No reason to continue



  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member

    I looked at your diary and this is my opinion; your going over your goal in your fat grams. I went through the same thing and I stopped losing weight and ended up gaining all of the 5 pounds I lost. I couldn't understand what was going on until I found out your fat should not go up and down like it is. My fat goal every week without exercise is 43. Sometimes when I exercise it would go up to 60. When I started gaining weight I noticed that even though I was still under the range of 60 I was way over the 43. After researching and talking to other people to figure this out you're not suppose to go over your normal goal for fat.

    After researching I try it and stayed within my 43 grams of fat regardless of exercise and lost 5 pounds in one week. Try it; stay within your given fat goal without exercise and see if you see results. Again, this is in my opinion but I worked for me. Good luck!
    Thank you, I don't know why but this one speaks to me a lot. I will try that and track it closer.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I'm sorry, but I'm not going to feel sorry for you. NO ONE said losing weight was easy. Don't expect it to come off in a month or two, it takes time, and no one should have to hold your hand. You have to want to do it for yourself and your family.

    I don't even know why you would post this? Do you want people to feel sorry for you? You've lost 14 pounds....many people would be happy with that. Do what you want, but you know what you should do. The tools are out there for you to use.
  • Kristin,

    Hang in there!!!! You need to find a way to make this work for you and I truly believe you can. I see a lot of room for success! Obviously from my post, I am following a low carb lifestyle. While I highly recommend that, I also realize it is not for everyone. I have read somewhere that your diet should be linked to your blood type. I am curious to find out more about that. I think there are many ways to achieve weight loss and exercize.

    Having said that, I glanced through your log and have to agree with other posters. I think you have too many "fast / convenience" foods in your diet and your calories need to come from heathier options. Actually, you will be able to eat more and can find ways to still be satisfied. I tend to eat very clean...and what I mean by that is unprocessed foods with few chemicals when i can help it. I still go for a lot of flavor, because who wants to eat a diet of bland food that tastes like cardboard?!

    I recently went through a month where I only lost 3 lbs and then in one week , I dropped 6! Go figure! I was getting a little careless with my "cheat meals," which became "cheat days." Once I refocused on what I know to be true about my diet, I saw results.

    If you ever want to chat, let me are not alone. There's lots of support here!

    Take care and be kind to yourself.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I'm skipping a lot of the answers, so forgive me if this has already been said.

    I went through the same thing last year. Was logging, exercising, working very hard and no progress at all for three months. I took two months off (Nov/Dec) and gained 5 pounds. As of January 4, I started again and am losing (12 pounds so far). Here is what I am doing differently:

    1) I buckled down on measuring and weighing. Every last thing gets measured now - tbsp of olive oil, chicken breast weighed, zip loc baggie of carrots, cup of lettuce, 8 oz of lemonade...every frigging thing I put in my mouth is weighed, measured and logged.

    2) I bought a FitBit so I know exactly how much I'm burning. I make sure what I'm eating right around 500 calories less than I am burning. I track every number - burned, eaten, cumulative, weight loss daily and cumulative.

    3) No more cheat days or meals. I allow myself to eat up to maintenance once or twice a month, no more. All must be logged.

    4) Eat enough protein - 30% or 1g per pound of lean body weight.

    5) Every three months, take one week and eat at maintenance. That happens to be today...yay me!

    6) I've been pushing myself to do different forms of exercise. I got out of the gym. The elliptical on max hill intervals wasn't challenging enough, so I am now on the street, actually doing intervals...with a stopwatch and speed records to beat! I'm running the bleachers instead of the stair stepper. I made a slant board and am pushing myself on it for crunches - using medicine balls or weights.

    7) Never give up. The laws of physics says that if I eat less than I burn, I HAVE to lose weight. I'm not so special that I can defy the laws of physics. Maybe it will take a longer time than everyone else, but it will happen as long as I DO NOT GIVE UP.

    Good luck and I hope you hang in there.

    Ninja edit: 8) I cut out my nightly ice cream. I always estimated the portion size and I believe it was nearly double what it shoudl have been. Bye bye beloved ice cream.
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I'd suggest you weigh all your food out and eat clean - absolutely no processed foods. I bet the lbs come flying off. Check out the Clean Eating Diet. Stay motivated - good luck!
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm sorry, but I'm not going to feel sorry for you. NO ONE said losing weight was easy. Don't expect it to come off in a month or two, it takes time, and no one should have to hold your hand. You have to want to do it for yourself and your family.

