Girls in their 20's



  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    I feel soooooooo old.......MY TWENTIES HAVE BEEN OVER SINCE JULY!!!!!!!!
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    *Wipes tears and while trembling*

    I spent my most of my 20's overweight...probably from 23 on (maybe its cuz I could legally drink...those drinks'll get to ya:drinker: :smokin: if you don't know which ones are low in calories:bigsmile: ) But I was overweight for most of my 20's and at 29 I started MFP. I fell on and off and on and off and the 31 lbs I have lost has come off slowly. But it's off and it feels wonderful. I think it just took time to change my habits and change the lifestyle I had come so accustomed to. I didn't develop the habits overnight or even in a year or two, I developed my habits throughout my life. It has taken me a while to change my mindset and lifestyle.:ohwell:

    Anyhow I've now hit my 30's and I don't really feel any different. Maybe because I'm healthy (or healthier) now and wasn't before. Anyhow it's great that your are starting earlier than I did. Keep it up. It will pay off :flowerforyou: It is tougher in your 30's...your metabolism slows down. So way to go!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    I'm in. My heavist is 175

    Currently 165
    Christmas goal 150!!!

    Height 5'10"
  • kwill23
    kwill23 Posts: 122
    I'm in; i am 24 5'3"
    Starting weight 164.5
    current weight 151
    goal weight 115

    I have a 7 year old son, and a 14 month old daughter
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    This is a neat idea to know that skinny really isn't the average with most REAL women! lol
    I am 25, mom of 2 kids - After my first baby I lost so much weight because of the physical job I had (walking for 8 or more hours straight), I weighed less than I did before having her. But after baby #2 four years ago I haven't managed to shed the weight since, especially with my cushy office job.

    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight: 170 lbs
    Current Weight: 164 lbs
    Goal Weight: 130 lbs

    I'm hoping by April 2009 to have reached my target weight, about an average of 5.5 lbs per month I'll need to lose to get there.
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    Seriously, the 20's don't have to be hard (life in general doesn't have to be hard) if you don't let it.
    YOU need to define yourself... not your friends, not your family, not the media. Sure, they may "pressure" you, but it's your choice to give in to that pressure or ignore it and stay true to yourself.
    So find what you love to do and DO IT!
    Set your goals and accomplish them.
    Don't let anyone stand in your way.
    Prove people wrong!
    Prove yourself right!

    Sure, I sound like a motivation speaker, but 4 years ago I didn't think I was going anywhere... a simple change in thoughts and actions has really changed my life and I'm happy and proud to be a successful 28 year old. That doesn't mean it's not hard, it takes a lot of work, but at least I get to reap the benefits.

    Ya'll can do it!
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    I better sign up for this group-i just turned 29:laugh: It will be the last year i can be a part of a 20 somethings group!!!:wink:
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    You know, this thread has really made me realize that I don't want to spend my 20's worrying about weight and food and diets...I am so motivated by reading these posts and seeing all of the 20-somethings who are excited about getting healthy and changing their lifestyle! All I know is that I don't want to turn 30 and look back at my 20's and regret being heavy/unhealthy/unhappy. And I'm sure the 7 years I have left will fly by...There is no day like the present, and this thread has really opened my eyes to that!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Seriously, the 20's don't have to be hard (life in general doesn't have to be hard) if you don't let it.
    YOU need to define yourself... not your friends, not your family, not the media. Sure, they may "pressure" you, but it's your choice to give in to that pressure or ignore it and stay true to yourself.
    So find what you love to do and DO IT!
    Set your goals and accomplish them.
    Don't let anyone stand in your way.
    Prove people wrong!
    Prove yourself right!

    Sure, I sound like a motivation speaker, but 4 years ago I didn't think I was going anywhere... a simple change in thoughts and actions has really changed my life and I'm happy and proud to be a successful 28 year old. That doesn't mean it's not hard, it takes a lot of work, but at least I get to reap the benefits.

    Ya'll can do it!

    To quote Carrie Bradshaw:
    "Enjoy yourself.....that's what your twenties are for. Your thirties are to learn the lessons. Your forties are to pay for the drinks."
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    You know, this thread has really made me realize that I don't want to spend my 20's worrying about weight and food and diets...I am so motivated by reading these posts and seeing all of the 20-somethings who are excited about getting healthy and changing their lifestyle! All I know is that I don't want to turn 30 and look back at my 20's and regret being heavy/unhealthy/unhappy. And I'm sure the 7 years I have left will fly by...There is no day like the present, and this thread has really opened my eyes to that!

    I definitely hear you on this. I just graduated from grad school a year and a half ago. I'm starting my career, have a live in boyfriend, and have my social life pretty much where I want it. I'm poor, but hoping to be less poor as time goes on! :laugh: School loans are terrible :grumble: .

