Just got Breast Implants



  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    How about cycling for an exercise that shouldn't hurt too much?
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    if youve only just had them done, you shouldnt raise your heartrate too much for a few weeks.
    No point paying thousands then risking your recovery out of impatience.
  • 1csdancer
    1csdancer Posts: 27 Member
    jealous :) can't wait till i get mine :D
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    o/t, should i take off the weight of my implants when calculating my BMI?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i'd love to get a boob job, so jealous!!!

    when i lose my weight, i'm hoping to win lotto so i can get a tummy tuck and a boob job. mine are rapidly deflating, and they weren't exactly perky to start with, so i'll surely need some surgery help when i'm done losing weight.
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    1000-1100 cal is NOT enough to heal properly and quickly your BMR is your amount of calories you need while just laying around. EAT THIS because this is what you're doing. The initial recovery phase is not the time to try and lose weight because your body needs more calories to heal. As long as you still need pain medication you don't need to be exercising. If you are medicating you won't be able to feel the pain signals your body is sending to tell you to stop and that you might be tearing internal stitches (these take 2-4weeks to heal)

    When I lost weight the first time (ugh hate having to say that) I went from 280 to 165. I had a translateral tummy tuck, basicly a back tuck and tummy tuck and a breast augmentation.

    My surgeon said only doing a breast lift would result in an A to AA cup for me...blegh sooo I got the SMALLEST implant and ended up a full C.

    Two years later though my mom died and ate my feelings so I got back up to 224. I'm down in the 190's again and here's the good news.

    My tummy does not have excess skin like it did before when I lost weight...Boobs still perky. So even if you gain a few pounds you aren't going to mess up your longterm results.

    Wishing you a healthy and speedy recovery
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    I cant thank all of you enough. Youre all such a great group of gals. :love:
    I had my 1 week post op yesterday and I am healing "10 our of 10" and now I can finally shower!! LaOL.....:ohwell:

    I need to take it easy though bc I feel goo enough to use my arms, but I am not suppose to (had under the muscle).
    I have decided that after I am done with the Cipro (anti-biotics) I will start light walking again. I cant do regular exercise for 2 more weeks, but franhkly, I dont even know if I ca handle that! As one of you said-- I dont want to risk ruining all that money I spent.
    I will start walking slowly again probably starting Tuesday (@ week mark) adn will not do any strength training for 6 weeks-- per dr.

    This whole "you cant restrict ur calories to under 1200... yada yada is just not true. :grumble: Everyones metabolism is different.
    I have been trying to keep mine at around 1000 while I am not exercising-- as normally I eat around 1300-1400, but thats bc I would be exercising about 350 calories a day. So when you do the math-- I am really eating /absorbing the same amount if calories.
    Though, I am DEF trying harder to eat more protein. I dont normally eat eggs, and I am trying to eat them every day or every other day right now. I am no longer as hungry as before either, probably because I am weening off the pain killers (not the valium though-- need that to keep my tush in the chair and not too active)...or maybe also bc I am actively trying to eat more protein! LOL.. either way I am not complaining abou tmy appetite anymore... now if only I could use the bathroom regularly... :embarassed:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: THANK YOU SOO MUCH EVERYONE FOR INPUT!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Feel free to email me to ask about implants, to those of you who are interested. I did tons of research and its very important to do so. Plus, my husband is an attorney AND a hypochondriac, so I know about all the 'risks.'
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    i got mine 7 mths ago and you need to take it easy for around 6 weeks, depending on what placement you had (i had under), then ease into it gently, although i was back into walking (fast) around 4 weeks, but i healed well. You need to listen to your body.
    When was your op?

    Try to eat more protein for healing

    Thanks! March 29th
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    Good lord I'm jealous!! How much did they cost?? I think my husband would have a fit if I got them lol..not to mention my family. I guess a girl can always dream huh?

    X2... Yep, what she said.

    I have mod plus silicone under the muscle: $6,700
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    Yay for you! My husband promised me a pair when I reach my goal weight and keep it off! I would definitely spend a lot of time walking!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I would love to get implants. In fact, I would be happy with a 're-fill'. With massive weight loss comes victory ... and side effects. Ever see a plain old balloon that's been blown up for a long time and finally just starts losing air. The way it's all lopsided and saggy with stretchy parts here and there? Yep, that's what my girls look like now. I can practically just roll 'em up and tuck 'em in my bra ... but of course, finding a bra that fits properly now is next to impossible as well. I wouldn't change the weight loss for the boobs, but a re-fill or implants is on my bucket list!
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    Well, I braved the scale for the first time since surgery... 4 weeks. I only gained 3 pounds, and 2 of em should be boobage. So I think that means I am losing muscle mass... my butt looks way flatter but my jeans are tighter in my tummy area... Oh bodies! Just goes to show that the scale doesnt mean a thing!!!

    I am back on the slow exercise wagon and the DR said in 2 more weeks I can resume ALL regualr workout activities... although I must say, I will def be refraining from arms weight/strength training stuff.. I dont want to risk anthing just yet.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I am 2 lbs away from my goal and unfortunatly, I lost mine. SO, after I lose the final 2, I will start the process of getting mine done. Will make DH and I both happy!
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    Give your body some time to heal. I got mine done about 6 years ago and it took a good 2 weeks before I was up and moving without some pain. I wasn't excercising at the time (I was about 40 pounds lighter :grumble: ), I was riding my horses a lot up in the mountains though, I'm sure you can imagine the jarring. I was back in the saddle in roughly 6 weeks. Dont over do it... maybe munch on some veggies to fill you up. Good luck & enjoy "the girls"!
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    i don't have them but many of my friends do. congrats to you.

    for those of you considering ... another friend of my just had a new procedure where they removed the excess fat from her legs (knee to thigh area) and injected it around her breasts. she looks amazing. totally natural. no real pain in her chest (but similar fitness restrictions) and moderate pain in her legs. look into it as an alternative to implants. she had it done in boston an it cost about the same as implants ($10K)
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    wow! I live in Los Angeles and I paid under 7K for mine.. 10K is alot!!! But sounds like a cool procedure.. recycling body fat.. love it!
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Yeah I'm not sure where all the guys are at. I'm sure they're all reading this thread but didn't want to post. So let me be the first guy to say...congrats!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    When I had mine done, I gained a ton of weight because I couldn't exercise and I ate a ton. =/ I had them done the end of April last year and by the time I could run again in June, I had shot up to almost 200 lbs =( I'm still on here trying to work it off, so be strong, eat good while you can't exercise, slowly ease back into exercise as your doctor allows, and you'll thank yourself later!! Enjoy em ;) It's a whole new world. One year in and I wouldn't take it back FOR THE WORLD.

    I gained 13 pounds after I got mine....I got them done (among other things...much worse things) in September and didn't excersice until Jan.

    Man I felt like crap. Spend all this money then get fat. BUT I'm back on track and lost the weight and some...and working on even more. I LOVE THEM!!!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Yeah I'm not sure where all the guys are at. I'm sure they're all reading this thread but didn't want to post. So let me be the first guy to say...congrats!

    lol, true
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Why would you add weight to your body with implants?

    Why do you care? It's her body, her choice. Get over it.