    I don't even know why you would post this? Do you want people to feel sorry for you? You've lost 14 pounds....many people would be happy with that. Do what you want, but you know what you should do. The tools are out there for you to use.

    OUCH! That wasnt very nice...everyone gets down on themselves and maybe all she needed was a little support and seeing success stories and advice is the best way to do that...shame on you for reacting like that to someone asking for help!

    kristinwalker-I had a plateau for a while too that SUCKED! I just pushed through it and told myself that if anything, I was being a "healthier" me if not a thinner one, and almost without realizing it, it started coming off again. I give myself a "gym free day" every week (Sunday) but I still try as hard as I can to stay at my net calorie goal. *I didnt check your site, but if you are closer to your goal weight, it is even more important to eat as many of your exercise calories back as possible* I had a huge problem with this when I worked out at night because I would get home at 8 and have 900 calories to I have just started logging my exercise that I know I will do in the morning so I can plan my meals and snacks around where I need to be at the end of the day & I dont end up eating later at night. I also re-did my food diary (you can look at it) with snacks between each meal and after dinner & I put in an average time I try to eat it at --helps keep me on track--. I also put my calorie goal for each meal/snack next to it so I remember where I want to try and stay. I have different calorie burns depending on the day/classes I take so I did a low end calorie count for my "gym free days" and the higher end for the days I burn 600+. If I burn any more than that (I usually do 4x a week) then I am still close to my net goal using the higher numbers.

    I hope this helps...this is what this site is all about...a support system for our down days and a place to celebrate the ups. Im sorry you got such a negative response from astovey.
    Good luck!
  • Please don't give up!! So many answers are correct on here, try having a free meal instead of a free day. A free day can triple your calorie intake and could be setting you back. Also, muscle definately weighs more than fat!! Do this for your health, not just for a drop on the scales. Everyone hits plateus, just don't give up, you can do it :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    How tall are you?

    I have had a look at your diary, and even ignoring today, if I ate that many calories a day I would be putting on weight, not losing it (I am 5'5"). I am not one to criticise, I am not a paragon of healthy eating, but you are eating similar things and quantities to how I was 2 years ago, which is when I put on weight (after I learned to drive and stopped walking 6 miles a day).

    I have had to completely cut out things like Starbucks. Not just most of the time, I mean completely. I know I can't afford to waste calories on drinks. Also things like toast and pasta. I simply can't eat those things, ever if I want to lose weight. I have 5 times gone over my 1220 cal intake, but never by more than 200 cals, and I am still only losing weight very very slowly (I exercise hard for an hour 5 days a week). I think you need to be stricter with yourself, which I know isn't what anyone wants to hear when they are already trying hard. I do feel for you.
  • Don't give up, you can do this.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Too many responses, sorry I didn't read all of them. I took a peak at your diary and was just wondering what kind of exercises do you do that you spend 1400 calories? Something is not right there. Are your settings correct (lifestyle, weight loss goal, activity level)?
    Here is a link to an article that I hope you read. It has a lot of good reliable information.
    Please read it.

    ...and don't give up. We are doing this to improve our overall health and fitness, not jujst to lose weight :smile:
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I'm sorry, but I'm not going to feel sorry for you. NO ONE said losing weight was easy. Don't expect it to come off in a month or two, it takes time, and no one should have to hold your hand. You have to want to do it for yourself and your family.

    I don't even know why you would post this? Do you want people to feel sorry for you? You've lost 14 pounds....many people would be happy with that. Do what you want, but you know what you should do. The tools are out there for you to use.

    OUCH! That wasnt very nice...everyone gets down on themselves and maybe all she needed was a little support and seeing success stories and advice is the best way to do that...shame on you for reacting like that to someone asking for help!

    kristinwalker-I had a plateau for a while too that SUCKED! I just pushed through it and told myself that if anything, I was being a "healthier" me if not a thinner one, and almost without realizing it, it started coming off again. I give myself a "gym free day" every week (Sunday) but I still try as hard as I can to stay at my net calorie goal. *I didnt check your site, but if you are closer to your goal weight, it is even more important to eat as many of your exercise calories back as possible* I had a huge problem with this when I worked out at night because I would get home at 8 and have 900 calories to I have just started logging my exercise that I know I will do in the morning so I can plan my meals and snacks around where I need to be at the end of the day & I dont end up eating later at night. I also re-did my food diary (you can look at it) with snacks between each meal and after dinner & I put in an average time I try to eat it at --helps keep me on track--. I also put my calorie goal for each meal/snack next to it so I remember where I want to try and stay. I have different calorie burns depending on the day/classes I take so I did a low end calorie count for my "gym free days" and the higher end for the days I burn 600+. If I burn any more than that (I usually do 4x a week) then I am still close to my net goal using the higher numbers.

