The start of the Two-a-Day workout challenge



  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Hey all!

    I woke up with a splitting headache today, called in sick to work and went back to bed. No headache now, but my body is super super tired. I guess today is now a rest day LOL.

    yes take a rest day! Dont work out!! :o) hope you get to feeling better.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    ok. So this week has been a wash for me. I also have eaten out almost everyday - the weekend is not looking much better. I'm trying to remember portion control.

    My goal for next week is to run/walk two miles in the mornings and then do Ripped in 30 in the evenings. I read an article in a running magazine about a guy who ran everyday for a year. He didn't want to stop because he felt that he would not be able to start up again. SO I am going to try it out and run everyday even if it's only a short distance next week.

    Keep up the great work everyone! and have a fantastically fun-filled weekend!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Hey all!

    I woke up with a splitting headache today, called in sick to work and went back to bed. No headache now, but my body is super super tired. I guess today is now a rest day LOL.
    Feel better. Listen to your body and make sure to keep yourself well hydrated.
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    So once again school gets in the way yesterday. I have alot of homework to get done because finals are coming up FAST. But thats okay. i was on track with my calories yesterday and bringing it today today i am going to try the HIIT and then do WT on my lower body. I am waiting to move where I am moving this week to start P90X....I LOVE the results it gives me.

    I have a new goal. I am needing to push hard until the end of May. I will be going to Vegas with my boyfriend and bunch of our friends and will be wearing swim suits as it will be warm enough and dangit I have GOT to feel comfortable and confident. :o)

    Thursday - 1st HIIT on treadmill or eliptical (cant decide)
    2nd - Strength training lower body

    do it on the elliptical.. it's a killer workout.. that's what i did yesterday. :)

    didn't get to do my second workout yesterday or today because i had a friend visit so i'm feeling like i may have to do 3 workouts tomorrow and no rest day on sunday?!!!! hope everyone is doing well with their workouts! :)
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Hello everyone! Although I have not been posting daily I have been keeping up with my 2 a day.

    Monday AM- P90x Plyometrics + Treadmill Running Intervals for 30 mins
    PM-Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance

    Tuesday AM-Insanity Pure Cardio + Ran on Treadmill for 1.5 miles @ 4% Incline
    P.M -Core Synergistics+ Ran on Treadmill incline 2.0 for 2miles

    Wednesday AM-P90x KenpoX
    PM-Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit

    Thursday AM-Insanity Cardio Recovery
    PM- P90x Stretch

    Friday- AM P90x Cardio X
    PM- Insanity Pure Cardio(1/2) +5 mins jumping Rope+1mile on treadmill(10mins)

    Saturday AM-Insanity Cardio Power Resistance +30mins YogaX
    PM- KenpoX
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    So once again school gets in the way yesterday. I have alot of homework to get done because finals are coming up FAST. But thats okay. i was on track with my calories yesterday and bringing it today today i am going to try the HIIT and then do WT on my lower body. I am waiting to move where I am moving this week to start P90X....I LOVE the results it gives me.

    I have a new goal. I am needing to push hard until the end of May. I will be going to Vegas with my boyfriend and bunch of our friends and will be wearing swim suits as it will be warm enough and dangit I have GOT to feel comfortable and confident. :o)

    Thursday - 1st HIIT on treadmill or eliptical (cant decide)
    2nd - Strength training lower body

    The eliptical was such an awesome workout. Funny story I was in td middle of my intervals really starting to feel it and my math professor (he's young like early 30's) walked up and got on the eliptical next to me. Haha my first thought was crap I need to do my homewor haha. But it was an awesome workout. Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Keep it up :):)

    do it on the elliptical.. it's a killer workout.. that's what i did yesterday. :)

    didn't get to do my second workout yesterday or today because i had a friend visit so i'm feeling like i may have to do 3 workouts tomorrow and no rest day on sunday?!!!! hope everyone is doing well with their workouts! :)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi there
    Checking in no 2nd workout yesterday went to dinner with DH and a friend. They had delicious homemade soup and sandwiches I had a blueberry smoothie made with sugar free yogurt and some pineapple chunks. I tried to concentrate on the band and the atmosphere and company rather than the incredible food(I wasn't eating) LOL! Today. I did 55 minutes of cardio & weights and no 2nd workout either !! Going have to make up for it tomorrow. A little disappointed that I'm only down a pound this week but I feel stronger and tighter. Wish I had taken my measurements - maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekends
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Checking in for Sunday
    It was supposed to be rest day (even though io planned to do an extra workout because I only got 1 in for yesterday). I ended up with a 45 minute walk/jog in an area that had flat stretches and some hills. I can feel it! Only burned 250 cals but I'll take it:laugh:
    I took my measurements and I am 2 inches bigger than I was last fall in evey major area bust waist and hip; I've got quite a ways to go. Not down on myself just realistic - the good news is I've made a start and am on my way. I thank all of you out there for your enthusiasm and your commitment. It pushes me to keep moving!

