April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • Ohhhh Happy Belated Rav!!!!!!

    And Again Chrissy I am so glad you are here!!!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So my goals for Monday
    1. WATER- now its gonna be crystal light cause I've been slacking and I'll need some flavor in it
    4.Clear some things from the yard before it gets nasty out there like they say its gonna. ---not happening now:(

    Well I'm gonna have to drop number 4. Its already too nasty out there to go out and do what I want to. Temp is great but weather other wise isn't...Dang it...

    Thank you for the birthday wishes:) It was a great day. Now I'm off to figure out what is attainable for me and set those goals. I'll be back when I'm done and let you all know what they are:)
  • Hi All, I'm Carl.

    I joined a few months ago, lost a few pounds and then went to a reunion in Vegas.

    It was a reunion of my old military unit, and I was the biggest guy there. Motivation enough.

    I am an at home dad, (3 kids, boy 13, boy 8, girl 7) and I spend whatever time I can during the day writing.

    My weight has always been an issue for me. In the Marines, I spent a lot of time worried about weigh-ins and at a lot of steamed chicken. In fact, steamed chicken and broccoli were the bulk of my meals. When I got out, I rediscovered pizza, and discovered the joys of cooking, eventually becoming a classically trained pastry chef.

    Anyway, here I am.

    Goals for today:
    1. I want to record everything I eat.
    2. Join a gym. (We are moving in 2 mos so we allowed our old one to run out. Not a good idea for me.)
    3. Spend less than a hour on the PS3.
    4. Getting the laundry done would be nice.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome Carl:flowerforyou: My dad is a Marine, I know I can never say was cause its a mindset that really never seems to leave you guys:) He hasn't been active since I was a small child. Thank you for serving our country and for being an awesome dad! I think men who stay at home with the kids really understand life better. I have a love of cooking as well but I tend to stay clear of baking, its too much of a science and I just like to grab things and throw them together until it tastes good:laugh: Looking forward to getting to know you better on here!

    Ok I said I would be back when I figured out my goals for the next year. I have decided that I want to at least have lost 30lbs by my next birthday and hopefully will get myself back under 200lbs again. I'm going to be happy if I can drop the 30 though. I've come up with a plan that includes me walking at 3 times a week. I know this summer I will be doing more than that because I plan on walking most places this summer instead of hoping in the car. I know my kids aren't going to like it so much but I know they'll enjoy it towards the end. I'm going to have to figure out some kind of game we can play while we are walking. I know I should just start on this one right now but I'm going to get my basement around first, I'm going to start on a Shred in May. I've added my mini goals for this year to my signature on here.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Sunday's Goal's:

    1. Meal Planning for the week -did some planning but not enough, ok barely scratched the surface. :sad:
    2. Paperwork to submit my flex receipts -almost done :wink:
    3. Treadmill at Anytime Fitness -Yay I didt it :happy:
    4. Grill for the first time in a loooooong time -Yes, and oh so good! :tongue:

    Monday's Goal:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Finish Flex Paperwork (Finish what I start)
    3. Get to bed between 10:00 and 10:30 PM
    4. More meal planning.

  • My goals for 4/3 are:
    ~Drink 8 cups of water= Yes
    ~ Do some light cardio= Some... ankle really hurt thoug
    ~Eat healthy = yes though we did go to olive garden..but i had the soup and salad.
    ~Get in about 30 situps today= yes

    My goals for 4/4 are:
    ~ Drink 8 cups of water
    ~ Try to pick up the house
    ~Take my vitamins
    ~Take a walk.

    Good luck everyone.
  • April 4th
    1.) get up on time**check
    2.) make the best of my day at work**yes!
    3.) clean**nope
    4.) cook**yes!!!
    5.) cals and water!!great!!!!

    I made the best of my day at work today but I dont know if I will be able to tomorrow.

    So my goals for April 5th are:
    2.) water
    3.) cals
    4.) get the cleaning done that I should have done today.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Carl - Welcome! I have to say, it is could be potentially interesting to have a man joining our little group. :laugh:

    Hannah - Sorry to hear that your foot is still bothering you. It sounds like it's improving a little, though, hope that's true!

