People of Canada and the USA I have a question!!



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I live in Chicago and I love that we have all of the culture of a big city, but people are still friendly. I also love the architecture dwntwn and the fact that we have the longest coastline of any city in the US--lots of beaches!! Great shopping, pubs, and restaurants, too! Oh, and Lincoln Park Zoo--love the zoo!

    I don't always love the weather LOL! but I think I appreciate the beautiful days that much more b/c they aren't always predictable.
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    i live in raleigh, nc (eastern usa) and i absolutely like NOTHING about it! lol sorry, but i'd rather live in europe somewhere. what i don't like about here is that there is no reliable transportation so you MUST have a car, you have to pay to use life's most vital resource (a.k.a. water), there's absolutely NO life here unless it's christmas time (the streets are pretty much dead and everything's closed by 9), the weather is so unreliable (it's sunny and hot one day then it's cold and dreary the next), and the list goes on but i don't have time to list everything. lol
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    I live in the Ozarks of Missouri. I am right in the corner of southwest Missouri that meets Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas. They call us the "Four States" because everything is within a few miles.

    I love the rolling hills filled with green trees and valley filled with small farms that have cows in the fields. I love the mountans with rocks and a few waterfalls peeking through different areas. I love going to Branson to visit a theme park filled with ol' time country and folk music and dedicated to the traditions of the Ozarks. For instance, going to see the lady who makes homemade soaps and lotions there then getting on a rollercoaster. I love the flowing rivers where you can fish or just play in the water, or swim in a lake. You can find all sorts of adventurous things here, even casinos, but we have every season to show for it.

    In the spring we have cool flowing breezes and summer can be a little hot and humid. Fall has the falling of the leaves then the winter has our snowing and blizzard days. Did I mention that we can occasionally get these huge windstorms...called tornados, but we do not like those all that much, in fact, they really do cause great havic.

    I am originally from Houston, Texas, but call Missouri my home. I am in the middle of the country here, but within an hour or two of four major cities in any direction. I have everything I need here. I am fortunate to know all my neighbors and live within walking distance of my work. My husband and I share a huge garden in the back with our neighbors that we love and cherish. We are indeed happy here and welcome any visitor to give us a chance to show you a great time.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Well I live in the USA, precisely, I live in Brooklyn, NY. Here are some of my favorite things; NYC has the best transportation in the country. The subways may be dirty and filthy and perhaps the recent fair increases (50 cents total in the past two years) is kind of annoying, our trains are still the most reliable and frequent you will find. You can get almost anywhere at any time of day or night.

    I also love the fact that we have so many areas where you can stay out and party as late as you want and not worry about things closing or transportation not running.

    I love all of the restaurants! Brooklyn has some areas, like Green Point, Williamsburg, Park Slope, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn Heights, Bensonhurst, etc. And there is a wide range of variety, tons of different restaurants who all make different things, some restaurants that are strange, some ordinary, many who are ethnic, no matter what kind of ethnic cuisine you like, you will probably find it. The quality of most restaurants in these areas are really good too. I like to search reviews of restaurants in these areas before I go.

    In Manhattan there are a lot of great restaurants as well, in Times Square, Greenwich Village, Soho, Noho, but some of my personal favorites are in Little Italy.

    The night life is great, there are tons of things to do, interesting to people to gawk at, movies, comedy clubs, museums, etc.

    I hope I've been of some help, and certainly hope you visit us at some point! Haha.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I live outside of Philly but am origianlly from the jersey shore (yes like the mtv show jersey shore ahaaa) but my favorite parts about living near philly are the philadelphia phillies and the history (valley forge, liberty bell, etc)
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    I live in Windsor ON Canada and honestly there isnt much amazing about this place!! We are flat, our pollution is brutal, allergies tend to spike while here. Our summers are insanely humid. I dont hate it here but I definitely do not love it! Ive been to other parts of Canada such as out west and its amazing out there. The air is fresh and the scenery is breath taking, plus little to no humidity. I would say the only thing that can be really convenient and good about living here is that we are a border city. I can be in Detroit Michigan in 15 minutes where the shopping is much better! Oh and we get free health Care!!!

