

  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    sometimes i think we do these things to ourselves to remind us that we don't need these things. although we beat ourselves up about it i reckon it must be better (not mentally or physically, just in general) to do it in one big splurge and not enjoy it (putting us off a repeat performance) than having a treat every day and starting on the slippery slope of being back where we started. although i am sure there will be others who disagree.

    just remember today is a new day it doesn't have to be like yesterday
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    What is your planned deficit and how close are you to your correct BMI?

    You go very under your daily goal quite often - that will make your animal brain crave fats - and it will override your best intentions.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    thank u guys sooooo much! i was feeling soooo crappy until i read all ur posts! i feel MUCH better now. thanks to everyone for their advice. i told myself today is a new day. i dont really know what happened yesterday! i woke up in just a crappy mood and it went downhill from there! no clue wat really triggered it! but thanks so much guys!
  • katdon88
    katdon88 Posts: 39 Member
    Today is a new day. Get back on that horse and start again! We all have bad days, hang in there!
  • susancelli928
    HAHAHA!!!! I had one of those days last Wednesday, bacon and fried potatos for breakfast, 2 slices of sausage pizza for lunch, cheese steak for dinner, plus all the other goodies throughout the day. We all need a cheat day and since we are trying to lose weight we feel like cheating on our "diets" is against the law. Its okay to do this... Don't feel bad
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    This has happened to me so many time since I started in June. But the weird thing is is that sometime coming off of a bad weekend I have a bit of break through and I see the numbers on the scale go down. Now this doesn't happen everytime I "cheat" but as long as I don't give up and get right back at it the next day everything works out ok in the end. Good luck. Just keep working hard and the pounds will come back off.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    You had a day of weakness. Not excuable it shouldn't happened and it happenes to everyone

    F it and keep on moving
    We grow from our mistakes not from our success

    Hey just like muscle right?
    You rip it and hurt it to just rebuild it and grow it

    grow from it

    good luck
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    We all don't need a cheat day. I would say we all need some cheats or cheat meals. Eating crappy all day will flat out hinder results.
    I would try and at least get some veggies and fruits and good foods in.

    Try to cheat healthy. Try to remove the word cheat from your vocabulary!

  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    My binges have definitely decreased since MFP. After the first time, I lowered my goal to lose 1lb a week and that has helped although I had a bad day last Saturday. I get food hangovers which makes me feel like garbage but I'm learning the more I let it go, the less and less I binge. Plus I look at it as although I do let myself eat whatever I want and make room for treating myself, sometimes I think I need that calorie shock to my system.

    The important thing is to not let it get you down and not to quit. I'm pretty sure this has happened to most people but its all how you look at it and deal with it afterwards. I have definitely learned for me its more of a mental thing than anything else. I don't know if I'll ever be completely binge free, but I see that its happening less and less the more I accept that I might have to deal with this the rest of my life.

    It may keep happening occasionally but I can work with it and still maintain my goal.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Happiness is the clean slate when you log on to MFP the next day! Hang in there!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    This is day one. You are choosing a lifestyle change, and it's tough. You will have ups and downs, you will have strong days and weak days. What matters is what you do after. If you have a good day today, that gross feeling will be replace tomorrow with awesomeness and pride for your perseverance!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    tomorrow is my cheat day. can't wait :D
  • tjhmoody
    tjhmoody Posts: 28
    soooo... yesterday was prolly the WORST day ive had in a while. i dont know what happened, but i got in this i dont give a ish mood and ate anything and everything. today, i am suffering from it. i felt like one of those girls on those shows where they literally binge eat alllllll day long! that was me. im being so truthfully honest right now and im so embarrassed! i ate mcdonalds for lunch, quarter pounder with med fries and large sweat tea. went to work and ate a whole tube of ritz crackers, grapes, all kindsa of lil snacks (healthy but it gets worse)... went home from work earlier... ordered a pepperoni pizza... ate HALF OF THAT! a large! then i drank a bottle of pop... now mind u... i havent had a single sip of pop for the past month! and then to top it all off, i had a big bowl of frozen yogurt, WITH CARMEL TOPPING!!! WAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?!?! now today, i dont only feel like a failure, but also disgusting from all that GROSS food yesteday! just wondered if anyone else has ever had a time or two like this.... thanks for the letting me vent. lol.

    Your yesterday sounds like the way my day started TODAY!! Ate FOUR filled donuts this morning!! And now I have only a few calories left for the entire day and it's not even noon. And to top it off I feel MISERABLE .. am on such a sugar high and feel stuffed and bloated. But there is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU or ME!!! We're human and we give in to temptation!!! So I'm gonna pick myself up, dust myself off and go walk on the treadmill for a while. It won't undo the damage I've already done but will help get me back on track!!