SAHM 4/4 - 410

katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
last week's thread:

Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:


  • joip
    joip Posts: 39 Member
    hi, I'm a working mom (we really need the 2 income) but my children is my top priority. I've a daughter who turns 5 in June and a son who is now 1 year. I've around 30 lbs to lose to reach my desired weight. Please feel free to add me
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    oops! Forgot the slash on Sunday's date!! LOL

    Shoppie ~ I am so sorry to hear about your little girl! I hope she is better today and that you guys are home from the hospital :(

    Wildcat ~ Congrats on the loss!

    Welcome back Christi!!

    Holy crap, I am down a pound this morning!!!!!!!!!!!! Wasn't expecting that, so I recorded it. I'll probably gain it back by Friday (our anniversary, and we are going out to eat at the Melting Pot!!!) Here's to a great week everyone!!
  • Hi there,
    I'm Crystal a SAHM to two awesome kiddoes ages 2 and 4. I work off and on for my mom by inputting dictation online for her.. it's kind of a way to get a little extra money for fun stuff to do with the kids during the week. I joined this site recently with my brother and we've been really encouraging each other. Since his job begins later in the day we are able to meet up at the gym and work out together.... it's great motivation. I run a local mom's group here in town and its AWESOME... the ladies are amazing!!!! I'd love to be more charismatic about the group and have a more outgoing disposition, but I find myself feeling like I'm not good enough to run this group because I am unhealthy... etc... so I've decided instead of boohooing about it, I'm gonna DO something about it.... glad to meet you!!!!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm a SAHM of 3 beautiful kids, ages 10, 7 and 3. I'm horrible at posting on these groups but I'm on mfp several times a day so feel free to add me if you want :flowerforyou:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Goooood morning! My child woke 2 hours earlier than usual and still exhausted so I did everything to try and get her back to sleep with no success. We've had nothing but constant meltdowns so far, joyful Monday. I never have the TV on when she's up, but I resorted to turning on Full House while I made breakfast and Michelle Tanner kept her interested enough to stop screaming, now she's eating happily. Here's to (hopefully!) an early nap :drinker:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Shoppie-So sorry to hear about your daughter I hope she's feeling better soon.

    Welcome to the group chrissym78, crystaldegreef,joip.

    Wildcat-That is not a great way to start the day, hopefully she'll take a nap for you later and you can get some downtime too.

    Katie-Congrats on your loss! If you keep things in control this week your evening out on Friday shouldn't do too much damage. Drink lots of water while consuming all that yumminess it will help. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. How many years have you been married?

    We had a nice weekend, I did a Zumba class on Saturday then walked down to the park with the family and the dog, went for a hike through the forest with the family after church on Sunday. It was nice and warm Sun. 73 degrees then the temps took a dive and the wind picked up. Today it's still windy and a chilly 39. We warm up again after today, thank goodness, so we can get outside again.

    Today was the first morning of my 6am exercise class, basically a 10 min. cardio warm up followed by lots of squats with various upper body lifting like shoulder presses, up right rows and more cardio during the rest time. Then it was chest press, flies, bicep curls, tricep press and shoulder raises on the ball with hip raises during the rest time. Last was core work, planks, side reaches, ab marchers, one legged lift etc. A brief stretch at the end. Most of it was good my legs are already sore from the squats and hip raises. I am going back in to do strictly cardio and stretching, plus it gives my girls a chance to play with friends and breaks up their day.

    I weighed in yesterday and was at a new low for me (in recent history anyway) 133.8. I'm not officially counting it until I see it another day. This morning weighing in so early before my system really gets going probably isn't quite accurate. I also didn't drink near enough water yesterday. We'll see what happens in a few days.

    Have a good day ladies!

  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Holy - wowsers, that class sounds like seriously hard work! Congrats on the new low on the scales too - hooray!

    wildcat - yuck at being up 2 hours early! Hope she has an early nap and you cope ok!!

    Welcome to the group chrissym78, crystaldegreef,joip.

    Kat - happy anniversary! Enjoy your meal tonight, I really think the odd occasion does no harm, and I think we need to celebrate special things like that without worrying overly about always trying to find something healthy on the menu.

