Skinny ppl at the gym



  • RoyaDee
    RoyaDee Posts: 43
    I'm the complete opposite--

    if I see larger people working out (in what usually isn't proper workout attire...ahem...pajamas?! Really?)
    I want to leave the gym. The thought of them gooping up the machines with their sweat and then NOT wiping down the machines makes me gag.

    lol, I hope you're trolling.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I guess I'll start with how I hate being referred to as skinny. I view myself as fit.

    I was brought up on a healthy lifestyle so it's been easy carrying that into my adult life. My biological grandfather died of a heat attack when my mom was 8. The Grampa who raised me with my Gram, fell to the floor in front of me and later died at the hospital. He was my dad growing up because my father couldn't be bothered, so it was the toughest thing I've gone through. My mom had breast cancer, she is fine now and in good health. Both uncles have had heart surgeries.

    There's a lot of health issues in my family and that is what has and always will drive me to be healthy. When I did go to a gym, I worked my tail off. Now I do P90X in my home and still work my tail off.

    Skinny doesn't mean healthy. The people who rave about eating anything and staying thin are not healthy. The people who work out hard and eat a healthy diet are healthy and fit.

    As the old saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover.
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    Hair and makeup at the gym is a big no-no.:noway:
    I don't know about everyone else, but my time is very limited. After a full day of classes I try to squeeze in a workout before dinner and homework. Usually my hair and makeup is done from the morning when I got ready for class. I don't specifically do it for the gym; it's just already done. Don't hate on girls who look good, would you expect me to take off all my makeup and undo my hair just to work out?
  • jomama20
    jomama20 Posts: 5
    I am happy to know I am not the only one that feels that way.
  • MrsMartin2
    MrsMartin2 Posts: 29 Member
    anyone ever feel discouraged by the hot, skinny people at the gym. At my gym girls wear sport bras and spandex to workout. Im like really?!? I hate feeling like that when im supposed to feel motivated :(

    Fat ppl at the gym...doesn't sound very nice does it :(
  • NavyWifeag
    NavyWifeag Posts: 36 Member
    When I was in high school and college I was in great shape. I loved to wear tight tanks because I was proud of my hard-work and strong shoulders. I don't mind the tight clothes now. I wish I could wear them without giving people nightmares, but I'll get there again. The only time tight clothes bother me is when they're super the skimpy. I don't like seeing boobs pop out on the treadmill.
  • MoMoves
    MoMoves Posts: 36
    Thank u gpoitras! Thats what i meant i guess i should have been more specific. It seems like ppl go to the gym to hang out and look good not work out. The gym is somewhere u can be smelly and sweaty without feeling judged. Especially for a big girl like me. When girls how up with their hair done and make up. It seems like my comfort level is lowered

    Maybe an all women's gym is something to consider. There is one near me, and many of my friends that are members love it, because that whole pressure to "impress the guys" mentality is completely absent. It's just women of all sizes trying to do their best to be healthier.
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    I notice it seems OK in society to hate on skinny people, but god forbid someone come on here and say "I hate fat ppl at the gym" I mean imagine the shoe on the other foot.
    I wear big clothes to the gym, because I can't realy afford much else, so I'm sick of them. You can bet when I get down to an awesome, ideal weight, heck yeah I'll wear something smaller/tighter, I've done my time in these big baggies and why not? You should wear what is comfortable. I am sure they aren't doing it to make others feel bad.
    I feel like if you have issue with other people's looks, the issue is you and your self esteem, the solution isn't for the skinny ppl to cover up or go away. Don't let it hinder your workouts, you keep going and focus on yourself and you'll do great!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm the complete opposite--

    if I see larger people working out (in what usually isn't proper workout attire...ahem...pajamas?! Really?)
    I want to leave the gym. The thought of them gooping up the machines with their sweat and then NOT wiping down the machines makes me gag.

    lol, I hope you're trolling.

