I struggle at work (desk job). Low activity level and boredom = hunger. I FINALLY have discovered that sipping on tea is the best appetite suppressant. Water never did it for me, gum made me even more hungry! A 1/2 tsp of sugar is 8 calories so if you don't like the bitter taste add some sugar (unless you're a diabetic then don't do that). There are tons of flavored teas too plus tea has antioxidants and caffeine which boosts your metabolism :-) I highly recommend sipping on some tea if you have a desk job and are feeling hungry.

Happy dieting :-)


  • 4Calix
    4Calix Posts: 38
    I've been addicted to peppermint tea lately - When I'm feeling the need for that "comfort food" I make a cup of tea and it really does help :) Have a fantastic day!!!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Nice thanks for the tip....
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Hot tea is often my sweet before bed snack... I like plain old black, cinnamon flavored or vanilla chai tea, I use sweet & low and a touch of milk or sometimes the sugar free flavored creamers (which will bring up the calories to about 40/cup as I use 2.5 tbs for a 16 ounce cup)

  • cast59
    cast59 Posts: 77 Member
    I add a concentrated green tea supplement to my water. It seems to work for me and green tea has does alot of good things for you and number 1 being weight loss>>> and who cant use a little extra weight loss!!!
  • istutzman
    istutzman Posts: 64
    Thanks, I will start doing that.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I also use tea for this reason. If I find myself wanting to eat when I shouldn't be hungry - I go for the tea first and then reassess the situation. I like the bitter - so it's straight up green tea for me (and sometimes just straight up black if I don't mind having the caffeine). I'll do the flavored herbals every once in awhile, but always go back to the green tea.
  • carolynhope
    If you're not a tea drinker like me, then try Green Tea tablets. 2 every morning with breakfast definately helps!!
  • NattyBo
    NattyBo Posts: 41
    Someone at work microwaves fish every day around lunch like a charm for me ;)
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    Yogi tea makes a blueberry green tea that is called "Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life" . It's pretty good and I don't add anything to it! There is also a pomagrante green tea that is pretty good as well.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Someone at work microwaves fish every day around lunch like a charm for me ;)
  • 4Calix
    4Calix Posts: 38
    Someone at work microwaves fish every day around lunch like a charm for me ;)

    LOL :) that would definitely work
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I've been addicted to peppermint tea lately - When I'm feeling the need for that "comfort food" I make a cup of tea and it really does help :) Have a fantastic day!!!

    A few years back I went nuts and bout about six different types of mint plants so I could enjoy mint tea year round from my garden. BEST money I ever spent. The stuff spreads like weeds (because mint is). I have more than I can use when I harvest and dry it every fall. :-D

    My favorites are apple-mint and chocolate-mint.
  • sheetsofheaven
    sheetsofheaven Posts: 57 Member
    green tea works for me too! i make it into iced tea and add a splenda for sweetness.....gets me through till dinner!
  • munchkinettes
    munchkinettes Posts: 22 Member
    I'm addicted to tea, too. I always have a cup at night before bed when I'm hungry, but don't want to eat anything. Trader Joes has Candy Cane Tea, but they only carry it around December. It's so yummy!