5'3" to 5'4" and 100-110 pounds



  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I'm 5'2" currently 105, I usually maintain between 100-105 and have been doing so for 10yrs, but at the moment I'm trying to take off a few of pounds I put on over the Xmas holidays...my target is 102 which falls right back in the middle of my happy range. Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal for now is about 115, but I will reevaluate that number once I get there, if I feel there is more muscle to gain and fat to burn I'll keep going!

    I agree about there being additional challenges to losing weight as a short person. It's hard not to be a little frustrated with our smaller burns and teeny caloric allowance.

    But we can do it!
  • Hey:) I'm 5'3 and when I started this site was at my heaviest weight of 135! My goal is to get down to 110-115 depending on how my body looks at that point! It's definitely harder to lose when your bmr is already so low!!! Frustrating!!
  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    What made the difference for me to finally get to my goal weight, was to reassign the calories in my bmr so I could feel more satisfied with the few calories I'm allowed. When I took a good look at foods and what they're worth, there was only one way to get more volume with fewer calories. No more animal fats. No one loves a good cheese more than I do. But, sorry dairy, it's over. We can still be friends. It's not you, it's me. But it's over. And meat? No more. I can get the same protein from lentils or a host of other options. For me being a vegetarian is a full time thing. It seems to come naturally. But even just making the switch to every other day. Purely vegetarian one day, carnivorous the next, would cut half the animal fat in your diet and might tip the scale in your direction. Just thoughts for you. Strength and light for your journeys.
  • shug458
    shug458 Posts: 99
    I'm 5 foot and weigh 123.2 - I'd like to get down to 110 - 115 - i was lighter then that at one point and actually looked gross
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    wow i must be fat then..i'm 5'2" and weigh 120 lbs.
    there'd be nothing of you left if you weighed that much.
  • Tvstarbabe
    Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
    I'm 5 ft and 109 :/ i really wanna get to 100 even
  • Well Im 5'6 but i have a small frame. yes i do want to lose a few.
    highest weight- 124
    lowest weight- 106
    goal weight #1- 115
    Goal weight #2- 105
    current weight- 118
    ultimate goal weight- 95:)
    (i wanna be a model)
  • TAMMY_76
    TAMMY_76 Posts: 199
    i am 5'2 and my final goal weight is to be down to 110-115 lbs..i sent request
  • teeveesee
    teeveesee Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5ft2 and weigh 155lbs at the moment!! This is 21lbs lighter than I was after I gave birth :) but I'm only aiming to get to 135-140lbs. That's what I was when I got married and a trim size 10. Currently I'm a 12-14.

    I've only been 122lbs once and that was after an operation and I looked really ill. What I guess I'm asking is....what sizes are you ladies? My weights are sooooo much higher than all yours but I think size 10 would be ok.... I'm sure everyone on here is healthy and aiming for healthy weights for them but I don't understand why I'm so heavy!!! Makes me sad :(
  • I'm 5'2 and around 115. I got to 104-106 last summer down from 148 and the last 10 lbs where ridiculously hard to lose. I ended up training for a marathon and eating low cal except on long run days. I'm trying to get to 110 the healthy way by eating 1200 cals/day but it is SOOOO HARD. I honestly just want to restrict to 600-1000 cals/day for a month then slowly increase my intake back up. Is that bad?
    BCXMC Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" my goal is to be 120!! I eat 900-1000MAX workout 90mins 6-7days a week so far I'm doing well
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm 5ft2 and weigh 155lbs at the moment!! This is 21lbs lighter than I was after I gave birth :) but I'm only aiming to get to 135-140lbs. That's what I was when I got married and a trim size 10. Currently I'm a 12-14.

    I've only been 122lbs once and that was after an operation and I looked really ill. What I guess I'm asking is....what sizes are you ladies? My weights are sooooo much higher than all yours but I think size 10 would be ok.... I'm sure everyone on here is healthy and aiming for healthy weights for them but I don't understand why I'm so heavy!!! Makes me sad :(

    if i was 135 i would be a 12-14 (UK)

    My heaviest was 129 and was a UK 10-12, but I see ladies on this much heavier who are the same size.

    I was 106=107 a few weeks back and i was a UK 6, now im closer to 113 and am a UK 8.

    I carry all my weight on my bum and thighs and have a really small chest, il always be tiny up top but if i put on weight it also goes on my arms. Anything over 120 for me and i look very heavy and flabby.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Hey love, I'm 5' 2 and a half. When I started MFP close to 4 weeks ago, I was 120-121. I weighed in at the beginning of this week at 114. My first goal was 115 and then I was going for 110.