    Edmonton Alberta here. totally agree about the west being nice although you guys in the east get amazing thunder storms that i am totally jealous of.. i love how wide open everything feels here, although as we are smack dab in the center of the province, it's not nearly as open as the southern half of the province. but as i was born and raised in the northern part of the province, surrounded by trees and muskeg, i can fully appreciate the nice balance of trees and open fields we have around here. similar to my neighbours to the south in Calgary, Edmonton is a big city with a smaller town feel, or at least i think so, and i am from a smaller city. i gotta say, it gets too hot here for me though, i love the winters. with temps getting down to -40C before the wind chill. but in the summer we are capable of getting into the high 30'sC. ug!!! at least it's not humid here, so when it's +30C, it only feels like spring is amazing here, it's like the snow melts and boom!!! it's green. but our warm seasons seem pretty dang short, we like to say here that we have 2 seasons, winter, and pot hole filling time :P

    i love Canada, and can't imagine living elsewhere, although i would love to visit more places, specially over on your side of the world.
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I was a military brat so I moved all over (I've lived in Alabama, California, Virginia, and Italy), but I always lived on the coast and I loved being in the temperate climates. Now I live in Utah and I get these horrible winters with loads of snow. That's a skier's paradise, but since I'm not one I pretty much dread the weather here from November to February. Freezing temps, snow up to my eyeballs, and really bad air quality. The very brief fall and spring are fantastic. I don't mind the hot dry summer but I would love a more temperate rainy summer. But I do love the gully-washing thunderstorms we get in the summer! Someday I hope to live in a more temperate climate. Utah is not for me!
  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    I live just outside of Detroit, MI. I got to Canada quite frequently for wine :smile: ...although i'm rethinking that now that i'm trying to loose weight.

    Anyway, I love love love the great lakes and all of the lakes in Michigan. Personally I think winter is a little too long here, but maybe that's just because we are still stuck in the 40's in late March. Summers here are great - they get hot and humid in August, except nothing like FL.
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55

    How about England? What is is like there?

    It's beautiful really. I love it here. The changing seasons, all the familiar things each year, daffodils in spring, never knowing what summer will bring but pretty much always having to carry an umbrella, the colours in autumn, walking by the canal. Reading the Independent in the pub with a pint, Stoke City FC at the Britannia Stadium. Cornwall, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Traditional seaside towns, fish and chips :smile: How just in the space of a few miles the culture of a place can totally change, I'm from the south and moved to the north and there was plenty of mickey- taking out of my accent. I forget the UK is a group of islands sometimes. It would just blow my mind to see some of the wide open spaces in Canada and the USA. I forgot to say I live in Stoke-On-Trent (a.k.a The Potteries) where all the pots come from, like Moorcroft and Wedgwood, TONS of history everywhere! I love it, I'm a history student :)

    Thanks for all of your replies, I'm still reading through them, I love all of them, I'm gonna make notes for when I eventually have enough money to come over!
  • I live in Vancouver British Columbia (Canada). I'm surrounded by ocean and mountains, rivers and lakes! Lots of rain, but everything is plush and green. We have a great city here, Vancouver, where we just hosted the winter Olympics, so much fun! We also have lots of back country for the adventurous!

    I completely agree! I love the big city feel with the amazing scenery and "outdoorsy" activities so close by. The cherry blossoms are starting to come out now too!
  • jeyoung03
    jeyoung03 Posts: 83
    I live in Mi and its nice and all you get all four seasons, surrounded by water and gives great opportunities to do all different kinds of activities. I am a big time outdoorsy kind of girl.

    Although I plan to move to Colorado as soon as I graduate! I visited there one summer for two weeks! And it is the most gorgeous place I've ever seen! And I can't wait to go back. I love the dry heat and that it doesn't get as hot as Michigan! :)
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55
    I live in Mi and its nice and all you get all four seasons, surrounded by water and gives great opportunities to do all different kinds of activities. I am a big time outdoorsy kind of girl.

    Although I plan to move to Colorado as soon as I graduate! I visited there one summer for two weeks! And it is the most gorgeous place I've ever seen! And I can't wait to go back. I love the dry heat and that it doesn't get as hot as Michigan! :)

    Woah, I just googled Colorado, it looks beautiful. Googled lots of other places too, I need to get a map!!!:happy:
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm American, and have lived soooo many places that it is hardly even funny. And no, I'm not military-- just the kind of person who took a while to find a spot that she would call home.

    Michigan: I lived both in the Detroit metro area and on the other side of the state in Berrien County along the shore of Lake Michigan. The lakes are beautiful. The winters are frigid. Detroit is a beautiful city in its way-- there are some amazingly beautiful old buildings there, lingering in a sort of poetic, post-industrial quietness. Greektown has some great restaurants, and there's a vibrant movement to revitalize the city going on that is very exciting.

    Hawaii: I spent my teenage years in Honolulu. It is beautiful, there's a wonderful mix of cultures there, and you can't beat the weather. :)

    The District of Columbia: I went to college there. It's a great cultural town: tons of museums, free concerts, always something exciting going on somewhere.

    Chicago: I lived in Chicago after graduating from college. As far as big cities go, this is my favorite one in the world-- everything you want in a big city in terms of dining and cultural opportunities, but with a blue collar vibe and honestly friendly people. I adore Chicago!