    I hope this helps...this is what this site is all about...a support system for our down days and a place to celebrate the ups. Im sorry you got such a negative response from astovey.
    Good luck!

    I completely understand, I'm not trying to be negative, really. I don't like seeing people post things like "No reason to Continue." It makes me angry that just because something isn’t going their way for a little bit, they just give up. I get plateaus, I get being upset, I get all that. But really, she hasn't been trying for all that long. People need to understand that no one is going to lose the weight for them, its hard work. All the tools are here for her to use, and she has all the support she needs, obviously. It's all about how bad she wants it. Don't say "shame on you," I'd give support if she wanted it, she's just acting like giving up, and that's not the right way of thinking.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I'm sorry, but I'm not going to feel sorry for you. NO ONE said losing weight was easy. Don't expect it to come off in a month or two, it takes time, and no one should have to hold your hand. You have to want to do it for yourself and your family.

    I don't even know why you would post this? Do you want people to feel sorry for you? You've lost 14 pounds....many people would be happy with that. Do what you want, but you know what you should do. The tools are out there for you to use.
    I completely understand, I'm not trying to be negative, really. I don't like seeing people post things like "No reason to Continue." It makes me angry that just because something isn’t going their way for a little bit, they just give up. I get plateaus, I get being upset, I get all that. But really, she hasn't been trying for all that long. People need to understand that no one is going to lose the weight for them, its hard work. All the tools are here for her to use, and she has all the support she needs, obviously. It's all about how bad she wants it. Don't say "shame on you," I'd give support if she wanted it, she's just acting like giving up, and that's not the right way of thinking.

    You may not think you are being negative but you are. You clearly don't "get plateus and being upset." Obviously you have never been in my shoes and so your negative comments are not welcome here. I am looking for a reason to continue. It seems to me that you haven't read everything I wrote and came to your own conclusions about where I am. If you don't have anything positive to HELP me not HURT me, then don't post here. This issue is not yours to be pissed about! It's mine. Too bad you don't like seeing people post things like "No reason to continue" because THAT is how I feel. Other people on here have given me reasons, all you have done is brought negativity. You are not contributing to a solution here, so please no more of your negativity!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    Answers to many:
    I am at 1430 because I am currently 205, looking to lose 1.5lbs a week, and it spikes to 2000+ because of my workouts. You can view the workouts at the bottom of my diary - there is a link. Also, I have a HRM and log my exercise from there. I actually found out that MFP was calculating my burned cals lower than my HRM does. (polar ft4). I will take a look at my sodium and fat contents. I will also work to eliminate the processed foods, something that I have worked hard to getting around 1/2 of my diet.

    A little background...
    I used to eat fast food 1-3 times a day at least 5 days a week. Ate very little whole grains, whole wheats, rices, or fresh fruits and veggies. Being on MFP has helped me to include more in my diet. I used to drink soday ALL DAY long and I haven't had soda in over 2 weeks. I usually drink only water sometimes I have a glass of iced tea (no sweetener) [don't log] and I have coffee each day (which I log). I have come a long way, and I am needing that little something to get over the hump.

    Many of you have reminded me of why I am here, and that is to have a healthy lifestyle...and Yes that is it! I just wish I could see something that physically showed I was being healthy.
    So, thank you for the reminder.
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    Maybe u need to shake things up ... For instance ... Zig-zagging your calories ... In this you may eat your normal calories one day , drop down a few hundred the next , go over your net calories , eat your regular calories and so on ... This has helped a lot of people on here . There was actually a link to that on here ... Maybe you should not exercise as intensely ... Shake up your body ... If you do the , elliptical then do it one day , find an exercise DVD you like ( love Leslie Sansone, walking dvd's for INSIDE , if you aren't familiar with them ) , do those , treadmill , you decide which exercises , you shake up your metabolism . Also if you eat out a lot SODIUM is a real scale stopper !!! Open your diary , let us look , maybe even find the cause or causes of your plateau ... YOU decide ... Hope this helps and you continue on "fitbook" as some of us call it jokingly ... Please send a friend request if you would like ... Blessings...oh and drink TONS OF WATER EVERYDAY !!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I'm sorry, but I'm not going to feel sorry for you. NO ONE said losing weight was easy. Don't expect it to come off in a month or two, it takes time, and no one should have to hold your hand. You have to want to do it for yourself and your family.