    Lee - Forgot to look for a pic at my mom's guess maybe I can't join you all in posting a childhood pic. :frown: If I run into one around my apartment, though, I'll see what I can do!

    Rav - Happy belated birthday! Your goals for the next year sound great, and achievable, too. :happy:
    1. At least 6 cups of water (I have limited time for this. My mom has water issues, so I can't drink her tap water and she doesn't buy bottled water, either.) - No
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Yep!
    3. Get to the gym for either a combination of weights & cardio OR at least 30 minutes of cardio - Did the cardio. The elliptical kicked my butt so badly that I didn't WANT to do the full half hour, even having switched to a bike after 15 minutes, but I pushed through!
    4. Laundry - Yep
    5. Bed by 11:30 - HAHAHA! No...... Why I even thought this would happen, I haven't a clue. My mom is a serious night owl and when I visit her, it tends to rub off, especially when we're doing stuff together. (Even if it is just watching tv and talking.) Fortunately (?) I don't know that it made much of a difference because even after I DID get to bed, I didn't sleep for some reason, so if I'd have gone to bed earlier, I'd have just been spending more time tossing and turning.

    I'm spending the night at my mom's so here's for tomorrow as well:

    1. 6-10 cups of water depending on my sodium intake - No :grumble: Getting annoyed with myself on this!
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Indulged in a cookie after dinner cause I had the calories..... Forgot to check on fats. :embarassed:
    3. AGAIN start Week 2 of sit-up challenge! Hoping third time will be the charm..... - Yep
    4. Get to my doctor's appointment on time - Yep
    5. Run necessary errands (Post office and bank especially) - Bank yes, post office no, which turned out to be a mistake. I thought I'd beat the mail and left my rent check to be picked up. I was wrong. :ohwell: Maybe, HOPEFULLY my landlord will be understanding?
    4-5-2011 fitness goals
    1. At least 6 cups of water
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Get to the gym (May expand on this if I don't get called to work.)
    4. Bed by 10:30

    4-5-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. E-mail potential tutoring employer
    2. Call landlord and see if the late fee for my rent can be waived considering the circumstances and the fact I haven't been late before.
    3. Go grocery shopping/pick up perscription
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Sunday's Goal's:

    1. Meal Planning for the week -did some planning but not enough, ok barely scratched the surface. :sad:
    2. Paperwork to submit my flex receipts -almost done :wink:
    3. Treadmill at Anytime Fitness -Yay I didt it :happy:
    4. Grill for the first time in a loooooong time -Yes, and oh so good! :tongue:

    Monday's Goal:
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water : Nope :ohwell:
    2. Finish Flex Paperwork (Finish what I start) Did it!:happy:
    3. Get to bed between 10:00 and 10:30 PM : I will be in bed in 27 minutes or less so I can say YES!!:yawn:
    4. More meal planning.NOPE:grumble:

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Stay focused at work in the midst of upheaval and chaos
    2. Take Fish oil and Vitamins
    3. Tae blood pressure
    4. Try again for 8 cups of water in order to stay on track!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Mondays Goals:

    1. Walk at lunch & something else after work – Yes & Yes
    2. Under on calories & fat- Yes
    3. Water- Yes
    4. 30 minutes housework - Yes

    Morning Everyone,

    Welcome Carl! It’s a great thread and nice that we’re your first post.

    Yesterday was good, I was wavering a bit in the evening. I was 100 and some over on my calories and the thought “I’m too tired to work out” started creeping into my head……then I realised it wasn’t true and got on with it. No drama, no forcing myself to work out. I'm really glad, it’s those moments that let me know that this is permanent. :happy:

    Tuesday’s Goals:
    1. Walk at lunch then C25k after work. – I’m sure I can move properly up to the next level today
    2. Under on calories and fat
    3. Water
    4. Cut plate for new print I’m working on.

