SAHM 4/4 - 410



  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Stacey-I can always tell when I have too much sodium because it makes me very thirsty. Good luck with the move today!! I hope you got your walk in this am. :smile:

    Welcome kelblue!

    KC-Congrats on the pound and saying hello to the 170's!!

    Soni-Good luck!

    I did my Banish Fat dvd this morning, but DS was all over the place so I had to stop briefly a few times. He was also climbing on me during the floor part, so I got some motion sickness and stopped after the next circuit. I have volleyball tonight though, so 31 minutes with Jillian today is fine by me.I also have some errands to run and plan to take the kids to the library, which means I won't be sitting here on my tukas reading my book. :laugh:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Happy Tuesday all! Another crappy weather day here. It is warmer but still raining. I have a busy day today. Rolling strollers class this morning and swim lessons with my son tonight. At least all of these planned activities will keep me going today.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning Ladies! I evidently didn't die after getting up at 5:20 for my EVO class yesterday. YEAH! I took class then went back in with the girls and did some cardio and stretched a LOT! Went to bed about an hour earlier than usual, still 10:30 isn't that early. Julia woke up by 2:30 and came to bed singing again. I had to keep reminding her it was time to sleep. At some point Lucy came in as well then was up for the day at 6:30 and kept coming in my room. I just may crash today! With all the exercise yesterday I couldn't come close to eating back all the calories, the guesstimate on what I would weigh in 5 weeks was actually less then my goal weight for the first time! I know not everyday will be like yesterday but it was still nice to see. I lost another pound as well, yeah!

    soni_me-I hope you are able to get your exercise in today. Maybe try to find something healthier to snack on at night like grapes or baby carrots?

    Kc-Congrats on another loss and a new milestone! What a way to celebrate!


    Stacey-We made the mistake of doing Panda express one night, wow it was a lot of calories and so much sodium! I haven't made that mistake since it isn't my favorite thing to eat so not really worth it for me.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Holly - You are doing an awesome job. Way to go on the pound loss and on making your early class. I'm so not an early bird, I hate getting out of bed, LOL. Reading your post did motivate me to get moving today, I've been slacking too much lately. Thanks for being such a positive person!

    Nicole - hahaha, my little one climbs on me during workouts too. He always things he's getting a horsey ride when I lay on the floor or he tries to put my feet on his tummy so he can fly. I "try" to workout when he naps but some days it just doesn't happen. Wow, you burn a lot of cals at volleyball, that is awesome!

    soni_me - I'm also a night snacker and it sure is hard to break. I do try healthier options but I need to really cut it off all together. Almonds work good for me because they are crunchy and I eat them slowly. Sometimes I mix in a tablespoon of mini chocolate morsals if I need something sweet.

    My new goal is to get to -18 pounds by my son & hubby's birthday. I'll have to buckle down but I need something to be working towards.

    We are going to Cali in May and I just realized that we booked our trip during Mother's Day weekend. My mom is going to be so sad, ugh!! Too late to move stuff around so I hope she's ok with us celebrating the weekend after.

    Off to get some dog food so my pups can eat brunch, poor things, I didn't realize we were almost out. Hope you all have a productive day with lots of movin going on. :happy:
  • Hi ladies! I would love to join. I am also a SAHM. I have been staying home since my youngest--2 in May--was born. My oldest will be 17 in April! I think a lot of my weight problem is that I love kid food. I am always finishing my toddler's food.

    Mmmmmmm nom nom nom--grilled cheese, mac and cheese, peanut butter and jelly

    I used to do that when my oldest was little too, but I was a lot younger then. It wasn't as difficult to keep the weight off. And I was working, which also helped a little.

  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Got my 3 miles in...Yay!!!! Thanks for the suggestions for the evening snacking. I'm going to get some popcorn (it stops me from endless snacking in the evening). Getting back on track with my exercising definitely makes me choose healthier food options. I just want to make sure I meet my exercise goals this week of at least 30 min. every day, and I'm ahead of that, right now!

    Li-Welcome! I defintely have to MAKE myself leave their food, but I only used to finish it because I hate the waste.

    Nicole-definitely the reason that I TRY to get them down for a nap before I exercise. My toddler loves to get in my way or wants to be picked up. Good that you can get some other things in, though!

    Holly- Way to Go on another pound lost!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Li- Welcome! I am dreading the day my son starts eating "normal" food (he is only 6.5 months). I love mac and cheese, hot dogs, grilled cheese, chicken fingers and all the other things that are not that good for you that show up on a kids menu. I am hoping to be a pro at resisting temptation by then so I can get through the kids food years :-)

    Soni- Great job on your 3 miles!