    ..."trolling" ??
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    this is the EXACT reason I did NOT want to join the gym! becuase as I said "Gyms are for skinny people". I was plesantly surprised when one of my friends told me off for saying that, She said that gyms are for people who want to be healthy no matter their size, and that If I want to go, I should go and be proud that I am motivated enough to be there! SO true. I go to an all womans gym and there is range in size and age, its wonderful!! The only time I feel like people are looking at me is when I do the Decline ab machine (son of a B**CH kills me every time) and I think thats becusae NO ONE uses it....becuase it kills so bad LOL but, I like the pain and the challenge. I size that sucker up and laugh at the end. usually thinking SOB got me again! LOL
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    I get disgusted when people (fat or skinny) do not sanitize the machine after every use. it skeeves me out. LOL
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    A older lady took her shirt off in my class yesterday. I thought of this topic, but I was so excited she was doing her thing despite all of us clothed weirdos :)
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    I dont agree that everyone wants to be skinny,in shape and healthy yes but not skinny.I wear workout clothes but no makeup.I'm there to workout and focus on me not to be picked up or pick up anyone.I want in and out.just sayn
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What? Skinny people at the gym? You works!!!!!
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    Hair and makeup at the gym is a big no-no.:noway:
    I don't know about everyone else, but my time is very limited. After a full day of classes I try to squeeze in a workout before dinner and homework. Usually my hair and makeup is done from the morning when I got ready for class. I don't specifically do it for the gym; it's just already done. Don't hate on girls who look good, would you expect me to take off all my makeup and undo my hair just to work out?

    I am the SAME way :) I go to the gym either after work OR on Mon and Wed during my lunch break for Zumba...I have my makeup on, I am not going to wash my face just to workout...

    PS, I LOVE your quote from Legally Blonde...I want to ask if I can copy you and use it as well??
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    I work out at a military gym so honestly most of the people are wearing their PT uniform (shorts or pants and a t-shirt) BUT there are also people wearing a variety of clothing...if I had the courage when I got to my goal, I would LOVE to wear the sports bra and shorts to work out...heck yeah. Show off my hard work. Do I have that courage?
    Here is what I wear to the gym...
    Yoga pants: my favorite item to wear hands down to work out in. I am just not comfortable enough to wear shorts so I love yoga pants! They are not baggy, not too tight, they fit perfect. LOVE my yoga pants.
    Sports bra: Duh
    Old Navy Sports Bra & Tank combo: This has another sports bra in it and then a tank top type as well. What I love about the top is that the bottom is not fitted, so it doesn't cling to you, it is just like wearing a "regular" tank. LOVE it!!!

    Other times I will wear the fitted tank with another workout shirt over it. I cannot do baggy clothes at the gym but like I said, they are tight also.

    I do not see myself as skinny or fat...honestly I am average. I am 5'5" and now 147. I am in the gym to get to 135...
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    You know what -- I used to be embarrased about how fat I am ... or how out of place I look. But slowly but surely I am looking more and more like I belong.
    People used to stare at me on the treadmill when I ran ... now people only stare when I do sprints... progress I guess! :)
    I hope no one ever looks at me and thinks I dont belong there... I am proud of where I have come from and I want to motivate the world!

    Do not worry and if it does then maybe take your workout out of the gym (i,.e., walk, run , bike, etc. outdoors). Keep moving and you will not think about this again...:-)

    I want your 1000 mile ticker as I am a runner and keeping track of my miles too! Where do I get this? Thanks-Anne
  • katrina603
    Hair and makeup at the gym is a big no-no.:noway:

  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I eat burgers to stay thin. (Nevermind I consider big slab 'o beef wrapped in lettuce a BURGER)


    I haven't been to the gym in a while because of doing a bunch of running (meh) but I liked being the girl that hung out in the weight room area. My normal outfit was a wifebeater and short shorts because the gym is hot all the time and that's just what I own.

    Everyone can wear what works for them at the gym. Give me dirty looks? I think it's funny. Keep on glarin'...
  • Hinto
    Hinto Posts: 52
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    Awesome post.