Lose 5 Pounds A Month April 2011 Challenge



  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Starting weight 162.5
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    totaly in, but hoping for more than 5..see you friday
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
    April Challenge Starting weight: 186

    We can do this everyone!!!!!!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I weighed in at 172 this morning.
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone!

    SW: 159.2

    Goals: For exercise, I plan on sticking with my pilates and kickboxing classes, and working some elliptical and 30 Day Shred workouts in between, for variety. I'm also preparing for a 5k, so I'll be working on jogging for longer distances. :) For food, I plan on drinking more water and taking in less processed foods and diet sodas.

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm back on April Fool's Day with my weight!

    SW: 170.6
    GW: (April 30) 164

    I'm currently fitting into a couple of 10s, and I'd like to be firmly in the 10s by the end of the month.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    April Challenge starting weight: 225

    Exercise - continue with current routine: C25K, 30DS, Cycling

    Eating - incorporate more veggies, eat more fish

    Thanks, Terri for kicking this off. :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck to Everyone!!! :smile:
  • misslo718
    misslo718 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    April 1st and 5 pages!!! Goodness! I must have missed when the the was first posted!! Last month was full of stress but I gonna do what I can to rid myself of much of that stress. Starting with the scale. Aside from Easter weekend, I'm gonna do what I can to not weigh in til the end of the month. Another stress I'm gonna have to just deal with is my in laws livin across the street. So far I haven't had any run-ins with them, so maybe it would be so bad...not gonna hold my breath! Another stress is going back to my old workplace from almost 2yrs ago. I start back at minimum wage (which is better than nothing but it still sucks) and I'm also part time. So maybe not being full time will be a little less stressful and maybe I won't care quite as much..I don't know. EIther way, I'm gonna do my part to be less stressed and if it works into my favor, I may have my next mini goal (first ever massage) either this month or next. We'll see what happens. Good luck all, let's make April count!

    April 1st 196.6
  • lisafrancis629
    Hi everyone. Glad to see so many people involved in this challenge. I know it really helps me having these small goals and all the support this board gives. Let's get to it!!!

    April 1- 174.

    160's here I come. :happy:

    Good luck everyone.
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    SW - 148

  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    April 1st - 194

    We can do this!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    April Fools: 133.2
    Goals: *Hit that 130 lbs, *stick with 30 Day Shred, *prepare for bathing suit season

    Gooooood morning! It's great to see the familiar faces and a lot of new ones!

    Somehow I lost more weight since yesterday. Rather than add that this month, I'm going to claim I won last month's challenge of losing 5 lbs even if it was half in the 9th hour, literally. :laugh: I haven't won the challenge since last October I think!

    Anyway, how's everyone doing? What's motivating you the most for April? I started 30 Day Shred. I did level 1 twice yesterday and now I'm one giant ache from the stupid push-ups and stupid abs moves. I hope it gets better. *whine* My main motivator right now is the warm weather. I'm bathing suit shopping tomorrow with a friend. I live at the beach. I wanna make good use of it without feeling and looking like a flabby sea lion washed up on the sand.
  • charlceym
    I am new to the board but I am going to join in on this challenge, what can it hurt right?! :) Starting weight is 164.
  • leamgood
    leamgood Posts: 32 Member
    ok Starting weight is 170 1lbs!!!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I am in! Started of March good but my work schedule got crazy and so did my eating habits. I haven't had time to work out and 12 hour days with one day off a week kicked my butt. Now back on a regular schedule and pushing hard. I want to lose 20lbs by the time I go to Vegas in June. I am starting to level out with my Thyroid and boy do I feel like a different person. I have so much more energy then I used to. I didn't know this was normal HA HA!! I am going to restrict myself with what I eat. I have given up fast food for Lent and I am thinking of giving it up for good! It isn't that hard to give up and it makes it easier to make healthy choices.
    My wiegh in is usually on Monday's so I didn't wiegh this morning. But I will use my wieght from yesterday because I couldn't resist and wieghed myself.
    SW- 274.9

    This month I am going to track everything I put in my mouth.
    This month I am going to work out a minimum of 6 days a week.

    Godd Luck to everyone!!
  • sabvit
    sabvit Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!
    I would love to lose 5 lbs by the end of April. I signed up for the 10 lb challenge earlier this week but I know that is not realistic for me; losing 5 lbs is possible.

    My weight loss has been very slow. Down a few lbs then back up. I've been going through this for years, unfortunately I've had more ups than downs. Maybe a challenge is what I need.
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    I am ready for the challenge and more - Ready to step up my game and reach my goals sooner than planned - Current weight: 285 lbs - was 300 . . . . (*my weigh-ins have been Wed. evenings)
  • Kjohnson2387
    Kjohnson2387 Posts: 16 Member
    Starting Weight is 236.8.
  • LizGogol
    LizGogol Posts: 73 Member
    I love this goal!!

    Starting weight 133lbs.