April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • So my goals for April 5th are:
    1.) DO NOT EMOTIONALLY EAT**did very well
    2.) water**not so good
    3.) cals**72 over
    4.) get the cleaning done that I should have done today. **nope cuddled with Hubby
    5.) DONT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF THAT I CANNOT CONTROL.** did ok. Not the greatest but ok.

    April 6 Goals:
    1.) work on that water.
    2.) calories
    3.) deal with it. Get a grip. Get over it and breath.
    4.) love my life
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Stay focused at work in the midst of upheaval and chaos -not bad :indifferent:
    2. Take Fish oil and Vitamins :tongue:
    3. Take blood pressure : a little higher than I would like :frown:
    4. Try again for 8 cups of water in order to stay on track! :drinker:

    Wednesday Goals
    1. Do a Leslie Sansone DVD or Treadmill at the club
    2.Plan meals for the rest of the week.
    3. Take my Fish Oil and Vitamins
    4. Stay calm and focused in the midst of work chaos and drama
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-5-2011 fitness goals
    1. At least 6 cups of water - Not so far, but I might yet get it in before bed.
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Over by 3 grams of carbs. :ohwell:
    3. Get to the gym (May expand on this if I don't get called to work.) - No. :ohwell: Slightly annoyed by part of the reason for this, but it gave me time to work on some of the other things I need to get done.
    4. Bed by 10:30 - Not quite, but I don't have to be up REAL early tomorrow morning, so I think I'll be ok.

    4-5-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. E-mail potential tutoring employer - Yep
    2. Call landlord and see if the late fee for my rent can be waived considering the circumstances and the fact I haven't been late before. - Yep, and he said he'll waive the late fee.
    3. Go grocery shopping/pick up prescription - Sort of and yes. Got the MAIN things I needed to buy, though that didn't actually include food. :laugh:
    4-6-2011 fitness goals
    1. At least 6 cups of water
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Take vitamins
    4. Week 2, Day 2 of sit-up challenge
    5. Bed by 10:30

    4-6-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Cut coupons
    2. Dishes x2 (Dishwasher and handwashed)
    3. Start cleaning living room and/or bedroom
  • Hi all! My name is Amanda and I've been using mfp on my phone, and just logged into the computer account today-wow, I've been missing out! Last year I set a goal to lose 100 pounds. I lost 80 in 6 months and got severely off track. In 9 months I have put on 60 pounds. So my new goal is to get into a lifestyle change mindset instead of a temporary diet one. My secondary long term goal is to run at least one 5k or marathon a year.
    That being said, my goals for tomorrow are:
    1. get in some exercise even though I'm working an odd shift (9-12 and then 3-7:huh: )
    3. 64 oz of water
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Tuesday’s Goals:
    1. Walk at lunch then C25k after work. - No
    2. Under on calories and fat - No
    3. Water - Yes
    4. Cut plate for new print I’m working on. - No

    Morning Everyone,

    Welcome Amanda :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was not successful, I had a meeting that ran through lunch, worked late, ate stupidly when I got home and went to bed early with a temperature. I’m going to keep today’s goals fairly loose.

    1. Run this evening if feeling better.
    2. Water
    3. Laundry
    4. Put out work clothes for tomorrow before going to bed tonight.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    woopsie! forgot to post today's goals... 4/5:

    1. 80 oz water YEP
    2. log everything! YEP
    3. controlled eating... the cupcakes are not going to win today!! BOOYAHHHH! Take that. cupcakes! LOL
    4. meet my nutrition goals and end the day on a good note YEP, awesome day!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!

    Yesterday was a great day, gonna do it again today, who's with me??
    goals for Wed 4/6:

    1. 80 oz
    2. control!!! no cheating and stay under on carbs and cals
    3. some kind of yummy fish for supper
    4. a small workout of some kind
    5. it's wacky night at church, gotta fix myself up crazy for my kids :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Chrissy, have a great time tonight at church. It sounds like a lot of fun. I'm sure the kids will enjoy it!