    I have a very small frame and I've been down to 108 but I wasn't lifting weights so I looked gross, skinny fat.

    I've been doing P90X for over a year now and I've got some nice muscle. I know I can still get down to 110 with my muscle with how much I eat. I take in about 2000 cals a day if not more and am still losing =] I'll see how I feel and look at 110 and then re-evaluate and see if I want to go to 105, which is the lowest I would go.

    You go!! Finally someone who understands that when you are dieting and do tons of cardio you are losing weight by losing muscle mass. You increase your muscle mass with weights/resistance and this increases your metabolism. You get a higher fat burn at rest and normal daily activity and even while you sleep (this is when we burn the most fat). If you don't do this then your calorie requirement gets lower because your metabolism drops.

    I did calorie restriction and cardio (with light weights). I lost 8 out of 10lbs this way. My belly fat stayed the same even though I slimmed out everywhere else. I switched my focus over to weights a few weeks ago (I have slacked on cardio). I eat at least my maintenance and any calories burned through exercise (1500-1800 calories). My weight jumped 3lbs overnight and has just started to go back down. BUT I have lost 2mm (calipers) on my belly. I have found what burns off belly fat.

    Don't worry too much if you don't see the scale number. You'll have more lean body mass and that will make you heavier than you look. And it's about what we look like not the weight. Only we see that number.

    Give me strong and fit over skinny fat any day!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Well Im 5'6 but i have a small frame. yes i do want to lose a few.
    highest weight- 124
    lowest weight- 106
    goal weight #1- 115
    Goal weight #2- 105
    current weight- 118
    ultimate goal weight- 95:)
    (i wanna be a model)

    Sorry, but that is just gross. That is anorexic.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I'm 5'2 and around 115. I got to 104-106 last summer down from 148 and the last 10 lbs where ridiculously hard to lose. I ended up training for a marathon and eating low cal except on long run days. I'm trying to get to 110 the healthy way by eating 1200 cals/day but it is SOOOO HARD. I honestly just want to restrict to 600-1000 cals/day for a month then slowly increase my intake back up. Is that bad?

    If you do this you will lose more muscle mass, not fat. Our body wants to protect our fat reserves. That's why those last 10 pounds are so hard to lose. Your body doesn't want to. And those last 10lbs were probably all muscle.

    please look up hussmanfitness.org and read "Working with your body". Consuming too few calories will hurt your body and screw up your metabolism. Eat at least your BMR (under Tools in MFP) and any calories burned through exercise or your health, systems and organs will suffer (this is what your body needs just to function). I'm amazed at how many girls will sacrifice their health just for a certain number on the scale. No body sees that number.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" my goal is to be 120!! I eat 900-1000MAX workout 90mins 6-7days a week so far I'm doing well

    You are losing precious muscle mass with all that intense exercise. You need to fuel that exercise and 900-1000 isn't going to do it. You are screwing with your health and your metabolism.
  • LDL15
    LDL15 Posts: 12
    wow i must be fat then..i'm 5'2" and weigh 120 lbs.
    there'd be nothing of you left if you weighed that much.

    Hey now, I think we need to stay positive. I think everyone here is just posting their current weights and goals, I don't think anyone is judging. We're just trying to get motivation from each other.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    As for size, I am wearing a (comfortable) juniors size 3, a size 26, or a misses size 2. I don't really buy misses sizes because they do not fit right on me, they are usually cut with a larger butt and thighs that I cannot fill out LOL. for tops, I wear anything between an XS and a large, sizing is different everywhere. I might get into a jrs 1 if I get down into the lower 100s, but I don't really care about sizes and I like all of my clothes so I'd rather not have to give them all away :tongue:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Why so much focus on the scale? I was attracted to this thread but some of the replies are a little scary.

    I'm 5'3 and 119, focusing more on the mirror now. 110 would be my rock bottom, if I got that low it would probably be with muscle sacrifice. I might go there to see how I look, but 115 will likely be more ideal. I'm a size 2 and don't want to buy in the juniors like a little girl, no offense (except to get cheap workout tank tops). Plus, I'm almost fresh out of boobies. :grumble:

    Strength training is important for body happiness when you approach the lower ends of the weight ranges. I think many on here would benefit from a focus on body recomposition rather than weight.
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