    The sun is finally out here. I am hoping to get in a jog around the neighborhood with my jogging stroller. I am starting week 7 of C25K and have a little less than a month before I run my first registered 5K. It is time to get serious. Hope everyone has a great wednesday!
  • leighllf
    leighllf Posts: 32
    I am a SAHM to 2 boys (6 and 21 months -- my youngest boy was born July 09). They keep me so busy but I am committed to my weight loss goals. I started MFP in Jan and have lost 17 pounds so far.

    I mainly use my iphone to log in my calories and check on my frineds successes. If you want accept my friend request, we can keep each other motivated. Good luck to us all!!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    My DH has been sick with some kind of severe sinus infection for three weeks, and he finally decided to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics yesterday. Meanwhile, I feel like crap! I'm not coughing and whatnot, I'm just dragging around like I still weight 250 lbs. I'm a bit anemic, but I don't think I should be feeling this badly. Oy. Send prayers and healing thoughts our way.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Lots of get well vibes to you victorious one, have you been to the doc's? May well be worth doing some blood tests to check everything is working ok?

    Welcome Leigh, soni-me, kelblue and daisy :flowerforyou:

    Congrats KC on another pound loss and well done on getting into the 170s - I'm jealous as I still have 5 pounds to go :sad:

    I'm curious what panda express is now from Stacey and Holly's posts - what's that then?

    amy - when is your hubby's birthday that you are tying your next target to? I have invented a new mini target too, I want to get back to my pre-baby weight by the time I go to the in-laws - 2 more weeks precisely and I'm 4 pounds off so if I work my butt off I should be able to do it (*insert praying smiley here!*)

    Holly - that night's 'sleep' sounds fairly gruesome - hope you survived!!

    Diasy - a tip re: the toddler food as i had issues with that at one stage - as soon as they finish squib a bit of washing up liquid on their food, then you won't touch it! My willpower is still rubbish tbh and I have a 4 and 2 year old but I just don't have treats in the house - my theory is they aren't any good for them either, they can snack on fruit too and hopefully grow up eating healthily and never struggle with their weight!

    Its 70 degrees here today and absolutely beautiful :bigsmile: Helloooo summer! I am wearing normal jeans (not even my 'big' ones and feeling almost my normal self for the first time since the baby size-wise. Emotionally I'm a bit battered by how ill DD has been, she is still stopping breathing every now and then which it says is normal but is still traumatising :noway: People have been so helpful though, friends from church are picking up and dropping off DS1 at school so I don't have to drag her out all the time - she just sleeps all the time :frown:

    Tum ti tum, off to update my ticker to show I reached my second target and also order my second treat :bigsmile:
  • crutherford1205
    crutherford1205 Posts: 18 Member
    I would love to join your sahm support group! I am a mom to a now 4 yr. old. :( Where has the time gone?
    This is my first year as a sahm, I took a leave of absence from teaching for the year, and find it unbelievably hard to lose weight/eat better when I am home all day snacking. :)

    MFP has definitely been motivating, hopefully the motivation will continue! :)
  • Hey everyone!!! I am a stay at home mommy as well. I am also a military spouse. We have three children ages 8, 6, and 5. Two of them love soccer and the other is my girly girl who LOVES ballet. My days are finally slowing down now that soccer is over, but going to try and get them in something else to keep them physical at least once a week besides school.

    I am also a student. I am going for my certification in Medical Transcription so I can work from home and keep up with everything else and not get behind and have a little extra pocket money :).

    Feel free to add me as a friend for added support. I still have alot of weight to loose myself and would love to get to know other moms in the same boat as I am. :flowerforyou:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Wow so many newcomers, WELCOME!

    Nicole-i hope healthy is restored to your house soon, I know how draining that is.

    Shoppie-Such nice weather for you! We had 74 degrees yesterday so the little girls and I went to the zoo after the gym. I know how hard it is to have a little one that is having problems. Lucy went through a phase where she would pass out if she got overly upset or hurt. A battery of tests to check for problems revealed no underlying issues and it thankfully stopped shortly after that. It was always scary when that would happen she'd literally be screaming then go totally limp. Prayers for healing for your little one.
    Panda Express is fast food chinese here. It's okay, not great, to me.

