


  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    One day down!!!! Everyone stay focused!!!!!!!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Thanks, areay! Focus is the key, I'm finding. I've been watching what I eat, but it is like the "don't think of a purple elephant" theory...you immediately think of a purple elephant, kwim? FOCUS!

    LOL Marla. I just went to the grocery store & let my 3 yo get a giant bag of m&ms to help me make cookies with. I think I have some sort of disorder....sugar on the brain....self sabotage....something of that nature. I'll just save a few for the boys & send the rest to work with my husband tomorrow. Oh! AND I have to make a dessert for him to take to a "goodbye" party tomorrow night. Whatever. This challenge is turning out to be very challenging! (go figure :laugh: )

    My dh went as far to hide the cadbury mini eggs from me last Easter so he could have some. :embarassed: BUT, I was about 36 weeks pregnant at the time & could hunt them down from a mile away. I let him have a few. :wink:

    (this post is getting long) AND I just realized this morning that my other little boy's 2 year b.day party is in the middle of November so I'm going to be making cakes & buttercream icing in a couple weeks. What have I gotten myself into?! I'm going to need a lot of gum to get me through this one...but it will all be worth it in the end. :happy:

  • angelajiniel
    Okay, I'm going to try. Babybeans, you know it will be harder than ANYTHING I've done in my life. Anything, ever. Even chocolate...through Halloween. Good God I'm crazy. Good thing I have alot of apples!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay, I'm going to try. Babybeans, you know it will be harder than ANYTHING I've done in my life. Anything, ever. Even chocolate...through Halloween. Good God I'm crazy. Good thing I have alot of apples!

    Yes, thank God for the apples !!


    Oops-- :frown:


    I mean, yes, thank God for the apples. apples-48x48.png:grumble:

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Woo hoo, Ang!!! And if you fail, I can drive to your house & smack it out of your hand...just give me 35 min. or so to get there. :bigsmile: You can do it, chica!

    Marla, you crack me up. My MIL get the apples from QVC every year that are covered in like 97 different caramels & candies. Kind of takes the nutrition right out of the whole fruit thing.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    SUCCESS-- not even a crumb from the brownies did this mother ingest this day-- woo hooooo--

    I am woman--
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    WTG, Marla!

    The cookies are made...they smelled really good. :smile: Now I have to make the dessert for tonight. Here we go.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    WTG, Marla!

    The cookies are made...they smelled really good. :smile: Now I have to make the dessert for tonight. Here we go.

    You can do it!! :smile:
  • LuvinLife
    LuvinLife Posts: 89 Member
    Hello, my name is Claire.............................and I am a candy junky.

    We don't get trick-or-treaters at my house so I don't have to keep candy around waiting for the big day. I do donate some to our church for the fall festival, but I made sure to take it right to the church. I wouldn't even bring it in the house. I know I would break into it. One way I limit the Halloween candy temptation at my house is I give my kids one week with their candy. They're allowed to take a piece or two in their lunches and a piece or two after school. My husband does his raids also, so a lot of it gets eaten. After a week, the rest goes in the trash. Last year we donated the non chocolate stuff for the Operation Christmas Child boxes. This way I only have to deal with it for a week. Most of the time I console myself with a SF fudgsicle.

    I know you guys will prevail, be strong!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Agony-- why do I do these things???

    My 11 year old daughter just made Toll House Cookies-- aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh


    I've got my 9 year old pushing her cookie in my face saying, "Aw, come on mom, you can have one."

    AAAAAAAA-- madness!!!!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad:

    BE STRONG-- NO SWEETS UNTIL THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!! turkydance1.gif
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Those kids of yours, Marla! Always making some tasty treat, I see. I successfully made a giant pan of apple crisp & sent it out the door with my husband for his party. Hopefully he won't be bringing any back. In a way, I'm kind of glad I couldn't go (all the kids are sick) b/c there's going to be TONS of desserts & sweets there & I wouldn't have been able to resist. However, that does mean that I had to spend yet another entire day by myself with the kids...feverish, runny nosed, ear infected kids. :grumble: Good thing I love the little stinks.