    Have a great night
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Whoot its Monday morning,
    I've given up on C25K,I get more done with my own interval training. :P

    Will probably start C210K another time, anyway this is my schedule for today:

    Monday: 1 hour treadmill intervals + Jari Love COMPLETE WORKOUT 1 hour + Leg weights
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Did a giant set on the leg strength training today,really need strong legs in order to keep up at the sprinters club, could really feel the burn!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning folks,
    Started out this Monday with 30day shred - only burned 200 calories but man was I exhausted and dripping with sweat!! It felt great!! Doing my 20min Ab Jam plus ..... not sure yet :laugh: It depends on my energy level - either the TJ 20 minute , Fat blaster (interval training) or 45 minutes of FIRM cardio.

    It's nice to have choices :wink:

    Make it a great day,
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    So in 30 min I will have been awake for 24 hours. I was up all last night with my bf because he was super duper sick. Had to come to work this morning and wont get off until 3:30. Will have class from 5:30-8:00 pm and I am so flippin tired its not even funny. To be honest I do not think I am goign to get a workout in today. I cant even think. Will get a good night sleep tonight and start fresh tomorrow. I hope all have a wonderful monday and have amazing workouts :o)I will be there in spirit :o(
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Well Friday was a much-needed rest day. My whole body was sore—and not in that good I’m-sore-from-working-out way, more like every muscle in my body was screaming at me LOL. Saturday and Sunday I was out of town at my sister’s and I just did intervals both days. It was a minor miracle that I was able to sneak away to the gym even once a day while staying there. Also didn’t log ANY food all weekend!

    Oh well, back on track this morning, did 15 minutes intervals on the treadmill and 20 on the elliptical. Got a great burn off the elliptical, I’m definetly doing that more often! Tonight I will be back at the gym for weight training.

    I’m still debating over whether I want to spend some money on workout dvds. I’m doing my best to be ‘frugal’ but I spent $160 yesterday on new workout clothes! :S
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    So in 30 min I will have been awake for 24 hours. I was up all last night with my bf because he was super duper sick. Had to come to work this morning and wont get off until 3:30. Will have class from 5:30-8:00 pm and I am so flippin tired its not even funny. To be honest I do not think I am goign to get a workout in today. I cant even think. Will get a good night sleep tonight and start fresh tomorrow. I hope all have a wonderful monday and have amazing workouts :o)I will be there in spirit :o(

    Oh sounds like you need a rest! I think when you get super tired, your body needs the sleep more then the exercise anyway. Don;t worry, you can make it through the day and you'll have an amazing sleep tonight!

    How very nice of you to stay up with your BF!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    So in 30 min I will have been awake for 24 hours. I was up all last night with my bf because he was super duper sick. Had to come to work this morning and wont get off until 3:30. Will have class from 5:30-8:00 pm and I am so flippin tired its not even funny. To be honest I do not think I am goign to get a workout in today. I cant even think. Will get a good night sleep tonight and start fresh tomorrow. I hope all have a wonderful monday and have amazing workouts :o)I will be there in spirit :o(

    Oh sounds like you need a rest! I think when you get super tired, your body needs the sleep more then the exercise anyway. Don;t worry, you can make it through the day and you'll have an amazing sleep tonight!

    How very nice of you to stay up with your BF!

    Thank you. I was feeling a little guilty knowing I wasnt going to be able to workout but right now with me being so tired I would probably injur myself trying to push through this exaustion. He is so worth it and so I dont mind in the least but I am def going to bed early tonight He feels better after some meds so he should be good the whole night tonight ...Will start my logging and workout tracking tomorrow :o)
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Back on track today and hope to stay that way: AM Cardio Challenge 39 minutes. Lunchtime: Walk/jog 48 minutes!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi all
    Just back from a 55min fast walk. Got my heart rate up to 147 for almost the entire time ended up with a404 calorie burn and 80 minutes of exercise done. Yea!!! Hope all are well and getting off to a good start.
    See you tomorrow
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Hello everyone,just did my usual interval run/walk session,and off to sprinters club this evening! :)

    Morning doing treadmill HISS + Evenings Sprinters Club
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hi All! I've been switching it up this week and doing ym cario in the morning and weight training in the evening. I'll see how this goes this week. So last night I did chest, back and shoulders. Finally getting better at chin-ups, still need about 35 pounds of assistance, but I'm getting there! Can't wait to be able to do a chin up all on my own---- that will make me feel super tough!!! This morning I did intervals on the treadmill and ellipitcal. After work tonight it will be heavy legs, I'm leg pressing 230 pounds and squating 150.
  • going2win
    going2win Posts: 10 Member
    is it to late to get in??? =)
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