

  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    lol people should read your posts & others before replying. anyway, try increasing your protein & fiber more during the day, you said you're getting a decent amount, but for whatever reason MFP keeps those values low on here, when they could be much higher & maybe try walking or something low impact to add in some extra calories you can eat at the end of the day. also water, water, water! raw veggies are filling & yummy or try freezing seedless grapes, they taste like sorbet :o) delicious! good luck & congrats!

    I try to walk but I live in CT and it is only about 40 degrees during the day and I dont really want to take my newborn out in that. I will try the frozen grapes - got some in my fridge right now! How long should I freeze them for?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Are you able to get out and walk around at all? I lost 8lbs of baby weight second time round in 2 weeks just by walking several hours a day (with the baby in a sling and the 2 year old in a buggy). I think it's a bit rubbish the military expect you to be back to fitness so soon after having a baby. It take 9 months to make a baby, and at least 9 months to physically recover after.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    Are you able to get out and walk around at all? I lost 8lbs of baby weight second time round in 2 weeks just by walking several hours a day (with the baby in a sling and the 2 year old in a buggy). I think it's a bit rubbish the military expect you to be back to fitness so soon after having a baby. It take 9 months to make a baby, and at least 9 months to physically recover after.

    It is too cold in Connecticut to get out and walk yet - today was nice and I did go for a walk but we are supposed to be getting more snow tomorrow! uughh....

    Not only do I have to lose the weight but I also have to participate in a physical fitness test. Based on my age and gender I have to run 1.5 miles in a certain amount of time and do a certain amount of pushups and situps in 2 minutes. Not gonna be easy after not working out for so long!
  • MamaLeague
    MamaLeague Posts: 148 Member
    I agree that the sodium amounts should come down, you're getting nearly the double amount each day. Even just substituting an egg for the egg beaters would help.

    Are you logging all your food? There are several days where you are way under 1200 calories. Anything under 1200 is isn't good, and if done for an extended time, could put your body into starvation mode and wreck havoc on your metabolism.

    I see that you have your goals set at 2lbs per week. I would try the 1 lb per week setting and see what happens. I know that for myself, 2 lbs per week put me at 1200 calories, and 1 lb per week is 1430. I've also lost 2 pounds this week so far.

    I know that you want the weight to come off quickly, but just remember, it didn't go on over night either! I tell myself that whenever I get discouraged!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You won't find the push ups hard after carrying around a baby 24 hours a day for months, but WARNING on the sit ups. I couldn't do one for 2 years after having my first (by caesarean), or about 8 months after my second (natural birth). Your abs get stretched beyond recovery point by pregnancy.
  • atkelley
    atkelley Posts: 1
    The Red Bull cannot be helping. Suger Free drinks are now known to increase your appetite and make you feel hungry. With my kids I did breastfeed so I lost the weight quickly. Since that is not a choice for you now, just try healthier meals with fresh cooked meats instead of so much processed food. A big salad with fresh pork tenderloin or shrimp is a lot tastier and more filling without all the salt. Good Luck.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I agree that the sodium amounts should come down, you're getting nearly the double amount each day. Even just substituting an egg for the egg beaters would help.

    Are you logging all your food? There are several days where you are way under 1200 calories. Anything under 1200 is isn't good, and if done for an extended time, could put your body into starvation mode and wreck havoc on your metabolism.

    I see that you have your goals set at 2lbs per week. I would try the 1 lb per week setting and see what happens. I know that for myself, 2 lbs per week put me at 1200 calories, and 1 lb per week is 1430. I've also lost 2 pounds this week so far.

    I know that you want the weight to come off quickly, but just remember, it didn't go on over night either! I tell myself that whenever I get discouraged!

    The days that I am way under are the days that I MAJORLY cheated!!! I was too disgusted with myself to track it! I think I am gonna change my weight loss goals per week...
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    You won't find the push ups hard after carrying around a baby 24 hours a day for months, but WARNING on the sit ups. I couldn't do one for 2 years after having my first (by caesarean), or about 8 months after my second (natural birth). Your abs get stretched beyond recovery point by pregnancy.

    I had c-sections with both my children (6 yrs and one month). Not fun to recover from!!!!
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    The Red Bull cannot be helping. Suger Free drinks are now known to increase your appetite and make you feel hungry. With my kids I did breastfeed so I lost the weight quickly. Since that is not a choice for you now, just try healthier meals with fresh cooked meats instead of so much processed food. A big salad with fresh pork tenderloin or shrimp is a lot tastier and more filling without all the salt. Good Luck.

    I hate coffeee so redbull gives me the lilttle kick I need after being up with the baby at night...figured sugar free was better than the regular redbull which has ridiculous amounts of sugar in it! lol
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I am sure others have suggested this, but increase you intake just a bit. Try adding things like nuts to your diet. They have the good fat and protein. Plus they will keep you full and it is easy to grab a handful while chasing after kids.

    As for exercise,have to checked out something like Leslie Sansome's walking dvds. They are my go to to a low impact workout. I have comcast cable and they have some of her workouts onDemand for free.

    I know these next two suggestions are going to be really hard, but I'm gonna toss them out anyway. First nearly impossible suggestion: Try and get more sleep....I know really hard with a baby, but it will help you lose weight. My second not so easy suggestion is try not to stress about the weight loss. I know the stress involves you career, but stress hormones make you hold onto weight in the worst way.

