12 Week Biggest Loser Challenge - Closed Group



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Nisijam...4/2/11...CW 177.6

    Down 1.4, I think
  • Whitefox77
    Whitefox77 Posts: 9 Member
    Ugh...gained 2 pounds...248. :sad: I'm hoping it's because I have been doing a lot with weights! Oh well, we will see how next week goes...
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    3/26/11 – 184
    4/2/11 – 179.5

    WHOO HOO - down 4.5 lbs! This was my first week back on track after eating rather badly for many weeks, so this was the amount I expected to lose. Either way, I'm back in the 170s!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    SW 248.9
    CW 245.8

    Whoo hoo, -3.1 pounds!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Oops...I forgot too cause I'm usewd to her other challenge too. Lol!! Oh welll! Anyhow.....weighed 177.2 this morning. Thrilled!!!
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    Wk 1: 236.7
    Wk 2: 236.2

    Loss .5

    Considering this was my 40th birthday week and I celebrated A LOT..I am thrilled with this teeny, tiny loss....
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    No loss but no gain either and I think that officially means I'm under 163 and heading in the right direction, especially considering the inactive week I've had. Great job to everyone who had a loss!!!

    Week 1: 162.6
    Week 2: 162.6
  • mcrawley22
    mcrawley22 Posts: 128
    147.4 lbs down 5 lbs I think.
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    I was freaking out, because I weigh-in right away in the mornings, but today was so hectic that I totally forgot to weigh-in. Now tonight, after a long, extremely stressful week (grandmother is in very rough shape,) AND a huge dinner less than 2 hrs. ago, my scale is looking HORRIBLE right about now. It says that I gained 3.6 lbs!! EEEEW! But again, my original weigh-in was from the morning, so hopefully I can get back on track with consistent morning weigh-ins. GREAT JOB to all of you who lost!! Keep it up! And for those of us who have gained, let's get going! Don't give up!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 671
    Good job everyone on your losses... I haven't checked since Friday because I've been way busy. We are only weighing in according to the original post right? Or are we reporting weekly?
  • Zeeba81
    Zeeba81 Posts: 58
    Good job everyone on your losses... I haven't checked since Friday because I've been way busy. We are only weighing in according to the original post right? Or are we reporting weekly?

    In the original post quoted by someone above it says we weigh in weekly
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've been out of town so I wasn't able to really log in. We will weigh in weekly, on Saturdays. You only need to post a picture again now on weeks 6 and 12 and I'll post a word for it. So until then just state your weight on Saturdays :)

    My weigh in for today is 243.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    UGH!!! up to 157... but that's ok... what goes up, must come down... right?!?!
    hope everyone had a great weekend... gots to go work out now!
    xox0 - S
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Sorry I didn't post my weigh in yesterday. No change. :( I gotta figure how to get going again. I'm glad weigh ins aren't today because I'm up a couple. *sigh* I gotta get back on track. But the thing is I wasn't even off, but I gotta do something different.

    Anyway...Hope everyone is doing well.
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    Bad day today. i have had a sick little boy and little sleep and we went to urgent care and then to McDonalds. That pretty much used all of my calories for the day. I guess I can live with one bad day for this week. The thing is now that i ate that i feel sick. i should have waited and had a salad when I got home. oh well we live and we learn.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    sorry all that i didn't post my weight yesterday, we were out of town at my Husband's grandfathers, and then my sister in law was being CRAZY rude, anyways... FAMILY :)

    I am down to 304.5, so 2.1 lbs from last week?!?!?!

    Good job everyone, keep up the great work!! :)
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    I think I missed this part, Do people get eliminated? How/When does it happen? Or is it just whoever is the biggest loser at the end is the winner?
  • mcrawley22
    mcrawley22 Posts: 128
    I think I missed this part, Do people get eliminated? How/When does it happen? Or is it just whoever is the biggest loser at the end is the winner?

    I'm curious about this too. I have never done a challenge.

    I'm glad to see that because people were out of town on Saturday they did their weigh in on Sunday. I am going out of town on the weekend of April 15-17 so I will have to do my weigh in on the Sunday.

    Courtney - that is alright to do right??
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    I think I missed this part, Do people get eliminated? How/When does it happen? Or is it just whoever is the biggest loser at the end is the winner?

    I'm curious about this too. I have never done a challenge.

    I'm glad to see that because people were out of town on Saturday they did their weigh in on Sunday. I am going out of town on the weekend of April 15-17 so I will have to do my weigh in on the Sunday.

    Courtney - that is alright to do right??

    You guys she said NO eliminations just whoever loses the most PERCENTAGE wins a postcard from her vacation...good luck
  • gonnabeHOT_Heidi
    gonnabeHOT_Heidi Posts: 103 Member
    didn't know we were posting every week. I lost 3 pounds so far! Good job everyone!