    Today was my second day of EVO at 6 am. Which of course was after yet another not so great nights sleep. I think it's a conspiracy with my little girls. It takes me half the class to feel fully awake but I give it as much oomph as possible. It's really shaking things up a bit so I'm not doing the same exercises over and over so that seems to be helping. I'm 3 lbs. away from my next mini-goal. It's been at least 7 years since I've been this weight. The next mini-goal weight I haven't been in 10 years, yes a decade since I was last in the 120'! Working and hard at making this work.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Checkin' in today. Welcome to all the newcomers. I will get around to requesting you guys as friends (so far, I just get on this thread for support and updates).

    I got my 3 miles in + , today. I did so much better with the snacking, last night. I allowed myself one Nature's Valley sweet and crunchy granola bar and I drank water for the rest of the evening 'til I went to bed. I have alot of weight to lose, but I haven't set any mini-goals, yet, as far as weight goes. While I'm still breastfeeding, I don't want to restrict my calories too much, but I'll keep setting exercise goals to keep moving.

    It's still rainy here even though the weather is warming up, so I'm getting major use out of my fitness dvd's and on-demand exercise tv.
  • Hi! I found this thread and was excited :) I am Dominique and SAHM of 2 boys. I live in Maine on a tiny island. lol. I have always been the "chubby" girl..after my first child I went back to my original size a size 12 [sigh] , I was also a teenager and had a higher metabolism. With everything going on I was an off and on smoker [and that didn't help, lol] I found out I was pregnant, and just ballooned. I got really ill, and after i was diagnosed with PCOD.

    3 years ago i had hit 405, and then 1 yr later I dropped to 247...and then I met my now fiance' and I just had really bad eating habits and became depressed because of somethings in my life. I was an emotional eater. :(

    Jan 1st 2010, I thought I would start my life fresh, do this and do it. I was 281. 2 months ago I joined spark people..and when I did I was 257, I am now 237 and feel even more wonderful and on track. I had tried other sites, but they didn't seem to work, lol nor have the support like I do here :D
  • faithgin
    faithgin Posts: 32
    Hi everyone,
    I just joined yesterday and am looking for more friends. I'm a SAHM of three, ages 9, 7, and 3. A couple years ago I lost about 25lbs. then slacked off and gained 30 back. Well summer is coming and I dont want to feel, um well, like i stick out. So I am eating better and dusted off my p90x dvds. Feel free to friend me.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    Been busy here, yay!

    Finally got to have my biopsy today on my thyroid nodule, and should have results back in a week. I'm feeling optimistic! She also decided to put me on a low dose of thyroid medication, so hopefully I'll start feeling better in a few weeks :)

    Nicole, hope you feel better soon!

    Shoppie ~ yikes on your daughter's breathing though, I would freak out too. Hope it's nothing serious and something she will grow out of

    Holly ~ Wow, you just keep trucking right along. Congrats!

    Soni ~ You are awesomely dedicated! I LovE IT! :) Good job!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Little introduction since we have all these wonderful new ladies!

    I'm Katie, I've been a SAHM since I found out I pregnant with my oldest. I too have always struggled with weight, but I have finally turned the corner and I'm in the home stretch. I plan on staying there :) My oldest is 4, youngest is 2, both boys. We are a military family (USAF) and we are currently stationed in OH for one more year at least. Look forward to getting to know you all!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I'll do the same

    Hi, I'm Shoppie (not my real name strangely, but itsa very unusual one so I never share it on the net!). I have 3 kids, boys aged 4 and 2 and a little girl who is now 8 weeks old. I originally joined MFP to shift the baby weight from DS2, got there but gained about 17 lbs of it back and then got pregnant with DD and acquired yet more. I rejoined when she was 4 weeks old because I had gained weight in the previous week and I just thought 'I cannot have given birth and *gain* weight' My current goal is to get back to the weight I was before children, but my ultimate goal is likely to be lower - but one step at a time and all that jazz!

    Oh, and I'm waving a token Union Jack in my little corner as I live near London, the original and best :bigsmile:
  • Hi SAHMamas! Thank you all for the warm welcome!

    I hope everyone is doing well today. It has been sunny today-yay! Samwise (my toddler) and I went outside for a while. He would love to do that all day--every day! I raked a whole bunch of leaves. And there are still so many more! You would think it was fall with the amount of leaves we have to clean up! But we never really got it done in the fall and then it snowed. And snowed. And snowed! And the snow stuck around for the entire winter! So now it is clean up time! I had a real workout! There are so many acorns and little sticks and twigs, too, so every bag was way heavier than just leaves. I am thankful my little guy loves to be outside and we have a fenced in back yard. Maybe I can get it looking good this year.

    I hope to get to know you all--and we can help one another along the way! :happy:
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