No reason to continue



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I know people say eat back all your exercise calories, but I know if I did I wouldn't lose weight. I usually add between 400-800 exercise cals a day, and eat back maybe half of them. I don't really ever go over 1600 a day.

    This might not be for you, but that is the only thing that works for me.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    agree with works for you.

    My profile is set to strict sedentary. so calorie intake based on MFP is 1220 cals (for my weight, height, age, loss goal). so if I exercise and burn another 1000 calories if I don't eat some of them back I am only giving my body 200 calories for that day.

    That is insane by any stretch.

    Once I started eating back most of my workout calories I came off my platuea (sp?) and began losing again.

    This is just me we're talking about. But Kristen should not give up in any event.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Ha! You sound just like me! I've gained 5 lbs since January and have been on the longest plateau ever and exercising like a crazy woman. Life is so unfair! After the second month I just bit ythe bullet and recorded the weight gain but kept up with the program of eating right and exercising.

    HOWEVER - I am stronger and more fit that I have been for a long time . . I'm in my 50's. I finally got outside (first time this year . . it's been too cold) and ran 2.33 miles this morning at a 5 MPH pace and it seemed effortless. I could barely run a block this time last year and I weighed 30 lbs more than I do now.

    Historically, this is the time when most of those New Years resolutions go by the wayside. . . I wonder why. If you are honest with yourself you know that you probably feel better than ever and have acheived quite a lot by adapting a new healthy lifestyle for this long. You know that you will NOT feel good if you go back. When I see those testimonials in the infomercials and ads, I also notice the fine print that says "results not typical" What is typical are the results that we are getting. Slow and steady wins the race. I know it's frustrating,but keep at it!
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    looking at your diary today, as an example, you eating far too many calories in one sitting. There is now way your body is gonna burn that amount by the time you have your next meal.

    Come on common sense prevails??

    Do your research and get a grip of yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes it takes a few goes to start changing habits. Maybe mentally you're not ready?
  • mhoch
    mhoch Posts: 50
    Id say its from over estimating calories burned...I know the ones set on MFP are over estimated and using a HRM only works for when you are actually working out. Also, if its not the kind with the chest band it could be off as well. I use a bodybugg and I have been continually losing while using it.

    And I agree with everyone else about WHAT you eat being important. Its not just about numbers of cals, but what kinds of cals. Ive definitely been there in wanting to quit, but you do end up just getting further away from where you really want to be. Dont quit, just do something different. Hope this all helps
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    Okay, I didn't read all the posts but my advice

    Protein, protein, protein. If you don't get enough protein to rebuild muscle after you tear it up everytime you work out, then you won't lose weight. Gaining muscle is the only way to burn more calories on a daily basis without doing any work. You break muscle down as you run or work out or anything. Its just how it works. If you have a hard time gettting enough protein, try whey protein. Doing a chocholate flavor with bananna's and skim milk is pretty good but you'll need a blender for that.

    Second you have a million carbs. I know that i lose weight a lot faster if i eat less carbs and more protein but i know that is difficult so for the most part i try to stay away from processed carbs at least.

    Third, as an alterntive solution. Try a week without exercising and just watching what you eat and see what happens to the scale, you may be suprised to find that you drop a few pounds. Stop working out as much and do it moderately. People that constantly workout all the time at long periods or high intensities have a hard time losing weight because the body is worried that it won't get enough calories one day. Take it easy. See what happens.

    My best of luck to you. Hope you read this.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    looking at your diary today, as an example, you eating far too many calories in one sitting. There is now way your body is gonna burn that amount by the time you have your next meal.

    Come on common sense prevails??

    Do your research and get a grip of yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes it takes a few goes to start changing habits. Maybe mentally you're not ready?
    Maybe you should have looked at every day in my diary not just today. And if you read my other posts you might get some of the answers you are looking for. I have done my research, and a lot of it. I am not stupid or feeling sorry for myself. Re read what I posted and see that I am frustrated and not looking for negative comments like yours. It is not welcome here. I am looking for some guidance..something you obviously are not offering.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    Okay, I didn't read all the posts but my advice

    Protein, protein, protein. If you don't get enough protein to rebuild muscle after you tear it up everytime you work out, then you won't lose weight. Gaining muscle is the only way to burn more calories on a daily basis without doing any work. You break muscle down as you run or work out or anything. Its just how it works. If you have a hard time gettting enough protein, try whey protein. Doing a chocholate flavor with bananna's and skim milk is pretty good but you'll need a blender for that.

