Girls in their 20's



  • DaniSee
    DaniSee Posts: 35
    teehee love it! Fab thread :bigsmile:

    *takes a deep breath*

    Starting weight (3 days ago) 190.5lbs

    Goal weight: 150lbs

    I am currently doing the Tony Hortons -Ten Minute Trainer programme & have just purchased HipHop abs! :bigsmile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You can do it, Dani! I love the beachbody products, btw. Turbo Jam rocks, too!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    What a great topic!!

    I am 23 and 5'6" and starting weight of 160 goal of 135. I recently just moved from my home state to go to grad school and although my weight went up quite a bit in undergrad, grad school made my weight shoot up a lot!! Must be all the stress?? I'm working really hard to make smart choices but when you're up until 2 in the morning writing a paper its so easy to grab the cookies and the popcorn and the sweets.

    oh and whoever mentioned alcohol being a culprit, I am right there with you. I've been trying to cut back on that too but those sugary fruity drinks are just so yummy. :drinker: haha. So many calories though!!!

    Seriously, great idea, glad to see everyone here!
  • ninabonina
    I'm 18, so I'm almost there haha and yeah most definitely, there's tons of pressure on "what to look like" and pressure from friends and stuff.
  • Smiley1010
    This post rocks, especially because I just joined yesterday! :happy: Weekends are my enemy (food and drinks with friends! :drinker: who can resist?)

    I'm 24 (25 in November). I just moved out on my own a month ago, and before I left I weighed about 188, and I haven't seen a scale since (buying one tomorrow!), so I don't know my actual weight right now (but I think it's less than pre-move weight).

    Goal weight: 155
    Height: 5'4"ish

    Great idea! :glasses:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I think that being in your 20's is hard because you don't really know who you are. It's hard not to give in the pressure to be thin and it's hard to eat right. We are broke, just out of college without a job and tons of loans. Late nights with friends out at the bar and the 2 am pizza and ice cream on the weekends don't help. It's hard to buy produce, especially organic on a tight budget, and way easier to eat McDonald's. Any one have any suggestions?

    Plan ahead...your whole day, exercise times, work times, class times, meals, everything.

    I go to school full time and work 25 hours a week because I'm a manager, and I'm also training for a half-marathon. I guess it's 'easy' for me not to buy junk food and go out with friends because I have no money for either. :laugh: No time either. I devote myself entirely to work, school, fitness, and I like it that way. In fact, part of the reason I'm going to grad school is that I hate to work and I love to learn LOL.

    I don't really feel pressure to be skinny, which is surprising considering that I'm not at all skinny and everyone in my major is really athletic. I am more concerned with my performance rather than my looks. If it helps my mile time to lose weight, I do it. If it helps my deadlift max to gain some weight, I do that.

    The reason we can't decide who we are is that we expect other people to determine it for us--they tell us who we are by what they say and think about us. People tell me I have no life, I'm too strict, too hard on myself, etc. So do I think I'm a fitness-freak loser? No. I know that I'm a studious, intelligent, determined, down-to-earth young woman with a bright future and a high level of athleticism. They can try to pressure me all they want to go out and party. I don't feel like it.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Oh and the stat stuff lol...

    21 y.o.
    Current: 136 lbs, 21% body fat
    Goal: 125 or whatever helps get my mile time to 11:00/mi for 13.1 :P, 15-19% bodyfat
  • nadine4
    I'm right there with ya girls! I'm 23 and 5 foot even, I weigh around 130 and constantly feel like every day is a battle. It always seems like every girl around me just eats whatever she wants and has a 'good body'. I know that obviously it's not healthy to just eat whatever but it gets really exhausting saying no all the time:ohwell: I'm hoping to get down to 110 and stay there! I want to be happy with myself when I look in the mirror or at pix. I'm excited for MFP cause it will def help me be more conscious of what I'm eating and hopefully help me get to my goal weight!
  • disobedientmeek
    I'm 222 pounds [god when you say it in pounds it sounds much worse than kgs] 101kgs
    154 pounds is my goal 65-75kgs
    i would like to lose AT LEAST 22 pounds by christmas [ Is that possible? ] 10kgs
    I'm only going to weigh myself once a month when i go to the doctor.
    I'm about 5'7
    Nice to meet you guys!
  • DaniSee
    DaniSee Posts: 35
    Cheers chick :flowerforyou: I certainly have stunned myself with my willpower so far!

    Whoops, I forgot my age etc ..

    Age: 26

    Height: 5' 7''

    Starting weight (3 days ago) 190.5lbs

    Goal weight: 150lbs
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I'm in, too!

    I'm 25 and 5'7"

    My highest weight was 267 about 7 years ago.

    My MFP start weight is 231 and I am currently 220.

    I noticed a lot of people saying that they feel a lot of pressure to be skinny in their twenties. I have to say that I feel a lot less of it now than I did a few years ago. It is mostly because I am out of school and partly because I am out of the single scene. I also think that because I have never been thin, that I don't feel the pressure as strongly as others might.

    Glad we're getting the 20 somethings together! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Elizabetnelson
    I'm so in!

    Starting weight 314 10/13/08
    Current weight 307 10/20/08
    Goal weight 125!!!

    I'm 25 and 5'2
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    After reading all of the post.... I'm in!! :wink:

    27 yrs old
    Highest weight Aug 5- 242
    Current weight- 230
    goal weight 140lbs......... can't wait.

    yeah I hear all the stuff about the metabolism. Mine went away years ago but it can still be reved up!!! Exercise and treating your body right.


  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I think that being in your 20's is hard because you don't really know who you are. It's hard not to give in the pressure to be thin and it's hard to eat right. We are broke, just out of college without a job and tons of loans. Late nights with friends out at the bar and the 2 am pizza and ice cream on the weekends don't help. It's hard to buy produce, especially organic on a tight budget, and way easier to eat McDonald's. Any one have any suggestions?

    I PM'd you on this. But one thing I'd like to point out to everyone is that you don't HAVE to buy organic to be healthy. And that McDonalds doesn't use organic so what's the issue? Also, by purchasing your own groceries and setting out to make your own food at least three times a week, you're saving money, preventing the impulse buy of a McFlurry or something deep fried, and becoming a healthy, self-relient woman!

  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Good idea...

    I'm 22. You know your metabolism starts to suck around 20. Staring weight 190 presently 185.

    If you think metabolism starts to suck around 20, wait til you're 45!!!

    Trust me, there was nothing wrong with my metabolism til I turned 43!!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I think that being in your 20's is hard because you don't really know who you are. It's hard not to give in the pressure to be thin and it's hard to eat right. We are broke, just out of college without a job and tons of loans. Late nights with friends out at the bar and the 2 am pizza and ice cream on the weekends don't help. It's hard to buy produce, especially organic on a tight budget, and way easier to eat McDonald's. Any one have any suggestions?

    Plan ahead...your whole day, exercise times, work times, class times, meals, everything.

    I go to school full time and work 25 hours a week because I'm a manager, and I'm also training for a half-marathon. I guess it's 'easy' for me not to buy junk food and go out with friends because I have no money for either. :laugh: No time either. I devote myself entirely to work, school, fitness, and I like it that way. In fact, part of the reason I'm going to grad school is that I hate to work and I love to learn LOL.

    I don't really feel pressure to be skinny, which is surprising considering that I'm not at all skinny and everyone in my major is really athletic. I am more concerned with my performance rather than my looks. If it helps my mile time to lose weight, I do it. If it helps my deadlift max to gain some weight, I do that.

    The reason we can't decide who we are is that we expect other people to determine it for us--they tell us who we are by what they say and think about us. People tell me I have no life, I'm too strict, too hard on myself, etc. So do I think I'm a fitness-freak loser? No. I know that I'm a studious, intelligent, determined, down-to-earth young woman with a bright future and a high level of athleticism. They can try to pressure me all they want to go out and party. I don't feel like it.

    You got it woman!!! I am constantly badgered by people my age (and my father-in-law) for not wanting to spend the money to go out and party and drink. I don't feel the pressure to be skinny. I feel the need to be healthy and happy so that my marriage is such and so is my life. I didn't go to college, simply due to no funds and lack of interest. I was never one to study for hours for a test. I never fretted over papers. I love to learn, but the expected drama of college was not something I ever got into. I work hard and try to find a balance of need for money and love of life.

  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I'm so in!

    Starting weight 314 10/13/08
    Current weight 307 10/20/08
    Goal weight 125!!!

    I'm 25 and 5'2

    :flowerforyou: You can do it sweetie!!!
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    Im 24 SAHM of a 3yr old. S-234/C-190/G-150
  • blink14
    blink14 Posts: 57 Member
    great idea!

    I'm 23, 5'2, weight is 130, trying to get back down to 125.

    what I really could use is a buddy on here! send me a message if you're interesting - I'm funny if nothing else, I swear, hahaha :laugh:
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE too. :tongue:

    I'm 21 and 5'7''
    My highest weight was at 215 (March 1, 2008) (size 18+ Jeans)
    Current Weight 169.5 (size 10 jeans)
    GOAL!!!!!!! 155 (maybe lower, depends on how I feel when I get to 155...)
    I really want to hit 155 by New Year's though.

    Here we go girls!