmon when she cook it. But I do not have the receipe for it. I recently purchased a couple of can's of salmon on impulse and then could not think of how to use them. Thanks for the idea of a salmom burger. I will have to try this.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I do not like canned salmon, I think its gross, I think most canned fish is gross (well except oddly enough sardines..which i LOVE) anyway I do like fresh salmon, I like it smoked or raw, raw salmon has NO fishyness at all, not even remotely, and if it does then you shouldnt eat it becuase its bad..and smoked salmon lox are sooooo good on a begals with cream cheese and capers..YUM
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    Like all fish the best tasting salmon is one you caught yourself. Yummy
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Salmon is one of my favorites. My husband & I have discovered that it's important to purchase high-quality salmon. Unfortunately because of our location that means frozen. We have found the best frozen salmon at Sam's Club - but I don't recall the brand. But the thing we look for are fillets that have no "dark" meat on them. They are nice big, thick pieces that are red all the way through. If you start with a good piece of salmon, it's hard to screw it up. We add our favoite seasonings, and either grill, or "steam" in a frying pan - heat the pan, throw the fish with an ice cube and cover it. Good luck - and by all means give it a try.
  • I used to hate salmon with a passion. Like you, I found it greasy and just waaaaay too fishy.

    However, wild Alaskan salmon is NOTHING like the salmon you're used to! It doesn't taste greasy or fishy and it's not neon-orange (because it's not dyed).

    So try the wild Alaskan Salmon and you may be pleasantly surprised!

    I bought the frozen Trident Seafoods Alaskan Salmon Burgers (4 in a pack) and even my husband loves them. They are high in Omega-3; 15g protein in one burger and are not fishy tasting at all.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I used to hate salmon with a passion. Like you, I found it greasy and just waaaaay too fishy.

    However, wild Alaskan salmon is NOTHING like the salmon you're used to! It doesn't taste greasy or fishy and it's not neon-orange (because it's not dyed).

    So try the wild Alaskan Salmon and you may be pleasantly surprised!

    There is truly no salmon like wild Alaska salmon. We try to eat a couple whole ones a month in the summer. I bake it with a teriyaki sauce over it, and use the leftovers for salmon chowder. It's also good in a macaroni and cheese dish, and I've made salmon quesadillas. I don't have any healthy recipes, though. I'll have to work on that this summer.
  • Robinone
    Robinone Posts: 6
    I do like salmon I think its a great fish but my youngest daughter didn't like so I started making salmon cakes (just like crab cakes but with salmon) the recipe I used was from Foodnetwork's Ina Garten - crab cakes. There are a few steps involved but Katie loves it when I make these so she will eat them and get the nutrition that she needs.
    Take Care,

  • I love salmon fresh! I usually cook it in a skillet which takes no time at all to cook. McCormick makes spice blends called Grill Mates for various meats. The Salmon one is really good and I just sprinkle that on the salmon while its cooking and it is good to go!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    We love salmon, like many others mentioned it really needs to be fresh. Our favorite recipe for salmon is:
    Sprinkle salmon with white pepper and corriander (ground) and bake at 400 for about 5-10 minutes (depending on thickness)
    Drizzle with this delicious sauce:
    Honey, Sirracha, Lime juice and soy sauce. I just wing it with amounts but it is about all equal amounts (less sirracha if you don't like the spice).
    I serve it with a veggie, green beans or sugar snap peas, and buckwheat soba noodles.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    After reading this thread I had salmon last night lol I only used Mrs. Dash garlic and herbs to spice it and baked good...
  • Celene1
    Celene1 Posts: 2
    I love salmon. Fresh fillets are good bbq'd, broiled or done on cedar planks on the bbq.
    Here is one of my favorite ways to prepare salmon.

    I never use that much oil...maybe just a tbsp. This can be broiled as well.

    "Salmon usually does quite well unadorned, but this hot and sassy marinade makes this grilled salmon even more delicious. With lots of zippy ingredients like balsamic vinegar, crushed red peppers, ginger and soy sauce, you can 't go wrong."


    8 (4 ounce) fillets salmon

    1/2 cup peanut oil

    4 tablespoons soy sauce

    4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

    4 tablespoons green onions,


    3 teaspoons brown sugar
    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger

    2 teaspoons crushed red

    pepper flakes

    1 teaspoon sesame oil

    1/2 teaspoon salt


    Place salmon filets in a medium, nonporous glass dish. In a separate medium bowl, combine the peanut oil, soy sauce, vinegar, green onions, brown sugar, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, sesame oil and salt. Whisk together well, and pour over the fish. Cover and marinate the fish in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 hours.

    Prepare an outdoor grill with coals about 5 inches from the grate, and lightly oil the grate.

    Grill the fillets 5 inches from coals for 10 minutes per inch of thickness, measured at the thickest part, or until fish just flakes with a fork. Turn over halfway through cooking.
  • Like Tuna, Salmon is known for having HIGH mercury be careful, especially women in child-bearing age...that said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Salon!! I eat it about 3-4 times a week ( mostly for breakfast)...

    we make salmon cakes...its prepared pretty much like crab cakes.... I like to add an egg, panko bread crumbs, lemon pepper and a pinch of old bay seasoning.... too offset the caloric content of panko, I make quinoa to accompany the salon.

    you can also just fry it... salmon, lemon pepper and a dash of sea salt.... stir fry with a tablespoon of olive oil... serve with whatever else you are having

    for a quick dinner, I throw salmon steaks on the George Foreman grill.... again, a tablespoon of olive oli and lemon pepper, maybe a lil dill sauce if Im not thinking about calories or sodium count.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I lurve salmon, I could eat it every night of the week. It has to be fresh though and I like it grilled in a non stick pan so the skin goes crispy. I don't like to add anything to it besides a little lemon when cooked.
  • I love salmon!
    I usually bake it and coat it with a mixture of maple syrup, lime juice (some zest too!), fresh garlic, and chipotle pepper powder. It's sweet, tangy, and very yummy!
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