    Seattle: This is where I'm living now, and I plan to stay here for the rest of my life. :) I love, love, love, love, love it. Mountains, trees, loads and loads of people who are entirely as geeky as I am-- it's like paradise. ;)
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    From Ohio (USA). It's ok....I like the change of season,LOVE fall. Hate it right is officially spring and as I type is is snowing, we got probably 3 inches in as many hours. Kinda cool I live in the snowbelt. One of five in the world. I am ready for Summer though!
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55
    Detroit is a beautiful city in its way-- there are some amazingly beautiful old buildings there, lingering in a sort of poetic, post-industrial quietness.

    Beautifully put, I looked at some photos on the internet but that gives me a better impression than any of the pictures. I've googled every place that everyone has mentioned and I noticed that everything looks so open and big and there are so many places with lakes and skyscrapers in the cities. Even London or Leeds don't look that big in comparison.

    I googled Stoke-On-Trent just to see what came up and predictably there are pictures of pots, bottle kilns, PMT buses and victorian terraces. To be honest that's pretty much what it looks like :ohwell:
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I grew up in Georgia. I loved the way it always green there and they way the people are always so friendly. My favorite place in Georgia is Savannah and it has to be one of the most amazing places on Earth.

    Now I live in California. I love the weather. For real, one summer in California will shove any thoughts to living through another humid summer right out of your mind. I love that you can drive one hour in one direction and go to the beach and an hour in the other direction will take you to the Sierras.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I live in Toronto, Canada!

    I love that it is one of the most multicultural cities in North America! Little Italy, Chinatown, Koreatown, Little India, Kensington Market, the Distillery District, Greektown, etc. There's always a cultural festival going on.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    What I really love most is that it's home. I've traveled to the UK and Europe several times and loved every trip, but every time I cross the border and hear the immigration official say "welcome home, ma'am" I get choked up.

    But you want to know what to enjoy on a trip so, here's my list:

    1. Southern barbecue. You must try this stuff! Pulled pork especially.
    2. the lakes and mountains in New England. I grew up in New Hampshire and it's beautiful.
    3. The Maine coast. Beautiful rocky coast. Delicious lobster. (Try lobster rolls at a road side stand.) Hiking, shopping, quirky characters. New Englanders have a reputation for being taciturn, but we're actually quite friendly.
    4. Boston. It's one of the oldest cities in America, modern and old too. Go to the aquarium - it's the best aquarium I've ever seen. Also great for tourists because Boston has a wonderful public transport system.
    5. Washington DC.
    6. The outer banks region of North Carolina. See the wild ponies that live on the islands. Hunt shells that wash up on the shore. (It's okay - there are so many that it's ecologically acceptable to collect here.)
    7. Hike portions of the Appalachian Trail. It's over 1000 miles long so if you're on the East coast you're probably somewhere near the AT. America has a humungous system of State and National Parks and Forests so if you like the outdoors contact the Park Service for information. (Don't confuse a city park with a State Park. City parks are small green areas set aside in urban areas for playgrounds and picnics. State Parks are bigger and have things like swimming lakes, hiking trails, wild animals, etc.)
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    I live in Cross Plains, Tennessee The wind is always blowing and The sunsest are so beautiful.
  • HBean
    HBean Posts: 55
    What I really love most is that it's home. I've traveled to the UK and Europe several times and loved every trip, but every time I cross the border and hear the immigration official say "welcome home, ma'am" I get choked up.

    But you want to know what to enjoy on a trip so, here's my list:

    1. Southern barbecue. You must try this stuff! Pulled pork especially.
    2. the lakes and mountains in New England. I grew up in New Hampshire and it's beautiful.
    3. The Maine coast. Beautiful rocky coast. Delicious lobster. (Try lobster rolls at a road side stand.) Hiking, shopping, quirky characters. New Englanders have a reputation for being taciturn, but we're actually quite friendly.
    4. Boston. It's one of the oldest cities in America, modern and old too. Go to the aquarium - it's the best aquarium I've ever seen. Also great for tourists because Boston has a wonderful public transport system.
    5. Washington DC.
    6. The outer banks region of North Carolina. See the wild ponies that live on the islands. Hunt shells that wash up on the shore. (It's okay - there are so many that it's ecologically acceptable to collect here.)
    7. Hike portions of the Appalachian Trail. It's over 1000 miles long so if you're on the East coast you're probably somewhere near the AT. America has a humungous system of State and National Parks and Forests so if you like the outdoors contact the Park Service for information. (Don't confuse a city park with a State Park. City parks are small green areas set aside in urban areas for playgrounds and picnics. State Parks are bigger and have things like swimming lakes, hiking trails, wild animals, etc.)

    Thankyou!!! That's all going on my list of things to see and do :happy: I grew up in Hampshire too but over here, no mountains and only baby lakes.... :smile:
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