    Second you have a million carbs. I know that i lose weight a lot faster if i eat less carbs and more protein but i know that is difficult so for the most part i try to stay away from processed carbs at least.

    Third, as an alterntive solution. Try a week without exercising and just watching what you eat and see what happens to the scale, you may be suprised to find that you drop a few pounds. Stop working out as much and do it moderately. People that constantly workout all the time at long periods or high intensities have a hard time losing weight because the body is worried that it won't get enough calories one day. Take it easy. See what happens.

    My best of luck to you. Hope you read this.

    I have read them all! =)
    Thank you for your post it was helpful and I haven't been eating enough protein. I actually went vege for a few days because I am tired of meat. I love eggs right now so I think that may be a big issue. Thanks! I will take your advice

    Everyone (mostly) ;) has been very helpful and kind. I am going to take your advice and work on what I am eating and focusing more on the nutrients as well as the cals.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    First of all, I will admit that I have not read most of the posts on here. So if I am repeating, I apologize!

    I went and looked thru a week's worth of your diary. I noticed a lot of food that was high in sodium. There is a long drawn out explanation for why sodium affects weight so much, but the short version is that for every mg of sodium your bodies need a corresponding amount of water. The more sodium you eat, the more water you retain, and water weighs a LOT! In a similar vein, when you begin a new exercise regime, you activate muscles that have lain dormant for quite a while. When these muscles are reactivated they store a bunch of glycogen (which is sugar and WATER). After they become accustomed to the amount of energy they need, they will let some of that glycogen go. As the sodium levels in your body drop (because you eat less processed food, or drink insane amounts of water), your body lets go of more water.

    These are two reasons you MAY not be losing. If either of them are actually the culprit, it will take several weeks (read at LEAST a month!) of drinking more water and eating less sodium before the results will show.

    Another reason may be that your calories aren't set right for you. Go back in to the settings and double check that EVERYTHING is correct. Triple check your activity level. If you do desk work all day, don't choose "lightly active." Choose "sedentary" instead. That way you can count ALL of your exercise throughout the day. Be sure that you are not counting your exercise in your activity level. If you are, and then you log your exercise, you are effectively eating those calories twice, but only burning them once. NOT a good situation!

    As far as the exercise calories, I personally have eaten all of them at times. Other times I've eaten none of them. And still others I've eaten some. It appears that right now you are eating some of your calories and leaving others on the table. That's fine, if it's working! Apparently it's not, so try one of the other two (all or none). Stay with whichever you choose for at LEAST a month! Then you can reevaluate if it's working or not.

    A tip for if you choose to eat all of your exercise calories: on days that you KNOW you'll have a big burn, eat a little over the night before, eat more throughout the day, and eat a little over the following morning. Some foods that are good for you and calorically dense (that I LOVE!) are nut butters. Watch the sodium on these, though! Another food is whole nuts. Also, you can change your dairy products to the full fat/calorie versions. The low fat versions are good, but if you're looking to add calories without adding too much more food, that's an easy way to do it!

    A warning if you choose to eat none of your exercise calories: BE VERY CAREFUL!!! It is easy to slow your metabolism by not eating enough! If you find yourself extremely hungry, go ahead and eat something. If you find yourself irritable or lethargic, start adding calories back in! Those are both early signs that your metabolism is slowing, and the slower your metabolism goes the harder it is to get weight off. Be very careful if you choose this option!

    There are some great topics on here about many of these topics. Just use the search feature that is right above this thread's title to look for some of them.

    Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint! A one pound per week loss is HEALTHY! It is also the best way to KEEP the weight off long term. Feel free to message me if you have questions!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    My way is working pretty well for me, I'm not having problems. If I do have problems, I fix them. I don't just say I'm going to give up. That's not going to help anyone here.

    Well, had you read what I wrote you would see that I am frustrated and NEEDING a reason to move on. I didn't say I WAS giving up. And your attitude doesn't help me and this is my take your negative ways elsewhere, where they do work. I was asking for help and clarity, not a crappy attitude. Positivity is so much better than negativity. The negative psychology does not have lasting effects! So I would appreciate it that if you don't have something NICE to say then don't say anything here!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member

    let me copy an paste: "TOPIC: No reason to continue"

    THAT is negative. Maybe you should have worded your post differently so it didn't sound like you were just feeling sorry for yourself.

