Anyone just starting C25K?

kaitlinrc Posts: 24
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,
I am just starting Couch to 5k Week one day one today! I'm looking for other people who are also just starting so we can motivate each other and share tips and advice through the 9 weeks... Please post if you have plans to start and please add me so i can stay updated on your progress. Whose with me? I think spring is a great time to really start this running program, there will be too much fabulous weather to use it as an excuse to not get outside! :)


  • I've gotten as far as downloading the app on my phone and wanting to start! Haha, does that count? :) I'm fully planning on giving it a try this week :)
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    LOL i too have downloaded it with hopes to start it. i have no treadmill and need to run outside. it has been cold in the northeast. i am hoping to start this week
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I want to start it so bad but I don't like the area I live in to go running by myself. I was going to try to do it in place... is that possible??? If so, I would be willing to start it tonight!!!
  • Hi!

    I just started C25K yesterday! I had done part of the the program once before over a year ago and decided to do it again (but finish this time!)

    I could really use the support and am really excited about running!
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    RyonsLions2 do you have access to a treadmill? That might be a good option for you...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm downloading the app as I type this. I need to get more tunes on my iphone but I guess I could listen to my audiobook tonight to start it.

    I'm in!
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    kaitlinrc I don't have a treadmill or access to one, but I would LOVE to have one. I have been watching craigslist for one and haven't found one in my price range that is nice/clean enough that actually works properly. :0/
  • kaitlinrc I don't have a treadmill or access to one, but I would LOVE to have one. I have been watching craigslist for one and haven't found one in my price range that is nice/clean enough that actually works properly. :0/

    try freecycle... Ive seen lots of FREE treadmills on there
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    Thanks for all of the great responses! we should keep this post going and we can post our results each week!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I will post tonight when I get home from the gym!
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I actually just started today! I've tried doing it in the past and didn't stick with it. I have to stick with it this time though!
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    So I did week 1 day 1 tonight after work and before dinner. My boyfriend went with me and we used the free app for the android that chimes when you should stop and start running. It was drizzling but we just layered on jackets and hats and had a really good time. We both felt like we got our heart rates up but we weren't dieing so we are looking forward to day two. The only thing is I'm not sure how to log it. I thought I saw other people logging it as C25k but its not in the database. Any ideas?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Day one Week one completed. I forgot that it took 31 minutes in total. I was thinking 20 minutes and Anyways, done!!

    becalee - I am in the same boat as far as not sticking to it...however we CAN be done with this whole thing by the first week in May. That isn't that much is it? I was thinking about it today..only six weeks. We can do it!!

    kait - I'd just use the light running or something like that to track the cals burned. I have a HRM and it says I usually burn around 9 cals per minute.
  • Going to try this thing out later today when it stops raining and the sun comes out! :) My friend told me last night about a 5k she wants to attempt the first week of May. I may push myself to make this work and see if I can knock out a 5k in 6 weeks! :)
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    Going to try this thing out later today when it stops raining and the sun comes out! :) My friend told me last night about a 5k she wants to attempt the first week of May. I may push myself to make this work and see if I can knock out a 5k in 6 weeks! :)

    That would be great! Its nice to have motivation, and something to work towards. I'm going to look for a 5k in the area thats happening this summer... to give myself a little more time. :) I'm not sore from yesterday at all! I'm suppose to go on a hike with a friend after work and then Friday we will do week 1 day 2.
  • Just finished Week 1 Day 2! It felt amazing! I almost didn't go cause it was a long day at work and I was tired, but I forced myself to go. I am so glad that I did.

    The whole run I felt energized and wanted to keep going! I have a 5k scheduled for July 4th, but I might do another one sooner, like in June. We'll see.

    I am glad to have this thread of others experiencing similar journeys!
  • I've learned today, that I'm so not a runner. Running is barely in my vocabulary. But I went and did it anyway! 1 1/4 miles in 19 minutes for a girl who hasn't run in years, sounds pretty good to me! :)
  • 1horseygirl1
    1horseygirl1 Posts: 98 Member
    I did this last year and got as far as week 6. Really enjoyed the progress I made too. Had been thinking of starting again so will give it another shot.
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    Woot Woot! Nice work everybody! and Great Job to all you who started before and are coming back to it. I felt so good after Day 1 that I'm excited to do Day2 tonight after work. Its beautiful blossomy spring weather here in Southern Oregon today so the idea of running sounds perfect! I'll post after to let you know how it goes! :) Happy Friday!
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    im going to be starting it on monday! :) ive tried a couple times and got to like the 3rd week but got super busy with homework and school stuff but this time im going to do the whole thing! :) im ready to finish it this time!
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