Skinny ppl at the gym



  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I also don't understand the hate on people who read magazines whilst on machines... if I have spent 45 minutes doing cardio, but still want to burn off a few extra calories, then hell yeah I'll sit on the stationary bike and cycle leisurely til I get an extra 100 in, whilst reading trashy magazines - it's easier to get bored when you're doing a slow workout imo. And as for the people who are only slowly using machines or whatever whilst reading magazines - good for them, surely it's better than them sitting on the couch and doing it?
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    I hope I don't get hazed for saying this, but if I do that's okay. Personally, I am SICK AND TIRED of all the crap skinny people get. They deserve respect. Why does their have to be such an US vrs. THEM mentality? After all, we're all just trying to work towards the same goal - improving ourselves!

    The harder I work towards my goal, the more I respect skinny people. You know why? Because the harder I work, the more I realize how slow and hard this process is. I respect the process more everyday I don't see the scale move, knowing it's just going to take awhile. And skinny people have been there. They've done it. They've put in the sweat and tears. They worked their *kitten* off, day in and day out. They didn't give up. Over and over again. They pushed through. They completely embraced a new lifestyle change. Of course, not all skinny people are like this - but a lot of them here on MFP are.

    I'm still working hard to break 140. And then I want to get down to 130. People who meet their goals don't binge when they're feeling down. They dig down and they face the feelings head on. They recommit themselves, again and again. And these people are my inspiration. Because they have already accomplished what I am trying to accomplish.

    And I have to say, this journey is a whole lot easier when we start working TOGETHER, instead of AGAINST each other.
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    your message is so insiring you go girlxx
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    They're living active healthy lifestyles and isn't that the future you.
    Instead of discouragement, you should feel motivated to change yourself around and become skinny.
    Isn't that what we're here for anyway?

    agreed. I don't really care what I look like that the gym the majority of the time - I'm there to work up a sweat and do my own thing. So to be honest, as long as no one is taking up the machine I want to use, I couldn't care less what size/weight people are in the gym I'm at!

    Plus, you don't know what those skinny people are going through as well...................
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    anyone ever feel discouraged by the hot, skinny people at the gym. At my gym girls wear sport bras and spandex to workout. Im like really?!? I hate feeling like that when im supposed to feel motivated :(

    So what's the solution? They wear long slacks and baggy t-shirts two sizes too big to make you feel better?

    Have you ever considered that they didn't always look like that?

    That they might have worked hard for their bodies and want to enjoy them?

    Or, God forbid, that's just the kit they're comfortable in?
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Also, my sister is the super skinny one in the gym, and she hates it when people look at her judgingly when she is running on the treadmill - yes, she's a runner, deal with it!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them.

    I hear you!!

    I'm minding my own business and get some bigger women looking me up and down in that snarly way, and you know what, it does NOT make me more empathic to their cause with that sort of attitude.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    sure, i'm jealous as hell of the skinny / hot people at the gym, but i don't blame them, if i was that hot, i'd be wearing super hot gear as well...

    as it is, my youngest child is almost 3, and i still wear my maternity top, just because i can't be bothered wasting money on new clothes for the gym, until i lose more weight, and yeah, my maternity top is swimming on me, but at least it hides some of my bulges...

    what i hate is the super hot trainers who obviously just want to train the hot people, and are not at all interested in training me. that is just offensive, when they don't call back to make appointments, and change dates on you left right and centre, so you feel like they don't want to take your money and work with you because obviously it's not a good enough perve to be checking out my cellulitey butt and wobbly saggy boobs. you'd think there would be someone who wants a decent project to work with. one who is cashed up and ready to lose some serious weight, and work hard...
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I used to be the baggy clothing wearer and slowly turned into the figure hugging clothing. I just found its much better for working out in.