    Well we have our partial discharge hence me having time to post. We have to go back in twice a day for the next few days for treatment (oxygen and suction). she is definitely doing better but the whole thing has been really stressful as it was all very sudden. On the up side I have been managing the stress through exercise so today I have been for a walk for an hour with her in the sling at a fast pace, and have also arranged to go for a swim later, which on top of the BFing gives me over 1000 cals from exercise! I'm not eating all that for once having indulged in my sticky toffee pudding last night (SO worth it - yum!), weigh-in for me tomorrow.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone! I first came to this post last week, but just in name is Amber and I have two kiddies that I enjoy staying home with! My daughter "RJ" is 4 and my son "CJ" is 2. They are amazing and I wouldnt trade this time for ANYTHING!

    That being said, I need some advice desperately! (I posted this on my own before so you may have seen it already!)
    CJ-2 yrs old- is getting up in the middle of the night---he has STTN since he was 6 months old---at 1 and 4 AM! He either wakes up screaming and crying or just walks in our bedroom like, "TIme to get up!" He is really good about going back to his bed when we walk him in there and say, "Time to lay down." but he is up again 20 minutes later. Its like he lays there long enough to get bored and then comes back & lately, its been cryng and screaming first, which is waking up RJ...and the hubs and I are EXHAUSTED! Its been at least 3 weeks now...

    I at first, thought it was that he was napping late (1-4pm) everyday so I started putting him down at 12 and hes been gettin up around 3. No help at night yet.
    Second, I put his nightlite back in his room (we had a tap light that we would leave on until he fell asleep--now we leave the small lamp on all night.) No help at night.
    Third, I stopped him drinking all night. He usually carried his sippy cup of milk around after dinner until he went to bed. I stop him an hour before bed so he isnt peeing all night. Someone told me that even though he is in a diaper, hes started potty training and is old enough to know he is going and it may be waking him up.
    Tonight I am going to give him Ibuprofin before he goes to bed bc I noticed last night when he woke up crying, he was holding his mouth...maybe its his 2 year molars. BUT even if I give him Ibuprofin at 830, it will be worn off by 4 am...

    Any other suggestions or ideas! I havent been this sleep deprived since I had a newborn!
    On a good note, RJ went back to preschool after a week of Spring Break...Back to the routine and I love it!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Shoppie- I am glad she is doing a bit better, I hope thing continue to get better

    Katie- Congrats on the weight loss and happy anniversary. I have always wanted to try Melting Pot but I don't have my hubby sold on it.

    I managed to complete Week 6 day 3 C25K- I went 2.25 miles in 25 minutes so now I am on to week 7. I have just about 4 weeks to be able to run a 5k. I think I will be ready and should be able to post a respectable time. I took a progress photo today and weighed myself and I am down to 169.6. Hello 160's. I haven't been in the 160s since summer 2009 so this is a great place to be in the spring. Hopefully by summer time I will be saying hello to the 150's.

    My LO still has a cold but is doing much better. I can't believe how quickly he is growing up. He finally figured out how to sit up on his own this weekend. He can maintain it for about a minute before he topples. Now he is really focusing on crawling and pulling himself up to standing. I won't be suprised to see him doing both before the end of April.

    The weather is crappy here and isn't supposed to be great all week. It is going to be tough to get motivated to move. Hopefully I will figure something out. Hope everyone has a great Monday.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    packers coming today.

    goals for april
    --no baking, except for 2 seders of passover
    --keep to 1300 cal intake, even with exercise
    --work up to 5d/week, 60min exercise
    --lose 5# (this 2#/month loss is not enough!)

    These are all significant challenges for me, but I really need to step it up to get this weight off.

    katie--congrats on your addnl loss.
    holly, wowza! that's a workout!
    hang in there wildcat.

    and welcome to the new ladies!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome Joip, Crystal, and Chrissy!

    Crystal, my kiddos are also 2 and 4! Good luck to you!

    Wildcat ~ Must be in the water, Carter is driving me crazy today!! aaagggh!!!

    Holly ~ Thanks for the advice :) It will be 9 years already! We just 'celebrated' our 12 year anniversary of our first date LOL It makes me feel old! ;-P Amazing on the weightloss by the way!!

    Shoppie ~ Our anniversary isn't until Friday :) I can't wait though! And it will be an all out splurge, the Melting Pot serves nothing but yummy and I'm sure bad for you fondues LOL good job on working out and turing that into your stress reliever!

    Awelch ~ So sorry about the 2 year old! Is he getting his molars in? I would just stick to the same routine, and hope that he goes back into his old habits!

