Cell Phones



  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    hahaha I went through a phase of serious phone addiction, it embarrasses me to think of it now. Texting during class and dinners and such... totally rude and I know it. I still love my phone for things like GPS and MFP (woot!) but I hardly text anymore and I don't talk and drive either like I used to when I was a teenager (WTF was I doing talking on my phone and driving!!!! I was the worst driver everrrrr) Seriously though one time I drove from Chico, CA to Santa Cruz, CA for a weekend home in college and talked THE WHOLE TIME... FML. I think it will only get worse though, my nephew has a phone... he is 12.

    I lost my phone and didn't have one for 3 weeks and it was GLORIOUS! Every since then I use it when I need to.

    Letters huh? My boyfriend and I spent a summer apart in college and he sent me hand written letters all summer. He also sent me emails over our relationship but my computer ate about half of them.... there is nothing like having a hard copy letter in your hand... priceless <3

    I think this officially means I am old haha but who cares! Throw those cell phones out the window people!!! Or read the news on them muahahahah, delete angry birds!!! do it!!!
  • I could hand write and mail a letter quicker then I can text. :laugh:

    Must be generational. :embarassed:

    What is this "letter" you speak of?

    :grumble: Dern whippersnappers. :grumble:

    What amuses me about this is that a few of my very close friends (who moved far away from me) I actually do correspond with through letters. It's really refreshing and it's nice to have something to look forward to arriving. And it's helped me work on my penmanship.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I had my current phone for almost a year when Holland wanted to call someone. I gave it to here and when she turned it on, she said "You have a text."
    Me: "Really? From who?"
    Holland: " Ben. It's 4 months old."
    Me: "Let me see."
    She showed me how to check it. So I did. Can't remember what it said. Holland then showed me how to return a text.
    So I did. "Ben. I don't text. If you need me for something, call me."
  • i use my cell phone for everything...i run a small electrical business for side work for myself so i have it on me at all times..when at the gym i use it for music and in the car i use it for music as well...i honestly would be lost without it...i dont know how i got by before without it, but if i am out on a date ill have my phone with me but it wont be on the table and i dont need to rush and check it either
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    What's this "date" thing you mention?
  • I first got a cell phone when I was a freshmen in high school. My mom had taken me to a school basketball game and while I was there went to pick up my brother at the train station. The game was over and my mom wasn't there. I had to wait outside the gym for almost an hour before she got there. The train had been late, but I didn't have a phone at the time so she couldn't get a hold of me. She decided to get me one then.

    I always have my phone on me, I don't use the internet on it or anything, actually got it blocked on purpose. I have bad anxiety so I feel like I need to have my phone on me if there is an emergency of some kind. It always seems like the times I do forget my phone at home, I need it. Like locking myself out of the car or forgetting what I was supposed to buy at the store etc.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    What's this "date" thing you mention?


    I want to know, too!
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Having a smartphone with me calms my nerves. I know many people with anxiety disorders who couldn't cope without being contactable all the time, in case a family member has a heart attack or something equally awful etc.
    I certainly wouldn't text during a meal with someone. But I have never dated and have no plans to.
    The ability to pull out a map. Quickly. Locate myself and find my way home. Or check the routes on the maze of London transport.
    Know when my friends are in trouble and join them.
    Finally, be able to call 999 in an emergency.
  • Jon_Rod
    Jon_Rod Posts: 158
    The thing I can't stand is people talking on the phone on the bus, OMG i hate that sooooo much. I don't need to know how your date went or how your husband is a jerk or how bad your kids are.....but i do agree that I use my phone for everything, budget, music, texting, calls (dont have a house phone), etc......
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into Carphone Warehouse to get a cell phone. My only contacts are my wife, kids, boss, and one client. I don't even look at it when I'm at home or on weekends.
  • Long Live Smart Phones!!!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I wish I had a phone :(
  • I always have my phone with me, but when I'm with other people I don't bother with it. On dates, I do have to leave it on vibrate because I am a single mom of a 6 year old and you never know when something can happen there. But it makes me about lose my mind when people are so obsessive about their phones! My pet peeve, though, is the people that walk around the video store or grocery (or wherever) talking on it. I worked in a video store for years and it was rare that I ever heard a conversation that didn't bore me to tears... not everyone in the world cares that you had a sandwich for lunch and your husband left 4 seconds late...LOL. And even worse...those people who refuse to hang up and call the person back when they go through the check out line. Seriously?? So rude! Acknowledge the people that you are actually face to face with
  • jennrdrgz22
    jennrdrgz22 Posts: 13 Member
    I hear you....worst is those who go to the gym, get on a machine with the phone to their ear! No one is that important!

    i HATE HATE HATE seeing this! lol i'm an avid texter and belong to the tech-y generation. i love my phone and spend time on it. but gym time is gym time! time to stay focused on ME!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I totally get this now!

    Boyfriend and I just got new smartphones and he is on it ALL of the flippin time. :explode:

    I never thought that would be "the talk" that we had to have. :laugh:

    I see kids with cellphones now and it is amazing to me that they have their own phones. On the other hand...most people don't have land lines anymore (most people that I know anyhow) so when my daughter is old enough to go to friends houses, I worry about how I'll get in touch with her. Or how she can call me to check in...:frown:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I totally get this now!

    Boyfriend and I just got new smartphones and he is on it ALL of the flippin time. :explode:

    I never thought that would be "the talk" that we had to have. :laugh:

    I see kids with cellphones now and it is amazing to me that they have their own phones. On the other hand...most people don't have land lines anymore (most people that I know anyhow) so when my daughter is old enough to go to friends houses, I worry about how I'll get in touch with her. Or how she can call me to check in...:frown:

    I got my son a little pre paid phone with no frills that works great for that.
    me and my husband have droids and he is always on that thing lol
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I hate it when someone is in the stall next to me in the bathroom at work or another public restroom, chatting away between dribbles, plops, and swooshes. I think it's disgusting. I can only imagine what the person on the other end is thinking.

    Ugh, I HATE, HATE, HATE that - I've complained at work about people using cell phones in the bathroom. Besides the whole "background noise" factor, that doesn't seem very sanitary to me....
  • I have an iPhone and to be honest, between that my laptop and my camera I'd be lost without them.

    I don't have a landline so the cellphone is the only way to contact me.
    It stores my emails, my music, etc...

    I text a lot, fortunately most of my friends prefer texts because some of them work odd hours, some have children and it's not feasible to chat on the phone for any length of time and some of them just don't like to have long phone conversations.

    I have text conversations with my husband while he's at work because he can't exactly be chatting on his phone while he's working; texts however take about 30 seconds so it's more convenient.

    I don't find it impolite to have someone text me or for me to text someone; I would find it impolite if I was on a date but being married I don't have to worry about that anyway :laugh:

    Different strokes for different folks.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I am going to get the HTC Inspire today and i am soooo excited.....:)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    My girlfriend can attest to my phone addiction. I have done more with my phone than most (rooted, new operating system, overclocked, now running gingerbread even though it has not been officially released for the Droid X). I am a geek though, so that in conjunction with slight obsessive compulsions, naturally explains this.
    That being said, I am visiting my girlfriend in 3 weeks. Unless I am calling poison control because I am second guessing sampling that blow fish sushi and my arm as gone suddenly numb...my phone will most likely not see the light of day.

    There is a time and place for everything.
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