    Once you get to know the skinny people you realise that most work very hard for their figures. I totally admire them. I used to be the early morning gym goer because I was totally intimidated by them. Now after lots and lots of hard work my body is in the best shape its ever been in so even though its not perfect skinny I am not going to compare to others anymore.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Truth of the matter is, you just don't know where some of these poeple have come from! Whether they were once fat and over weight and are now thin, you just don't know! I know that when I lose 155 pounds, you bet I'm going to feel great and be a show off. Iv'e been FAT for far too long, about 20 years to be exact and I'm going to enjoy myself when I lose all this weight. So when I do, if you look at me and judge me for looking to hot that's too bad because you have no ideal where I really came from, from being obese to thin! Hope this makes sense.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Here is the thing...there are silly people of all shapes and sizes at the gym. There is a woman in one fitness room I use that takes up one of the two treadmills, reads a book and walks very slowly. She walks faster to the locker room and her car an probably burns more calories in her very elloborate bag packing routine than she does o te treadmill. When I am using tat particular room it is because I am seriously strapped for time and the weather stinks so I am hoping to squeeze in an intense running workout...get the most bang for my buck...The notion that this woman wasting time is keeping me from my treadmill but that is only a fleeting moment as it only takes a second for me to rejoice that she is trying to do a good thing for herself. I don't know why she does the workout the way she does. Therefore it might be the perfect thing...sometimes a magazine on the stationary bike is the most appropriate workout when I need a bit ofa rest from a hard run the day before etc. There are silly tiny women who wear ...look at my boobs clothes and strut their stuff like we should care....there are muscle head men who wait until you ar looking to put up some serious weight. There are the couples who wear matching workout gear....but you know what they are all there....and except for the know it all guy that thinks he knows more about everything than I do and finds it necessary to share his knowledge wth me I see the gym as a plce to go do what I need to do I don't look and judge you. I don't say the things in my head that it is assumed I am saying. Sometimes I am thinking nice what a nice color she is wearing....or believe it or not..maybe noticing tht a person is losing weight or working harder than they used too....when I don't notice nice things it is usually because th negatve things ar bought to my attention by the know the person who talks loudly on the cell phone next to you..regardles of size I notice that...

    I bet 90% of the people are so consumed with their own insecurities that they don't even know you are there. It takes a lot of effort to be as judgemental as you suggest those "skinny" people must be because they are wearing fitness clothes and are skinny so that makes them horrid people....want the truth...the energy required to be as mean and hateful as you think those people are just isn't worth it...they might give you a passing glance but they don't need to hate you because you are judging yourself already and they are juding themselves already....I might have a great snug t back shirt but spend the whole time wondering if there is a zit...oh least I am pleasant to all those I come in contact with. I try to offer a smile to those bigger and smaller but bet if I smile at you you will take that as the skinny woman is partonizing or something. whatever
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't mind the thin, fit, healthy girls who are really working on it.

    I do have to roll my eyes at the skinny girls with visible thongs who stand on the elliptical and just shift their weight from one leg to another occasionally. But in reality, they don't make me feel bad... they make me feel fan-frickin'-tastic! Yeah, they're thinner, but I'm stronger!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    I think that's worth more like a buck fity.
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    Whenever I see someone at the gym (guy or girl) that has a smokin body, I compliment them! I don't get envious like I used to becuase everyone is shaped differently. I think its total motivation when I see a girl with jacked arms because I think... "hmm, what can I do to go in that direction?"
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    She needs a burger ;) haha

    Wow. Just... wow. I wonder if this thinner woman who "needs a burger" that has probably worked her *kitten* off to get the body she has is somewhere posting on a forum about how "that bigger girl I saw at the gym needs to put down the burger! Haha!!!!!" - it would be hurtful, inappropriate and mean, wouldn't it?
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I know, I know. Especially when you see the hot guys staring at them. I could fall off the treadmill and break my neck and the hot guys wouldn't notice. :embarassed:
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    She needs a burger ;) haha

    Wow. Just... wow. I wonder if this thinner woman who "needs a burger" that has probably worked her *kitten* off to get the body she has is somewhere posting on a forum about how "that bigger girl I saw at the gym needs to put down the burger! Haha!!!!!" - it would be hurtful, inappropriate and mean, wouldn't it?

    I completely agree with this. There are definitely thin girls, and I am one, that would be hurt if someone judged me like that, just as its hurtful the other way around. I bust my hump every day for a couple hours at least to be thin.
  • HDurow1018
    HDurow1018 Posts: 37 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    Very well said! :flowerforyou:
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    It's total taboo at my gym to not be covered like a nun. I wore a sports bra for halloween and got too many evil stares. But I kind of wish that more people did.
    Then again.. is being drooled over like a piece of meat really that flattering???
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    agreed :( It's discouraging. I always feel like people see me working out and judge me for being big, when in reality I am the one that needs the gym. She needs a burger ;) haha
    Everyone needs the gym regardless of size. It's funny how ppl who don't want to be judge on their appearances always judge others on theirs. When I was smaller, I actually had someone "jokingly" said that to me @ Ballys and now I am here. Just because you reach your goal weight does not mean you stop working out or watching your calories.

    How would you feel if someone said that to you? I don't understand why ppl worry so much about what others are thinking. Go to the gym, Workout and Go home. Who cares about what others are doing!