    Hi Amanda, welcome to the group!

    Hey Nicole, thanks for popping in. Hopefully your load will lighten up soon, we miss you!

    So today I'm not setting any fitness goals. My only goal is to have a good afternoon with my husband and maybe do some light housework. That's it, I'm taking the day off from health and fitness. Not to say I'm going to go nuts, I'm just going to be carefree and not think about how many ounces of water I consumed or think about every morsel that I eat!

    I'll post Thursday's goals on Thursday. I don't even want to think about goals today! :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 5,:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Go easy (nd bland) on food today.--Yes.
    3. Get to bed on time.--Yes.

    No extra exercise today as I am all sore and still not my best. (I really hate to be sick!)--(Walked over 10,000 steps at work, though!)

    Welcome, Amanda!
    Leela, enjoy your 'day off'.

    Kim--Hope you are feeling better!

    Goals for April 6:
    1. Water.
    2. Stick to bland foods again.
    3. Get to bed on time.

    Stomach is still acting a little weird and is still a bit crampy so I think walking at work is all I will be doing for exercise again today. Still, at least I don't feel like I want to die anymore!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Hi all! I'm Steph! I'm 28 about to be 29 next Tuesday. I've been following the challenge for a few months now. Lost some progress at the end of last month. I have 10 lbs to lose in 22 days...So we'll see if I can do that. I'm recommitting myself once again to busting it out before my vacation. I have a lot of goals to reach by the end of this year, I have my first 5k run on June 4th and before the end of the year I will have to run a few 10k's and such to make it to my ultimate goal of the 1/2 marathon in Las Vegas in December. So...I really need to stay focused and get it done!

    4.6.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) AM Exercise - CHECK
    3) Eat 1500 or less
    4) PM Exercise
  • Goals for 4/5:

    1. Record everything I eat. Not so hot. Ended up with a lot of unforseen errands and short on time but I ate pretty good.
    2. Actually go to the gym I joined. Done
    3. I'd like ot get close to 1000 words today Fell short but ok with it since I was able to get more research done.
    4. Not much to do around the house today so I really just need tostay ahead of the game there. Done
    5 Plan tonight's soccer practice. Did that

    Anyway, wife and oldest kid come back today, will be excited to see them after nearly a week.

    Feeling pretty sore after the gym trip yesterday, but I'm functional.

    Goals for 4/6:
    1 The house needs some attention.
    2 Get back to the gym.
    3 Record my food intake

    Most likely won't get any writing in today with the family returning but such is life.

    Hope you all have an awesome day.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    1. WATER--for every one I have with crystal light in it I will force myself to drink just a glass of water too.--Did better but not great.
    2. LOG EVERYTHING-yep:) and was under!
    3. CLEAN THE HOUSE-Kitchen & Dining room cleaned. Still got living room and bathroom.
    4. LAUNDRY-got a load done still have lots to go
    5. GO FOR A WALK FOR AT LEAST 30 MINS. -missed out on this cause of working on the cleaning.

    So goals for today
    1. WATER
    4. LAUNDRY

    Hope you all have a good day:)
  • My goals for 4/5 are:
    ~Finish P90X chest/shoulders/ Triceps: Yes Knee was feeling better
    ~Do Pylometrics: Yeppers
    ~Take Vitamins: Yes
    ~Fill out state/local taxes: Filled out my local ones.. now to do state
    ~Walk: no unfortunately

    My goals for 4/6 are

    ~Do Back/Biceps/AbRipperX
    ~Drink my 8 glasses of water
    ~Walk at least 4 miles

    Non fitness:
    ~File state taxes
    ~Dye my roots
    ~Take vitamins

    How is everyone doing?
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    1. Water all day. YES
    2. Healthy snacks in the car while I'm driving. YES
    3. Combat and Tri class. YES AND YES
    4. Go food shopping. YES
    5. Be productive in the afternoon while working at home i.e. Get off mfp! YES!