    I spent all of my high school years and college years overweight (well, most of them obese). I don't even know what it is like to be "average". I feel like I have wasted so much time not being able to do what I really wanted to do when I had the chance. Before my life gets really nailed down (marriage, kids, etc) I want to have the opportunity to see what I would choose if I had more options in life. Not sure if that makes sense to everyone else. I just don't want to spend another decade wishing I could lose weight and then look back to realize I never did it. I want to see where I end up when I accomplishing my goals!
  • samster85
    Yeah, I know what you mean. On tv and in movies everyone is super skinny and I don't like that. I mean yay for being fit but it is not realistic. I want to see big people, short people, not too pretty people on tv. That would be more realistic. Sometimes i just can't stand watching a tv show where everyone is beautiful that is not how the real world works.

    I am excited to loose weight but i am doing it so I feel better not to fit the ideal. I want to be happy with me.

    AGE: 2 months shy until i'm 23

    Starting weight 215
    still working on it but I am down to 212 already.
  • superduperbandnerd
    I'm in I'm Taylor I'm 21

    Start : 160

    I'm 5'3 ish
  • angelica1983
    Sounds like a good idea. I am halfway to 50 and have a crazy toddler!!! My starting weight was 167...last haven't weighed myself since!:grumble: My goal weight is 130..i hope!!! Oh and I am 5'4 1/2
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Ok Im in!! Im 21..Just started tomorrow?:tongue: lol..Starting weight 151 Goal weight 130..Lets show em how its done!
  • disobedientmeek
    welcome buffjess
    hey angelica I have a crazy toddler too!

    Im not going to weigh myself every week because I know if i havent lost anything I will go and buy a sloppy burger with extra sauce and chips [so i am going to weight myself once a month]

    mm sloppy burger .. :noway: :embarassed:
  • boomer0688
    boomer0688 Posts: 53 Member
    Im in! Just flip on the TV and you see thousands of images of what you are "supposed" to look like, not much help for those of use trying to lose weight. I dont know about you guys but I have a very hectic schedule between school and work so fitting in time to work out is hard. Also, I really have no support from family or friends on my diet. Its hard not having someone there pushing you.
    Starting weight: 135
    Goal weight 120 (hopefully by January, I have a huge NAVC conf. I would like to look good for)
    Good luck everyone :-)
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Great thread!!! Im in!

    25 5'5
    starting weight-154
    Goal 130 if less even better.

    You know what i was doing fine before with my weight in college i graduated fast and got thrown into life . Living alone and working late thats when the lbs start creaping up. This is the time when I want to get my body healthy and maitain a lifestyle cause things will get hetic. Im getting married next year so I want to look good in my dress and maybe just maybe get to the weight i was about 4 years ago. Plus I dont want to start having a baby if im not healthy for into to grow in.

    I have to say reading everyones post , everyone is doing great and its very inspiring.Keep up the great work.

    Created by - Free Food Journal
  • disobedientmeek
    I skipped brecky but had grilled fish and CHIPS for lunch...:blushing:
    [i think americans call them fries]

    whats worse is I bought some coke zero and im going to have some bourbon
    going to have to have no dinner lol
  • majic
    majic Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I was thinking that I should start a topic group for girls in their 20's. I feel like this is a tough time in our lives and we feel a lot of pressure to be super skinny. I think it would be nice to stick together to help motivate ourselves.
    Starting weight: 160
    Goal weight: 135

    i completely agree that people our age have a lot of pressure put on them when it comes to being super skinny.

    iam 22 going on 23 in Nov :happy:

    strating weight 230 :ohwell:

    current 217

    goal weight 115, i iam only 4 '11

    I feel your pain. As I read your post I think you're talking about me. Except I am older and SLIGHTLY taller. Not much. Good job on the weight loss!!! BTW. I hope to be at your now weight by Thanksgiving! So kudos to you!

    I cannot believe I am even going here.....

    Now as for me...I am F.A.T. ladies. Or I really feel like I am.

    I weighed 230 at my peak. I am at But I am doing what it takes. I really am going to try to not get down. I would DIE to be the weight of some of you ladies.
  • disobedientmeek
    maybe not die but I would go pretty far lol
    but then again I wouldn't mind being 160
    Your weight now is my goal by xmas :P
    so always remember there is someone feeling what you are but worse!!! :flowerforyou:
  • majic
    majic Posts: 88 Member
    maybe not die but I would go pretty far lol
    but then again I wouldn't mind being 160
    Your weight now is my goal by xmas :P
    so always remember there is someone feeling what you are but worse!!! :flowerforyou:

    You are so right. Sometimes I need to learn to be HAPPY with what I have...And not really sometimes but all times!

    I need support...This is an uphill battle and man sometimes it just kicks my butt.

    I know we've all felt this from time to time but right now I feel good. And I am making a lead way so I am doing well.

    I will be excited to hear where you are at Christmas. Would you mind if I added you as a friend?