Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred CHALLENGE

Ok, I have had the Jillain Michael's 30 Day Shred dvd for weeks and its still sitting here unopened. I am challenging myself to open this dvd and get started with my 30 days TODAY! I was going to say....starting Sunday....but if I wait another 5 days then who knows, I might wait another 5 weeks. So, I'm going to open the dvd and get started now.

Anyone want to join me? You don't have to start today, but if you already have the dvd...what are you waiting for??


  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I have been avoiding it also. I'll start with you today!
  • LilJ89
    LilJ89 Posts: 1
    I have that DVD! I got it a while ago and the longest I've stuck on it was 2 weeks. I was just thinking today that I need to get started back on it too. The exercises seem tough at first but it's only 20 minutes long and for the 2 weeks that I did stick to it I saw a difference in how I felt and my endurance for the 20 minutes definitely grew!

    You will love it and I'm gonna start on it again TODAY too! Good Luck!
  • mymarmalade
    I have had the P990X DVD's for about 2 month's now and keep telling myself I will start on Monday every week!!!! I'm with ya gurl, different DVD's but motivated just the same. Let me know how it's going.
  • Cas0529
    Cas0529 Posts: 15
    i am ready to join you. I ordered the dvd & as soon as i get it i will be starting those 30 days.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I started Sunday!!!! Day 3 Level 1 done this a.m.! Love to join a group that around the same start date!!!! Add me if you'd like to anyone starting soon or already going!
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in!
  • thomasbf
    thomasbf Posts: 47 Member
    If/when you get bored wtih it, her new one "Ripped in 30" is phenomenal!
  • niclagi
    niclagi Posts: 177 Member
    Ok...I have the video. I did my first session on Saturday. It was tough but ready to get back to it.
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I'll take that challenge. I've had the dvd for a couple of weeks. I've been doing it on and off but not regularly enough. It may be what I need to get my butt moving and be more consistent.
  • NoahGayDaniels
    I'm on your side girl! Just got started today myself, so let's keep up he good work together!
  • eoisom
    eoisom Posts: 14
    I'm already on day 20, so add me to help with your motivation. We'll help each other.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Eoisom... how do you track it on here as exercise? And congrats on making it 20 days!!
  • eoisom
    eoisom Posts: 14
    Well, I had asked the same question and someone said to just put it under circuit training general, so that's what i'm doing. I will say that the amt of calories it say you've burned is bogus because it feels like you're burning waaaaayyyy more than that. Especially once in level 2 and 3.

    And, thanks for the congratulatory wishes! Tonight will be my first night in level 3....I previewed it last night. All I gotta say is O M flippin' G !!!!!!! LOL!
  • TJ26
    TJ26 Posts: 35
    So I just got this and I am starting the 30 day shred tonight as well!!! Let's dot this!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    I just completed Day One Level One...and wow! My thighs are feeling it! Hope everyone has a great workout today...whether you're just starting today or have been doing it awhile!!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
  • Dreaaa
    Dreaaa Posts: 319 Member

    I've done it on and off but I really need to start doing it daily. Let's motivate eachother! :)
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Day One, Level One...

    Whew! Jillian said by day 5ish I'll see better endurance and I sure hope so...lets just say I'm glad I was in my house alone :laugh:

    Hope everyones day went well!!
  • kalia87
    kalia87 Posts: 30
    Day 2 L2 for me:) I want to do 30 days of L2 so I will check in with yall daily. my shoulders are feeling it today :)
    I am also doing 3 miles on 1% incline working up to 4%
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Day Two, Level One....

    Felt GREAT!!! I was a little sore from last night so I REALLLLLLY had to push. I notice that the weights arent the hardest for me, but the cardio intervals. Guess that means I need to hit the cardio a little more!

    If anyone has an HRM, can you tell me about how much you're burning. I'm really giving it 110% and I'm just logging as circuit training. Thanks!