    Have a great day! See you later.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Monday's goals:
    1. 72 oz water at least CHECK (80!)
    2. meet my calorie and get close to protein goal without going over on carbs FAIL!
    3. laundry, ick CHECK
    4. maybe a mall trip so these kids will leave me alone, they have their own money to spend and it's burning right through their pockets, lol CHECK

    Btw, if you aren't already my friend on here, please feel free to friend me
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Monday's goals:
    1. 72 oz water at least CHECK (80!)
    2. meet my calorie and get close to protein goal without going over on carbs FAIL!
    3. laundry, ick CHECK
    4. maybe a mall trip so these kids will leave me alone, they have their own money to spend and it's burning right through their pockets, lol CHECK

    Btw, if you aren't already my friend on here, please feel free to friend me

    woopsie! forgot to post today's goals... 4/5:

    1. 80 oz water
    2. log everything!
    3. controlled eating... the cupcakes are not going to win today!!
    4. meet my nutrition goals and end the day on a good note

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April3:
    1. Water!!!!--Yes
    2. Stay on my eating plan.--Yes
    3 Get some exercise in sometime today!--Not really
    3. Bed by 9:30.--Yes

    I woke up during the night between Sunday and Monday feeling SO incredibly sick to my stomach! Monday morning I thought that I'd start feeling better as I, um. got rid of all that was left in me. I just felt worse and worse so I came home from work and slept for the rest of the day. Still felt sick when I got up again and came to the conclusion that the hummus I had on Sunday had to have gone bad. 2 pieces of toast and a cup of chamomile tea and back to bed, Feel SO much better today!

    Goals for April 5,:
    1. Water.
    2. Go easy (nd bland) on food today.
    3. Get to bed on time.

    No extra exercise today as I am all sore and still not my best. (I really hate to be sick!)
  • Goals for today:
    1. I want to record everything I eat. Done
    2. Join a gym. (We are moving in 2 mos so we allowed our old one to run out. Not a good idea for me.) Done
    3. Spend less than a hour on the PS3. Done (with withdrawls)
    4. Getting the laundry done would be nice. Done

    Thank you to everyone for welcoming me to the board.

    Goals for 4/5:

    1. Record everything I eat.
    2. Actually go to the gym I joined.
    3. I'd like ot get close to 1000 words today
    4. Not much to do around the house today so I really just need tostay ahead of the game there.
    5 Plan tonight's soccer practice.

    Hope averyone has a good one today.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for Monday:
    1. Training before work. YES
    2. Take lunch from home. YES
    3. Water all day. YES
    4. Be productive at work. Lots to do and it's my only day in the office this week. YES

    Welcome Carl and the other newbies I haven't yet welcomed!

    It's afternoon here but not too late for posting goals I hope!

    1. Water all day.
    2. Healthy snacks in the car while I'm driving.
    3. Combat and Tri class.
    4. Go food shopping.
    5. Be productive in the afternoon while working at home i.e. Get off mfp!

    Have already done some of this. I cut up cucumber and carrots which I snacked on during my drive this morning. Stopped and did my food shop on my way back home. Need go work on my water and start doing some work!!

    Have a great day!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So my goals for Monday
    1. WATER- now its gonna be crystal light cause I've been slacking and I'll need some flavor in it--Didn't do bad but didn't get as much as I should have.
    2. LOG EVERYTHING!!!-DONE though I went WAY over!!! Dang Chinese for dinner last night.
    4.Clear some things from the yard before it gets nasty out there like they say its gonna. ---not happening now:(

    Ok so half the day is gone but here's my goals for today.
    1. WATER--for every one I have with crystal light in it I will force myself to drink just a glass of water too.
    4. LAUNDRY

    Had to take my daughter to the dentist for her cleaning and was very proud of her!! She had no cavities!!!! YAY!!!

    Hope you all are having a good day.
  • I'd love for my kids to not have cavities just once.

  • My goals for 4/4 are:
    ~ Drink 8 cups of water: Yeppers
    ~ Try to pick up the house: A little bit
    ~Take my vitamins: Definitely did
    ~Workout: I did half of my p90x chest/shoulder/triceps
    ~Take a walk.: a little one

    My goals for 4/5 are:
    ~Finish P90X chest/shoulders/ Triceps
    ~Do Pylometrics
    ~Take Vitamins
    ~Fill out state/local taxes
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    I'd love for my kids to not have cavities just once.

    This is her first time not having any...I don't expect it will happen next time though.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Thanks for checking on me Jessie May! Don't have time for a real check in but wanted this saved to my threads! I never have enough hours in the day anymore. lol. Hope you are all doing well!
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