Brides on a Mission: Week 13



  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 13 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: .6 and I'll take it! :-)
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Went to Duluth, MN with some college girlfriends! Had a care free lots of laughs type of weekend, and embraced every second!!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): life is good...
    4. What will you have as a cake topper: My wedding is very modern and elegant, but I did go overboard on the cake topper! I just couldn't stop giggeling when I found it. There is a bride and groom on a river bank.. there is a fish basket and the bride has her bouquet of flowers.. well the groom is fishing and his pole is out and the hook is caught in the brides veil. Its crazy, my mom doesn't think cakes should be funny, but elegant (which I do understand...) But my fiance is OBSESSED with fishing, and it totally fits our personality. So needless to say, not sure if it will actually go on the wedding cake, or at the grooms dinner... either way... I LOVE IT!!
    5. Any wedding news updates: Grooms Dinner invites were printed....
    6. Share your favorite low-calorie or no-calorie drink: Water with a lemon!
    7. What do you do for strength training: Spin Class... at high load it's buliding muscles for sure!!
    8. How did you do with the week 12 challenge (parking far away, using curbs, ect): Mehhh.. I thought about it! I didn't go driving around looking for parking spaces, but I never do that. So I did park farther back (unless there was open close up.. woops!)
    9. Weekly wrap up: Feeling good! But, now my dress pants are SLOPPY! Yikes! I pulled out some 'skinny girl' pants from college that were in the back of my closet, besides being too short (i like heels these days and in college i wore flats) they are baggy also! Ahhh, o well! I'm getting use and feeling like I have a new wardrobe!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    This is going on our programs. It fits, since I'm an English teacher!;-)

    The Book Of Life
    By Paul Curtis

    My life is like a book
    Filled with all the special moments
    And endless characters
    Each page a catalogue of my experiences
    Every up and down
    Every high and low
    But my life only truly began
    When you turned the page
    And started a new chapter

    that is sweet!!! i love it!!!! :))
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    This is one that's being read. We're replacing the word "sex" with "love making" to make it sound better in church.

    By Paul Curtis

    Love is more
    Than aesthetics
    Beauty is only skin deep
    It may be what you first notice
    Or what first gets you noticed
    But it’s not enough
    Love is more than the flashy cover on a book

    Love is
    What can’t be seen at first glance
    It’s what’s beneath the surface
    It’s the detail on every page of the book
    That has to be studied
    It’s what remains when beauty fades
    It is the constant

    Love is more
    Than physical attraction
    Or physical expression of that attraction
    Even when it’s fantastic
    It’s not enough

    Love is
    What you do in between the sex [love making)
    Not just kisses that delight
    It’s in the conversation
    And the understanding
    It’s holding hands and not caring who sees
    Its walks in the country
    It’s dancing cheek to cheek to cheesy love-songs
    It’s caring and sharing
    Love is being diminished by its loss

    ohhh i love that one too!!! GREAT choices!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Ok I need some advice...the dress that I bought for the wedding I'm in in August is can wear it 15 different ways. The bride wants one too, so I asked her if she would want to wear it in MY wedding...the thing is, my MOH is also her bridesmaid, so I would be making Alicia buy 2 of the same dress, just different that tacky? here's the dress
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 13 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: umm I dont really struggling this week and I seem to be just stuck in the same place!!!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I am getting a new car!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went last friday to test drive and its all working out!!! the car I want isnt there but should be there around the 4th!!!!! :)) soo I am excited!!!!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): i am just down this week and I def need some help...its like I am stuck and I cannot do it or something....i just am really down :0( soo I just need overall support

    4. What will you have as a cake topper: blingly letter T!!! I just saw someones picutres on FB and found the link and I love it!!! I want our cake to be fuschia!! soo the T on top can have the mix of sliver/navy and fuschia bling!!! i think it will be amazing!!! and tie in the bling since there is some on my dress!!!!

    5. Any wedding news updates: this past week we have hired our photographer and dj person!!! I was going to go with this one company but I found other people and I will be saving about 800 bucks by going this route!!! soo thats great!!!!

    6. Share your favorite low-calorie or no-calorie drink: right now my two faves are Vitamin Water Lemon Flavored AND diet A&W Cream Soda...most days it curbs my sweet tooth soo I allow myself one in the evenings!!! today I had one this AM!!! :))

    7. What do you do for strength training: Turbo Fire has a few that include resistance bands!!! when I go to the gym I use the machines and/or free weights!!! mostly I do cardio...i need to pick it up!!!!

    8. How did you do with the week 12 challenge (parking far away, using curbs, ect): I must have missed this!!!! hummm I wonder how I did this!!!! but right now I dont know Week 13s soo thats why LOL I better go find out what it is!!!! but typically I dont park close anyway and with the new car I really wont!!! :))

    9. Weekly wrap up: I am just in a rut!!! IDK why?? and I am sorry I am kinda negative!!!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 13 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: umm I dont really struggling this week and I seem to be just stuck in the same place!!!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I am getting a new car!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went last friday to test drive and its all working out!!! the car I want isnt there but should be there around the 4th!!!!! :)) soo I am excited!!!!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): i am just down this week and I def need some help...its like I am stuck and I cannot do it or something....i just am really down :0( soo I just need overall support

    4. What will you have as a cake topper: blingly letter T!!! I just saw someones picutres on FB and found the link and I love it!!! I want our cake to be fuschia!! soo the T on top can have the mix of sliver/navy and fuschia bling!!! i think it will be amazing!!! and tie in the bling since there is some on my dress!!!!