    I don't even know why you would post this? Do you want people to feel sorry for you? You've lost 14 pounds....many people would be happy with that. Do what you want, but you know what you should do. The tools are out there for you to use.
    I completely understand, I'm not trying to be negative, really. I don't like seeing people post things like "No reason to Continue." It makes me angry that just because something isn’t going their way for a little bit, they just give up. I get plateaus, I get being upset, I get all that. But really, she hasn't been trying for all that long. People need to understand that no one is going to lose the weight for them, its hard work. All the tools are here for her to use, and she has all the support she needs, obviously. It's all about how bad she wants it. Don't say "shame on you," I'd give support if she wanted it, she's just acting like giving up, and that's not the right way of thinking.

    You may not think you are being negative but you are. You clearly don't "get plateus and being upset." Obviously you have never been in my shoes and so your negative comments are not welcome here. I am looking for a reason to continue. It seems to me that you haven't read everything I wrote and came to your own conclusions about where I am. If you don't have anything positive to HELP me not HURT me, then don't post here. This issue is not yours to be pissed about! It's mine. Too bad you don't like seeing people post things like "No reason to continue" because THAT is how I feel. Other people on here have given me reasons, all you have done is brought negativity. You are not contributing to a solution here, so please no more of your negativity!

    Maybe I’ve been watching a little too much of Jillian Michaels, but I didn’t get to where I am by having a pity party for myself. I lost all of my weight with determination and boundaries. If you think I didn’t have plateaus in the process of losing 70 pounds, you’re crazy. All I got out of your post is I CAN'T, not WILL YOU HELP ME.

    Good luck.
  • Please do not give up, I was at a weight for the longest time!! I was
    about to throw in the towel myself but I kept after myself and made sure
    to keep writing down everything that I ate. I gave up soda and started
    drinking more water instead!! I WILL NEVER EVER pick up another soda
    can as long as I live!!

    Try you some Apple Cider Vinegar tablets and drink at least 8 glasses of water
    a day and it will help sugar levels and get rid of excess fluid too!! i don't want to
    see you leave and say there is, "No resson to continue."


  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Losing weight and keeping it off is not a diet. It's a LIFESTYLE change. You can't lose the weight then go back to the way you used to eat and keep the weight off. You have to eat within your maintenance calorie range after you've reached your weight loss goal. I don't exercise at all although i do get some physical exercise from my place of work. I'm having a 6 pack of beer tonight which i do every Friday night and i've been losing 1.5 to 2 pounds a week for the past 12 weeks. I'm doing nothing fancy. I'm consuming less calories per day then my body consumes and that in itself is the key to losing weight. You can't take vacations from calorie restrictions and hope to lose weight. You can't take vacations in calorie restrictions with any hope to keep weight off at all.

    With all that being said you have to want it. It's no different then somebody giving up an addiction to anything to include food, tobacco, etc, etc. I've made MY mind up that i want to be between 180-190 by June 2011. I can't do it without self discipline. I can eat anything i want to reach this goal but this doesn't mean i don't have to count calories. Ultimately you and anybody else can achieve there weight loss goals. You just have to want it and be willing to do what it takes to accomplish your goals. It's that simple.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    . All I got out of your post is I CAN'T, not WILL YOU HELP ME.
    I never said I CAN'T!!! I simply asked why? Maybe you need to put down the Jillian and pick up some compassion instead, it will get you further.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    My way is working pretty well for me, I'm not having problems. If I do have problems, I fix them. I don't just say I'm going to give up. That's not going to help anyone here.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    @kristinwalker - I looked a a few days of your diary.

    This thread is too long to read everyones input.

    Here is my honest feedback (this is just me, I don't know anything, what works for me is just for me, but you are soliciting suggestions)

    You need to eat your workout calories

    You need to get away from the breads, torillias, starbucks, processed foods.

    each meal should have some lean proteins and water (drink it).

    Stay away from junk calories, just because you have the calories to burn doesn't mean you should eat it up with junk.

    Only you know if your base calories is set correctly. I would check them if I were you.

    Please accept my post in the manner in which it is intended.

    We need to move you off the quitting wagon and back on the winning track. You have the rest of your life to live and it coming no matter what. This is not a diet it is a new lifestyle for you for the rest of your life so embrace it and move on. Learn a little about your body everyday and about how to maximize your weightloss and health.

    Don't rush... this is not a race. Expect small gains and losses. Just keep getting up and moving forward.

    The only people who never fail are the ones who are not doing anything.

    It doesn't matter how many times you fall, only how many times you get back up.

    Come on, Get this thing done!!
This discussion has been closed.