    I have a positive outlook, YOUR outlook is the one that isn't needed
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    looking at your diary today, as an example, you eating far too many calories in one sitting. There is now way your body is gonna burn that amount by the time you have your next meal.

    Come on common sense prevails??

    Do your research and get a grip of yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes it takes a few goes to start changing habits. Maybe mentally you're not ready?

    Thank God someone else spoke up
  • salgoud
    salgoud Posts: 1
    I was about to voice the very same discouragement you have voiced. I have just started the program, and after 4 weeks of really watching the calories and also exercising regularly, I have gained a pound! Pretty discouraging. But I did read through the responses to your post and have decided to keep on keeping on! Good luck to you! Why is it so easy to gain and so very difficult to lose!!
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    looking at your diary today, as an example, you eating far too many calories in one sitting. There is now way your body is gonna burn that amount by the time you have your next meal.

    Come on common sense prevails??

    Do your research and get a grip of yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes it takes a few goes to start changing habits. Maybe mentally you're not ready?

    Thank God someone else spoke up

    If you look back at her diaries before today (when she had given up by the way) you would see she didnt frequent Starbucks everyday. She had some bad habits that she could fix, but she wasnt jinxing herself everyday. Wheres the support?
    Do they sell the perfection serum you take?
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    I can very well imagine how frustrated you must feel. You feel like you are doing everything right and working hard, etc and the one thing you hope to see change does not. The problem I see is that we are often, unfortunately, only able to measure very limited parts of ourselves, such as our weight for example. You mentioned that at times you feel so low that you want to return to the "Crappy foods" again. While your weight may not have changed much since your first weight loss, is it not possible that some of your organs are now functioning better (like your heart for example), your muscles might be stronger, your liver cleaner, your blood salt and cholesterol levels better, etc, etc. It might be useful to set other goals beside weight. For example, how long, fast, far can you run now, how many squats, push ups, etc can you do now. How many in a month from now?
    We tend to become such a slave to the weight scale that we tend to confuse health=weight. By that definition all anorexic folks should be our inspiration. Luckily they are not and we are smarter than that. Lastly consider this. Assume it takes you 1 year to lose 10 pounds. In a short 4 years you will have lost more than you want or even might healthily be allowed to lose. This is not a sprint event, its a daily marathon.
    You can do it.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    looking at your diary today, as an example, you eating far too many calories in one sitting. There is now way your body is gonna burn that amount by the time you have your next meal.

    Come on common sense prevails??

    Do your research and get a grip of yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Sometimes it takes a few goes to start changing habits. Maybe mentally you're not ready?

    Thank God someone else spoke up

    If you look back at her diaries before today (when she had given up by the way) you would see she didnt frequent Starbucks everyday. She had some bad habits that she could fix, but she wasnt jinxing herself everyday. Wheres the support?
    Do they sell the perfection serum you take?

    I don’t remember saying I was perfect by any means. She has gotten plenty of support. Why can’t I play devil’s advocate? I am just saying that she needs a different attitude. Like I’ve said before, I don’t like when people just quit because things aren’t going the way they want it to.
  • ladyshills
    Have you had your thyroid checked? A simple blood test is how I found out that was my problem. Going back to eating crappy foods will most likely make you gain the weight back that you have lost. 14 pounds in 3 months is normal by the way.. I've been dieting for 8 months & have only lost 29 pounds so you are ahead of me as far as how quickly you are losing. It may take me another 6 months to lose the 15 pounds left to my goal but it's worth it. Good luck!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Don't you give up!! *bump* for all of the responses!!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I have read a bunch of the posts but not all of them. It doesn't seem like you need anyone else to give you food or exercise tips. But what I can share with you is something I have been reminding myself over and over. I have been here on MFP for well over a year. Even though I have had many plateaus, and a few little gains here and there, it is amazing to me that I have gone THIS LONG without putting back the weight I lost in the beginning. So yeah - I wish I had lost more, faster, and I still have optimistic goals. BUT for someone who has gained and gained (or yo-yo'd) for the past several years, I am really happy with where I am. If you keep yourself dedicated to MFP, even with little falters, I guarantee you, a year from now you will happier with yourself!! :flowerforyou:
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    If you look back at her diaries before today (when she had given up by the way) you would see she didnt frequent Starbucks everyday. She had some bad habits that she could fix, but she wasnt jinxing herself everyday. Wheres the support?

    Thank you, and I would love to know what habits you see that I could fix. Thanks