    Drcarrier ~ I am so excited, I've never been there before :):) Congrats on your run! That's a fantastic time!

    stacey ~ good luck on meeting your goals this month!!!
  • Morning Ladies :drinker:
    I am back and going to keep at it!
    I think that I just let myself get "lazy" because hubby just left and life kinda went crazy. Of course after he leaves all the kids get sick. "B" my almost 2 year old with bad ear infections, then he is getting his 2 year molars on top of that so he has been so whinny. "C" my 3 year old has been, well no other way to put it he's been a brat since his daddy left, he is hitting, punching, pinching, choking... I know it is because hubby left but it is getting to be way to much & I can't let that be an excuse for his behavior. On top of that he will not stay in his bed when it is time to go to sleep, I am up there atleast 4 times a night to put him back in his bed & it's taking like 2 hours after I put him down before he finally stops getting out of his bed & goes to sleep. The last week was spring break and the list goes on of all my excuses but no more. I am not going to get the weight off I want to before hubby comes back if I don't get my butt moving & stop eatting junk. I have a friend that really wants to lose weight too so she came over & worked out with me this morning. That may help if I have someone else doing it with me. I decided to do the Slim in 6 over since she wanted to try it too.
    That is my plan for now get back to logging my food, eatting better & drinking more water. Plus working out atleast 5 days a week to start but more when I can.
    I reset my goals & adjusted my weight since of course it went back up a bit this last month so I am ready to go!!
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, I'm a SAHM to 4 boys...8,6, 2, and 3 months. I joined before I got pg. with the baby, but I am committed to getting back at it. It's hard to fit a workout in sometimes because of the kids routines, but I'm going to keep trying to walk at least 3 miles every day (Leslie Sansone's 3 mile walk to start). I'll add and change when I get bored with that, especially when it gets nice enough to take the kids outside on walks.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Lots going on here!!!

    Welcome to the new ladies!!

    Shoppie-So sorry about your daughter and everything you guys have been through, but glad you're able to outlet your stress into exercise!

    Katie-congrats on losing the pound and enjoy the anniversary!!

    Awelch-We're in the same boat! I did start DS napping again in the early afternoon for about an hour and a half and it has pushed his wake-up back to 5am instead of 4.:laugh:

    Drcarrier-The weather isn't great here either and it does make it really difficult to find the get up and go. Great job running and congrats on getting into the 160's!

    Stacey-Good luck with the move and your goals for April!

    Christi-Welcome back!! Glad you're back on track!

    This week hasn't been great food wise for me,. We went grocery shopping today and I'm ready to get fully back into it. I think I'm going to start weighing myself once a month too now because I'm toning up, but gaining weight doing the Jillian Michaels' workouts. Or maybe it was the pizza this week. :blushing: No, the first week I did it I gained about a pound and a half back, then had to take off for a week, lost 3 pounds (!), but have gained another 2 back this week. I've lost inches though. So hopefully better eating and the workouts will help me lose weight too, since I still have about 40 pounds to go!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    tagging for later.....obnoxiously busy today.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hi, I'm a SAHM to 4 boys...8,6, 2, and 3 months. I joined before I got pg. with the baby, but I am committed to getting back at it. It's hard to fit a workout in sometimes because of the kids routines, but I'm going to keep trying to walk at least 3 miles every day (Leslie Sansone's 3 mile walk to start). I'll add and change when I get bored with that, especially when it gets nice enough to take the kids outside on walks.

    welcome! i'm a huge fan of leslie--i have about 7 dvd's! it can really make a difference. the first time i lost wt was in 2009 and walking those miles with leslie, day in and day out, was critical to my wt loss.
    so, good job getting back on board and joining the conversation!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    chking in....had panda express tonight b/c wanted real food, not some hodgepodge of unpacked food. whoa! will not be doing that anymore! did not realize how many calories were in the regular foods. i think i had chow mein and something smaller last time, but orange chkn--man, that killed me.
    will be drinking lots to flush out the sodium. and will be spending first few days burning those excess cals. maybe i can get a walk in before the movers show up in the AM

    will see you gals on wednesday!
    and katie--happy (early) anniversary!
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    Hey everyone! just joined a week ago! I am a sahm of a 19 month old. I love every minute of it. Anyone who needs some support or words of encouragement give me a shout. My goal is to lose about 40 lbs but at least 25 by end of May. Lake season is starting and we have a new boat and I would love to look good on it!!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Quickie post ladies: down another poud this morning! YAY! Farewell 180s, I will NEVER see you again! Celebrating by going to the gym!
    Catch up with you all later!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    I did pretty good all day, but the evening is the worse for me, because I'm an evening snacker!!! I'm starting strong, today and pray I can get the kids to nap at the same time, so I can get my 3 miles in. Not weighing in until Sunday, though!
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