upper back fat

i kno that sounds weird but i hav a lot of upper back fat and IDK why!!! What are some work outs to help? I kno i cant target weight loss ther but still...


  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    the only thing i can think of is reverse crunches and anything that works the upper torso and shoulders. and of course a buttload of cardio.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    If you hang upside down once a day it will cause a gravitational induced reverse polarity de-tensioning of your fat cells and they will start to spread out more instead of being bunched up in one place.

    I know it sounds really weird, but here is a video that explains it.

  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
  • ebonirose
    ebonirose Posts: 10
    Rowing works wonders!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    If you hang upside down once a day it will cause a gravitational induced reverse polarity de-tensioning of your fat cells and they will start to spread out more instead of being bunched up in one place.

    I know it sounds really weird, but here is a video that explains it.


    Or you could stretch and exercise all of your muscles every day... increasing muscle evens out fat distribution more effectively than gimmicky nonsense. Stretching helps the process by relaxing muscles.

    Specific exercise? Pushups, good-mornings, and dumbbell rows. Combine all 3 and you'll get a very sleek-looking back.
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    What is good-mornings?? (I really hope it's not something simple that I should have picked up on!! LOL)
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    what exactly are good-mornings? never heard of that before
  • nessieslc
    nessieslc Posts: 34
    I agree, what are good mornings?
  • Dukesjourney
    Dukesjourney Posts: 146 Member
    I'm with everyone else! Never heard of good mornings, or dumbbell rows for that matter!