    Here's to a sweet free weekend, folks!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Those kids of yours, Marla! Always making some tasty treat, I see. I successfully made a giant pan of apple crisp & sent it out the door with my husband for his party. Hopefully he won't be bringing any back. In a way, I'm kind of glad I couldn't go (all the kids are sick) b/c there's going to be TONS of desserts & sweets there & I wouldn't have been able to resist. However, that does mean that I had to spend yet another entire day by myself with the kids...feverish, runny nosed, ear infected kids. :grumble: Good thing I love the little stinks.

    Here's to a sweet free weekend, folks!

    Yes, it was cold and windy out, and we've the snifflers here, too-- and we make sure we have a our week's worth of schooling done M-Th so we can take Friday off, so we had "bored" kids today begging to bake something-- it was tough resisting. I think I probably love toll house cookies more than any other treat under the sun-- :brokenheart:

    But, I'm glad I resisted.

    Have a great night!
  • majic
    majic Posts: 88 Member
    You ladies posses more strength then I. I cannot even imagine. I WISH I had that strength. :explode:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    It isn't easy, I'll tell you that much! I'm not telling my husband about this challenge b/c then he'll start doing random things like making cookies himself & bringing home donuts for breakfast...he doesn't think sometimes. :grumble:

    Happy Saturday!

  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    Marla, you rock!

    But aren't those kids of yours, pushing cookies (yummy) in front of you the same who called you "fat" or something the other day? :laugh: Don't give in!
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    P.S. I won't give up sweets yet. Plenty of time when fasting starts (15th of Nov. till Christmas). I'm sure I can find ways then, too (like black chocolate is absolutely vegan and sure is tempting some days). However, it'll be a good exercise, again, to turn away from the sweets shelves. Lovely thing is, when the fasting ends I'm like "this chocolate is too sweet". But... bad habits don't need long to crawl back in :angry:

    Have a lovely WE, everyone! :heart:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just to let all my sweet-free buddies know, I just ate an apple while my husband polished off the apple crisp I made yesterday. :grumble: It was like watching someone dive into a pool of ice cream & having your jaw wired shut. That's right....it was THAT dramatic. :bigsmile:

    dewpearl - thanks for the encouragement! No matter how long I give up chocolate for, it always tastes so so so good when I eat it again. I'm a junkie. May I ask what you will be fasting for? I hope I don't sound like an ignorant dolt, but I'm curious.

    Have a lovely Saturday, everybody!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla, you rock!

    But aren't those kids of yours, pushing cookies (yummy) in front of you the same who called you "fat" or something the other day? :laugh: Don't give in!

    Yes-- :grumble: -- the little brats. I am stronger than that cookie, doggone it!! :tongue:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just to let all my sweet-free buddies know, I just ate an apple while my husband polished off the apple crisp I made yesterday. :grumble: It was like watching someone dive into a pool of ice cream & having your jaw wired shut. That's right....it was THAT dramatic. :bigsmile:

    dewpearl - thanks for the encouragement! No matter how long I give up chocolate for, it always tastes so so so good when I eat it again. I'm a junkie. May I ask what you will be fasting for? I hope I don't sound like an ignorant dolt, but I'm curious.

    Have a lovely Saturday, everybody!


    Well, if you're an ignorant dolt, I'm in the club, too-- I was gonna ask, too. :smile:
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    Orthodox style Christian here. Which means, before Christmas and Easter, about 40 days of vegan food. Christmas fasting is easier, though, cos we can have fish on weekends - yeay!

    Feel free to ask more, I know orthodoxy isn't popular/well known in western Europe and in the States.

    Out for a jog now. I love you people! Marla, your kids are lucky to have a mum like you! Sara, that's great! Doesn't polishing the apple crisp increase your self esteem? :wink: Keep up the good work, ladies! I look up to you, just know that! :flowerforyou: