Other people and your name.

So, inspired by the babynames thread, let's talk about our own names - specifically, others' reactions to them. Do people frequently make comments about it? Usually misspell or misprounounce it? Comlipment it often? None of the above or something else? Do share. :bigsmile:


  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Yes! My name is Carl,..... Simple right? But I work with a Scottish guy and the way he pronounces it it sounds like Carol... 2 syllables!
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    my name has like 60 different spellings one version in every damned language. no one ever says it right! LOL i've become the phonetic descriptionist when it comes to my name.


    you should see what they do to my last name. :p
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    My last name is hard...at least for other people. It's very rarely pronouned correctly, and spelled correctly even less frequently. :laugh:
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Mine is Kylia . Pronounced KILA. My mom didn't like four letter names and I was named after my dad, Kyle. I have just about given up when it comes to pronunciation or spelling. I answer to Kayla, Karla, Kowla, Kiley, Kyle, Once pronounced most people like it and say it is beautiful. I like having an odd name most days! Others I just roll my eyes, and go with the flow!
  • Marcia_11
    Marcia_11 Posts: 143 Member
    Mine is Marcia.. pronounced like Marsha. People pronounce it wrong all the time and the ones that DO get it right remember the Brady Bunch where Marcia gets hit in the nose or when Jan says "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia"! Gawd, I'm SICK of that line! :laugh: But I was named after my dad's sister that was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 7 so I'll take the ribbing in her memory.
  • fairyjester
    my name Melissa gets spelled wrong alot people try to make in two l's and one s. and for some very strange reason many of the older clients at work no matter how carefully and clearly i say M e l i s s a they reply back ok Martha . what??? really???? not even close
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    All of the above..It is always mispronounced and misspelled and when I correct them they ask where my parents came up with it and compliment it. Apparently Shalon isn't a very common name. :)
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    My name is Trish, short for Patricia. Most people don't have a reaction to it, but I do share my name with my aunt, and grandma (both Patricia) and my brother (Patrick), which is interesting.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    First name is Nancy, no problems there other than hearing about it being an "old persons" name. Last name gets butchered. It is Italian and even Italians cannot say it LOL
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    I'm Diane but spelled Dyann. I don't even try to correct the spelling most of the times unless it's important! When people read it I get all kinds of pronunciations. I don't mind, I guess. I've been called worse
  • meg_hand
    meg_hand Posts: 15
    My last name is Hand (that's right, like the hand at the end of your arm), simple enough, right? I get asked how to spell it ALL the time!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    My name is Daniela.

    People pronounce it all different sorts of ways.....and spell it all sorts of ways.

    I will answer to almost any variation. I'm not picky!! I just won't answer to "hey you!" :laugh:

    Most of the time people want to know what culture it comes from. There are a lot of countries that Daniela
    is a common name. But I am named after a German girl named Daniela that my parents knew when I was
    born. I was born in Germany because my parents were stationed there for the Army.
  • color_me_skinny
    My name is Cassi.
    People like to misspell it. IE: Cassie. Cassy. Kassy. Kassi.
    EVERYONE pronounces it K.C
    When they realize it's pronounced K-*kitten*-EE they ask if my real name is Cassandra and I use Cassi for short.
  • rblauvelt7
    rblauvelt7 Posts: 97 Member
    I think the best thing that happened to me was playing high school soccer. Our school didn't have a girls' team, so I played on the boys team and when they were announcing the roster at an away game, they called me Richard. I guess it's close to Rachael...
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Hi, I'm Kristina . . . that's Kristina with a K . . .enough said
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Mine is super easy, Sarah. But for some reason, people ALWAYS drop the "h". I have a habit now of saying "Sarah, with an h" when I tell people my name. Some people even move the "h" to a different spot in the name. I've had it spelled "Shara, Sarha, and Sahra". And my last name, oh boy. It's a real easy Mexican last name, but for some reason people always use a "s" instead of a "z". Even Mexicans! The "s" is the Spanish version, "z" is Mexican. If you know I'm Mexican, and you're Mexican, how can you get it wrong?
  • j_fattler
    j_fattler Posts: 94 Member
    My first name is "Jaime." My mom named me after the bionic woman, Jaime Sommers - but NO ONE ever spells it right. I get telemarketers asking for "hi-me," the spanish pronunciation all the time.

    My last name (married) is "Fattler." And it's pronounced just like it looks "FAT-LER." Most people just laugh the first time they hear it!

    Worst part (or best part) --My maiden name is "Hughes" and all through high school my nickname was "HUGE."

    SO when I got married, I went from "HUGE" to "FAT"

    Hey, maybe MFP can give me a new nickname...I'm hoping one like "SKINNY!!"
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    My last name went from five letters to 11! From a simple color to an Italian tongue twister :tongue:

    Oh, and first name is anne dree uh, not un dray uh, please :laugh:
  • allroundthesun
    Juliet is kind of a double-edged sword. On one hand, because Romeo and Juliet is so universally familiar, everyone knows how to pronounce (with regional variations; francophones tend to use the French pronounciation, the last syllable seems to rhyme with nut instead of net in a lot of UK accents, and people sometimes put the emphasis on a different syllable than I do, but no one ever screws it up in general) and spell it (I get the occasional Juliette, but it's rare).

    On the other, strangers, upon learning my name, seem to think it's wonderfully clever and witty to make comments like, "Oh, and where's your Romeo?" "And do you have a Romeo, Juliet?" "Ahhh, wherefore art thou, Juliet?" and to quote the most familiar lines of the play to me. Gee, I've never heard that one before, I'm so very charmed by your creative bon mots. :huh: Please, continue with your highly original and hilarious repartee and I'll keep working at not rolling my eyes so far back into my head that they fall out from the strain. :grumble: :tongue:
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    my name is shulay and i normally get called julie or shulie , i shortened it to shula but i still get julie or shirley, no idea where my parents got it from but a doctor once told me he had never met a caucasian person with this name tehe aprently it means a great light (or fire ) in the sky but i can nto be to sure of that ...