    5. Any wedding news updates: this past week we have hired our photographer and dj person!!! I was going to go with this one company but I found other people and I will be saving about 800 bucks by going this route!!! soo thats great!!!!

    6. Share your favorite low-calorie or no-calorie drink: right now my two faves are Vitamin Water Lemon Flavored AND diet A&W Cream Soda...most days it curbs my sweet tooth soo I allow myself one in the evenings!!! today I had one this AM!!! :))

    7. What do you do for strength training: Turbo Fire has a few that include resistance bands!!! when I go to the gym I use the machines and/or free weights!!! mostly I do cardio...i need to pick it up!!!!

    8. How did you do with the week 12 challenge (parking far away, using curbs, ect): I must have missed this!!!! hummm I wonder how I did this!!!! but right now I dont know Week 13s soo thats why LOL I better go find out what it is!!!! but typically I dont park close anyway and with the new car I really wont!!! :))

    9. Weekly wrap up: I am just in a rut!!! IDK why?? and I am sorry I am kinda negative!!!

    Are you bored maybe with your routine? I tend to get in a rut if I get bored and sometimes it takes me a couple of days to realize that. Try doing something fun for yourself. Go ice skating, a bike ride or go to a new park. Heck go walk around the mall if its too cold. The biggest thing is just break up your routine if you can, You'll get through it! Good Luck!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 307 Member
    Hi ladies! I just wanted to share a tip for planning that I found really helpful: Take pictures of all the dresses!

    I'm not talking about wedding dresses (though do take pictures of those if you can!); I mean the dresses for the other important females in the wedding. Brides maid, MOB, MOG, grandmothers, etc. One of my grandmothers is the last one to find a dress, she was asking about color, style, etc. of the other dresses. I pulled together digital pictures of the other dresses I just happened to have: bm, mob, mog. I am lucky enough to have a grandmother who uses email.

    Sending an email with all the pictures let her see the color and style other the other important ladies in the wedding and gave her a tool to avoid duplicating a look or style. Just something I found really helpful, as opposed to trying to describe each dress over the phone!

    Happy Planning! :happy:
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Lost another 1.2 lbs!! Woot woot!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got a green rating at work on the schedule that I built... yyyaayy! I've been trying very hard to convince my boss that I'm ready to do schedule development and this definitely helped! Good things to come.. I know it!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Just this cold weather being back!

    4. What will you have as a cake topper: Most likely just some flowers...

    5. Any wedding news updates: Printed our favor tags and had my bridesmaids over to tie them onto the jelly jars with purple ribbon. They are super cute!

    6. Share your favorite low-calorie or no-calorie drink: Coffee! and water! lol those are the only two things I ever drink.

    7. What do you do for strength training: My workout videos use weights... llloovvee workout videos :-)

    8. How did you do with the week 12 challenge (parking far away, using curbs, ect): Good! I always park on the second level of our parking garage to make myself do stairs and I use the stairs at work instead of the elevators all the time. Also when I go shopping I HHHHAATEE looking for a spot so my fiance knows just to park in the first one we see. Walking is good :-)

    9. Weekly wrap up: I've been slacking on my exercise and eating way too much chocolate but somehow still losing weight so I won't complain! Need to get in some good workouts this weekend! Super busy at work this week but it was good busy and a lot of fun.
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I hope everyone is doing good :) it seems like we are a little light on activity this week
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Grrrr I'm trying to read through posts and my darn iPad wnt let me :( kees scrolling back . Eghhhhh
  • Brides on a Mission: Week 13!
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 2.5lbs
    2. Highlight of the past week: It was my birthday on Sunday and my fiancee and I went to Redwoods Nat'l Park to celebrate
    3. Lowlight of the past week: We got a flat tire on our RV on the way home. Thank God for AAA!
    4. What will you have as a cake topper: No topper for me
    5. Any wedding news updates: I am getting the invitations ready to send out ($$$ on stamps!!)
    6. Share your favorite low-calorie or no-calorie drink: Any herbal teas, but my favorite is Mandarin Orange Spice sweetened with Splenda
    7. What do you do for strength training: I start at one end of the gym and work my way down doing everything I can think of
    8. How did you do with the week 12 challenge (parking far away, using curbs, ect): It was definintely a consideration, and I think I did pretty well! It is a hard habit to break, always wanting to park as close as possible.
    9. Weekly wrap up: I had a great week, even though I didn't log in to My Fitness Pal every day. Being gone for the trip broke my record of 40 days logging in in a row! A great hike in the Redwoods helped me put my weight loss and a lot of wedding stuff into perspective!
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