    Good luck to you!!!!
  • MamaLeague
    MamaLeague Posts: 148 Member
    The days that I am way under are the days that I MAJORLY cheated!!! I was too disgusted with myself to track it! I think I am gonna change my weight loss goals per week...

    I would change them. The lowest calorie amount you will see on this site is 1200. It might actually take less calories than that to lose the 2 lbs per week.
  • ddibble
    ddibble Posts: 6 Member
    I follow a low-carb plan with as much protein and fat as I need to feel satisfied. I eat about 1500 calories daily and I have lost 35# since January 14th. I"m thrilled and I am rarely hungry. The picture on my post is of my "fit" daughter. She's my inspiration!
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I am sure others have suggested this, but increase you intake just a bit. Try adding things like nuts to your diet. They have the good fat and protein. Plus they will keep you full and it is easy to grab a handful while chasing after kids.

    As for exercise,have to checked out something like Leslie Sansome's walking dvds. They are my go to to a low impact workout. I have comcast cable and they have some of her workouts onDemand for free.

    I know these next two suggestions are going to be really hard, but I'm gonna toss them out anyway. First nearly impossible suggestion: Try and get more sleep....I know really hard with a baby, but it will help you lose weight. My second not so easy suggestion is try not to stress about the weight loss. I know the stress involves you career, but stress hormones make you hold onto weight in the worst way.

    Good luck to you!!!!

    Thank you for the suggestions! I have a hard time eating fresh veggies without dipping them in ranch but I do love nuts so I will try some of those. I will look for the workouts on tv - better than going outside and freezing my butt off! Going to the doctor tomorrow for my 6 week check up and hopefully she clears me to start working out again. Working out will definitely help with my stress to, I think.
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    Hey, you are doing great for even trying to loose weight after just having a baby! I was looking at your diary and I noticed a few things that might help.... there are a few lower calorie options that will allow you to free up some calories so that you have more snack options. If you change your Yogurt to Dannon Light N Fit , its only 80 cals so that will save you 20 cals. If you change your bread choice, to one of the 35 calorie bread options, you will save 50 calories! Just those two changes alone would give you 70 caloreis back in your day to use in any way you choose. The main thing that I have found since trying to watch what I eat is to READ THE LABELS! If I am going to buy a certain item, then I try to make sure that I buy the lowest calorie version! Also, I know that it has to be hard to find time to cook with a new baby, but there are tons of yummy recipies out there that are low calorie and are in fill you up portion sizes! Most of them are even quick to make!
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I follow a low-carb plan with as much protein and fat as I need to feel satisfied. I eat about 1500 calories daily and I have lost 35# since January 14th. I"m thrilled and I am rarely hungry.

    Great job!!!!!!! I would be absolutely thrilled too!!!! I will add more protein, I think my fats are ok...but I am definitely gonna change my weight loss goals to 1 lb per week so I can consume more calories. Thank you!
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    Hey, you are doing great for even trying to loose weight after just having a baby! I was looking at your diary and I noticed a few things that might help.... there are a few lower calorie options that will allow you to free up some calories so that you have more snack options. If you change your Yogurt to Dannon Light N Fit , its only 80 cals so that will save you 20 cals. If you change your bread choice, to one of the 35 calorie bread options, you will save 50 calories! Just those two changes alone would give you 70 caloreis back in your day to use in any way you choose. The main thing that I have found since trying to watch what I eat is to READ THE LABELS! If I am going to buy a certain item, then I try to make sure that I buy the lowest calorie version! Also, I know that it has to be hard to find time to cook with a new baby, but there are tons of yummy recipies out there that are low calorie and are in fill you up portion sizes! Most of them are even quick to make!

    Thank you for your suggestions! I am not eating that yogurt anymore - especially after I saw how much sugar was in it!!! Do you have some suggestions of bread that only has 35 cals? I try to read labels when at the store but its sometimes hard when shopping with two kids. Next time hubby keeps the kids while I shop!
  • farmerswife87
    Whoa, now THAT'S pressure! My hat goes off to you, stick to this site and the weight will just fall off, and you'll be doing it the healthy way too, that's the best part!
  • farmerswife87
    Definitely up your calories! You've got enough on your plate already, don't stress yourself out, just make sensible choices. Your body is recovering from an insane amount of stress and change, let it do its thing. Just don't go overboard, I mean, pizza + pepsi vs a chicken wrap on a whole wheat tortilla, with lots of veggies + water, it's just choices like that, that get your body back to where it was before you had your beautiful baby. I had two kids within two years, and I know what the pressure is like, to feel like you have to look like friggin' Heidi Klum 2 minutes after you have a baby.

    Good luck, and stay positive!

    Thank you! I have about 5 months to lose 20lbs or else I am considered out of standards in the military which will adversely affect my career. I am feeling pressured to lose the weight or risk a black mark on my record.

    Whoa, now THAT'S pressure! My hat goes off to you, stick to this site and the weight will just fall off, and you'll be doing it the healthy way too, that's the best part!
  • mom2claudia
    Did you mean to list your eggbeaters twice at breakfast? It's listed at half of a cup and then later on it's listed at .63 of a cup....