    It's almost the end of my day so late to post goals for today. Did good with food and went to legs bums and tums class. Could have done better on the water though.

    Thursday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Body combat.
    3. Healthy food but eat back most of exercise cals.

    Happy hump day!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    great idea!
    Im Claire, Ive got 10lb left to lose. Ive never had to battle with my weight but Ive never been happy with my weight either not neccessarily my weight the way I feel which is more important than the numbers I guess :)
    My heaviest was 160lbs when I was 40 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. I gave myself a few months and in January weighed myself (147lbs) and decided enough was enough I want to wear jeans like all the other girls so started my diet and found MFP a little while after! I am now 136lb which I am pretty happy with as I am happy it is coming off slowly and I am working out quite alot so toning all the time and just generally feeling better about myself and Ive even started wearing jeans :)

    Anyway since its the end of the day I will set my goals for tomorrow
    1. to get in my 8 glasses of water (been slacking on this for about a week now)
    2. to get in some more fruit and veg
    3. to get a work out in the afternoon if the kiddies nap at the same time
  • goals for 4/6
    1. get in some exercise even though I'm working an odd shift (9-12 and then 3-7:huh: )---walked for an hour at the mall, getting on the treadmill as soon as i get off of here :)
    sadly made a bad choice at chili's today.....the "healthy" salad had 2x the calories of the rice and chicken dish I passed up :(
    3. 64 oz of water---and then some!!!!!

    Hi claire, Hi steph!

    Tomorrows goals:
    1. more fruit and veggies
    2. clean house
    3. exercise outside for a change!
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Stay focused at work in the midst of upheaval and chaos -not bad :indifferent:
    2. Take Fish oil and Vitamins :tongue:
    3. Take blood pressure : a little higher than I would like :frown:
    4. Try again for 8 cups of water in order to stay on track! :drinker:

    Wednesday Goals
    1. Do a Leslie Sansone DVD or Treadmill at the club :glasses: :glasses: Walked outside for 30 min
    2.Plan meals for the rest of the week. :ohwell:
    3. Take my Fish Oil and Vitamins :happy:
    4. Stay calm and focused in the midst of work chaos and drama :grumble:
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    I'm a bit short on time this morning, so I'm just going to say that I didn't have a very good day yesterday, and my goals for today are the same as they were before..... :embarassed:

    Hope you all had a better day than I did, and have a terrific one today! :smile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi Claire! Welcome to the group!

    So I'll set up my Thursday's goals:
    Fitness goals:
    1. workout for 45 minutes plus abs.
    2. drink water and tea all day. maybe 1 soda only.
    3. eat at least 6 servings of fruits and veggies.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. Go to the mall.
    2. Go to Wal-mart
    3. Have lunch with my little sister.

  • April 6 Goals:
    1.) work on that water. --only 5 glasses
    2.) calories--went way stupid yesterday
    3.) deal with it. Get a grip. Get over it and breath. -- did a good job and stayed focused at work was productive
    4.) love my life--played outside with the kids and the dogs and then came inside and fell asleep early. Had a good evening besides the food.

    April 7 Goals:
    1.) Recover from Yesterdays Calorie and Carb Catastrophe
    2.) be productive at work
    4.) Going to a wake tonight. Ex boyfriend of 6 or so years-his grandmother died. I loved her and I love his mother dearly. I still care about him but we are like fire and gasoline. So My goal is to go to the wake. Show my respect. But try not to get very close to him. We've tried several times to be friends, but it never plays out. So...... I don't want to try again.
  • Hi All.

    Quick recap of yesterday. Wife and oldest got home from a trip so we went out to eat last night, had sushi and ice cream after. All in all not a horrendous day. I did make it to the gym and was pretty active throughout. I'd guess it was probably a wash.

    So, for tday 4/7:

    1. Record food
    2. Make it to the gym (though likely not until late)
    3. No fast food
    4. Limit espresso drinks to one.

    Noticed from the last couple days that I'm drinking too many calories, often in the form of specialty coffee drinks.

    Best to all and have a good one.
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